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Hamish Hughes


Be a legend and askk!

1.1k Replies

What did your last relationship teach you?

Never had one lol

HamishHughes replied 2576 days ago

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

Keep on living lol, what else am I meant to do. Couldn't give two fúcks about the net.

HamishHughes replied 2633 days ago

What are you currently worried about?

If I swiped right on someone gross

HamishHughes replied 2648 days ago

What needs to stop ?

Drug addiction, bullying and cancer

HamishHughes replied 2693 days ago

What type of people annoy you the most?

Sooky females, people that puff darts and blow it in your direction.

HamishHughes replied 2699 days ago 1

What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?

"You dtf" all these girls have been messaging me this and idk wtf it means but I just say sure

HamishHughes replied 2724 days ago

What makes you genuinely happy?

My maxxy dog

HamishHughes replied 2732 days ago

What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?


HamishHughes replied 2742 days ago

What is your number one rule?

Shít before you party

HamishHughes replied 2747 days ago

What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?

Fidget spinner

HamishHughes replied 2777 days ago 2

What do you need to get off your chest right now?

I have an eréction

HamishHughes replied 2784 days ago

The secret to a good friendship is... ?

Be a male.

HamishHughes replied 2789 days ago 1

What do you never plan on doing?

Having sêx as I have sworn to celibacy and would not disobey my gods

HamishHughes replied 2795 days ago

What was your biggest waste of money?

An Xbox one lol

HamishHughes replied 2803 days ago

What's the most expensive thing you own?

My bank account

HamishHughes replied 2809 days ago