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Monique Monahan


Ask me anything you like anonymously

68 Replies

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?

Moniqueland because I deserve an island named after me

monique.monahan replied 3102 days ago 1

Trevs an A$$hole u can do better Mon. +his car is a piece of sht just like him

I appreciate your concern but the opinions I have on people is based on my own experiences with them and not what others say. I don't know why you think I can 'do better' but there is nothing wrong with Trevor. And his car, while I little beat up at the moment, is pretty bloody cool. Besides being a ford, I enjoyed our drive. Everyone to their own opinion, but you should keep yours quiet.

monique.monahan replied 3104 days ago 1

he's rooting kaity

Let him. When he catches something, it won't be my problem.

monique.monahan replied 3203 days ago

I'd hurry and root him befor he goes and gets some men

some men? Trev is gay? Well that is news to me.

monique.monahan replied 3230 days ago

Thoughts on me girl? x Ronnnnnnnyyy

Bloody love you babe! You are such a sweetie, love you so much. You have the most easiest personality to get along with and the best attitude and you are so good to hang out with. So pretty and actually have the best body. You and Kuz are the cutest, glad the both of you found each other cause you deserve eath other. Anyways you're a babe and love ya so that's all i got left to say xx

monique.monahan replied 3235 days ago 1

Thoughts plz?? xx Saralumby

Such a nice girl, very sweet and a great sense of humor. Love you in my classes Sez, top chick. xx

monique.monahan replied 3235 days ago 1 1

Does Trevor have a chance with you

Does he have a chance with you?

monique.monahan replied 3235 days ago

Thoughts on Haresh?

Haresh is a really sweet guy, funny and great company. So hot. Enjoyed seeing him at Hamish's party because actually miss him a fair bit! Really cool guy though,

monique.monahan replied 3235 days ago

Thoughts on Haresh?

Haresh is a really sweet guy, funny and great company. So hot. Enjoyed seeing him at Hamish's party because actually miss him a fair bit! Really cool guy though,

monique.monahan replied 3235 days ago

what is the craziest thing you have ever done?

When i was 10, me and damo picked flowers from a ladies front yard and she chased us up the street screaming at us not to touch her flowers. It was hectic.

monique.monahan replied 3235 days ago

what was the biggest life change you've gone through?

Hmm, probs puberty

monique.monahan replied 3235 days ago

so you don't need a bf but would you want a rooting buddy

Ohh, well, if it was you anon

monique.monahan replied 3235 days ago

Me? HamishHughes

Pregnant or not, you are my best friend, and I wouldn't have it anyone other way, even when you come to deb training partly drunk or a dckhead. You are such a little cutie and I love ya lots and lots. And you are the best deb partner I could ever ask for so thanks for that too loser <3

monique.monahan replied 3236 days ago 1

so cute you tow

I believe you mean two*

monique.monahan replied 3236 days ago

he needs a gf and you need a bf

Maybe he needs a girlfriend but I certainly do not 'need' a boyfriend.

monique.monahan replied 3236 days ago