you don't know me. probably never will. but, I have a thing for you, you ride bikes, you have a piercing it's hot as fuq!
Thanks man
Who's ur. Valentine?
My girlfriend.
Who do you share most of your secrets with?
No one
The thing you want the most this Xmas?
Idk props a motorbike!
You and Makayla are so cute together!!
Thanks! :)
Your hot !
Ok thanks haha
10 people you hate at whitteslea?
No one really but I'm props on peoples hate list! :(
omgggg I'm so sorry about makayla!!! xxxx
What is that to mean ??
Who are you thinking about as you answer this?
No one cause I was to busy reading this
Thoughts on georgia walker
Georgia ur a amazing friend! Funny as ! Good to talk to nice as ! Have had some good times with u!
Ur funny , haha nice as a good friend good to talk to and yeah
Best advice you received about relationships?
Umm ur nice ur funny good to talk to and yeah
What happens when we die?
Well I believe up in the sky cause I have had a person die in my family and that's all I really want to think about where we go!
Thoughts on Jimmy. Gatt
Jimmy is one I the bestest kids ever me and him was like brothers but we drifted heaps and don't know why , he is nice as he's a good kid miss him heaps ! Love ya bro! <3
Thoughts on ebonny
Ebony who?
thoughts on jess chalmers
Jess is a good friends and be annoying sometimes haha umm good to talk to had some laughs and **** but have drifted abit!
Ur funny and nice good friend but have drifted heaps
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
When u land a trick u have been try for ages!
Who do u hang out with at school name 5 girls and 5 boys
Girls : Makayla, Georgia , Emily and heaps of others ,boys: Shane , zac , Sam , will , Sean I hang out with heaps of people!
Do blind people have dreams?
What makes your mom awesome?
Idk everything !!
Makaylas friends jess charmers or whatever her name is
Well she's a good friend she's nice funny always have a good laugh with her and yeah
Thoughts on jess ch or do u h8 her
Jess who?
Most embarrassing moment?
Idk had heaps
Thoughts on Blake McCully?
Blake is a se*y kid and if I was a girl I would f*** him for sure haha he's a good kid nice as and funny to I would like to get closer with him and yeah!
It a good friends and a good friend with makayla haha had some good times with u and yeah ur nice ur funny and yeah haha
Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?
No cause they are my friends
Someone you want to become closer with?
I have a couple of people but ill say one mikhaila west oh and bugsie!
thoughts on mikhaila
Mikhaila west she's nice , funny I have to admit she's pretty and I would like to get closer with her but yeah she's a friend but i would like her to be closer ! :)
Thoughts on Jess Chalmers and kiarah Beattie individually
Jess well she's a good friend but talks to much and she nice have some good times with her and makayla ,
Kiarah your funny nice got a funny photo of u haha yeah !
Jess your one if my best friends you love chicken and I think everyone knows now haha your a good friend good to talk to , nice and yeah :)
thoughts in teagan garcia?
Teagan your so nice your a good friend we have drifted heaps but and I would like to get closer ! Your funny and yeah
Lizzy ur amazing ur one of my best friends and I miss u heaps want to see u again I was so happy to see u again at Georgia's party haha love u Lizzy!
thoughts on Makayla Beauchamp?
Makayla beauchamp she is the most amazing person ever ,she is my girlfriend and my best friend to and no one can change that , she's perfect in everyway , she is beautiful , she's just amazing, we have been going out for 9 mouths and it's almost been 10 mouths and it's been the best 9 mouths in my life I just hope I never brake up with her !!, love her to bits and always will !! Love u lots makayla !! Miss you bubba ! <3 and u people will props think that I will need to write more but she knows what my thoughts are on her soo yeah !! <3<3
Iphone vs Android and reason for your choice?
iPhone cause I just don't like android
Thoughts on that f** Sean!
Sean Naylor he is my best mate he is good at bikes and he is so nice well to me had some good time with him and his family!:)
Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?
I have no idea
Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
r u and jimmy still friends? whats your thoughts on him?
Yes jimmys my best mate but he props don't think the some for me !! Jimmy is always there for me has been the bestest mate love him heaps
f*** bugsie flirts with your GIRL have u noticed it/?
?? Who's this
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
Depands who I had to slap hahah
Thoughts on Courtney Atkins?
I don't know he that well anymore but she's nice and was a good friend till she left
R u gay
Hahaha I don't think so if I have a girlfriend!
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
New bike and lots of things!!
who r the mates u miss being bestmates with?
Thoughts on maaaaaate
She's a good friend we have got closer over this year she's best friends with makayla and I love that and yeah she nice and wouldn't want to lose her as a friend
f***ing mongrel
Shut up baylee
hey it's baylee Taylor and your f***ed at the skatey tomorrow umongrel
Fight me baylee
your a midget I'll squash you Ya ant
That's cute ****
any mate that u miss being bestmates with ?
I have like 3 or 4
Hottest song right now according to you?
And if that chickens dad is ugly mummas gonna buy you chicken honey
If that chicken honey ain't sweet mummas gonna buy you chicken feet xx Jessbrooke111
Why do u love Makayla ? And u should call her😉
I know it's u bub and cause he's amazing in every way she beautiful she's just perfect
Reason for your last breakup?
One day I looked at her and seen a monster!!!
Hush little baby don't you cry mummas gonna buy you a chicken pie
And if tha chicken pie tastes bad mummas gonna buy you a chickens dad Jessbrooke111
Hahahhaha u made me hungry
How long do you hope you and Makayla will last?
Ur gay :) haha zac1234
So are u dog
Thoughts on lizzy ?
Lizzy was my best buddy but she moved miss her heaps I want to she her but I can't and she went out with me best mate Sean haha
How many girlfriends have u had? Who are they
Idk and don't care
thoughts on claire rayner ?
She's nice funny good friend she has never done anything bad to me so yeah
thoughts on georgia walker
Georgia is the most amazing sister ever I don't know why I would do with out her love her heaps xoxo her family is like mine !!
Thoughts on Hannah kenworthy ?
We have drifted heaps and had some good singing days haha miss those days
She's soo nice and I really good friend and always there for me !! Love her!xo
U should call Makayla ;)
Maybe I should
10 people u love 10 people u hate
1 makayla
2 makayla
3 makayla
4 makayla
5 makayla
6 makayla
7 makayla
8 makayla
9 makayla
10 makayla