Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Riptide ?❤
Emotions , enough said
Let me know my little pixie??
What ever is happening there , good for them?
Flutterwacken ! I'll catch you there???
How can i , anonymous ?????
Indeed , love is love
Fake people/fake personalities ... If you don't have much then just be straight up about it . Why fake it until you make it ? Its absolute bull . if youre genuine and true to yourself and others , you'll go far in life? .
Its beautiful❤?
Funny how you'll always get that one person asking you a question like this
Spending it on people that aren't even worth your time
Cheyenne Campbell , go follow her for a good time ??? @cheyenne_campbell_
Dm me for more details ??
You're more than welcome to ask him ?
Cheyenne ! Mainnnm
Getting so boring ?
90 ??
Ask him ?
Stop body shaming idiot , Who are you even ?
I wonder , but I feel good in my own skin and that's all that matters . Not here to impress or please you ✌
Pm me
Always thinking ?
I wish I had the answer to that but unfortunately I don't x I wish I knew ?
I don't really pay much attention to those in my grade ?
I wonder , I wonder .
You say it how you see it ? and it is a Muslim name so thats why you find it weird , no offence taken ✌
That's for me to know . But don't judge because I am really happy at the moment. Why would you say I'm acting like a hoe when I've been in a solid relationship with an amazing boy who makes me smile for miles , take your negativity somewhere else ?
Him , obviously
Thank you so much ?
Neither , if people want to comment on how I look in a manner that is disrepectful . Rather don't say anything at all x
Hey pretty pixie
You're amazing ... I love you too , I wouldn't swap you for any body else on this planet . Thank you for everything . Stay such a beautiful soul x
All the negativity that gets thrown around.Body shaming and rude people .
Thank you , I needed this .
I'm petty and childish , but have you taken a moment and actually asked yourself why you telling me all this crap anonymously ? come , message me . I'm waiting
K cool
Because I don't need your nose in my business , you want to talk about me or about him you can go and speak to him yourself . By the way fck you , I'm happy with the way I look don't need you telling me this , wanna start sht . Message me you can get it from him
Oh hello anonymous , thanks for the advice but the last time I checked I treat him better and he'happy, that's all that matters
So you can take your sht rumours and go spread them somewhere else
P.S keep your nose in your own business and focus on your own relationship if you're even quality for one or that half price hoe , aweeh
New beginnings, him and carrying on with my journey of finding myself
I am very happy x
Look at my last post , and I don't need to delete it x
Really unexpected
No. I've got a boyfriend who I indeed do love , And loyalty.
Yes I did ?
Thank you so much ? I have my eye on somebody really special at the moment . BUT I'm sure your dream girl will come along some day , maybe she's already part of your beautiful life already ? just be patient
And who might this be ? ?
Grade 8 orientation camp ?way back
Sweet ?
Who are you ? Anon.
Dm me ✌
Umm, have no clue
Trying a strawberry ?
Thanks girl ?
Cool kid
Either :
( girl) Jasmine
(boy) Oliver
Indeed I did ?x
Met him once , seems like a really chilled guy ?
What is my story ?
Just be nice for no reason ?
I have no clue if that's a good or bad thing , but thank you anyway ?❤
Oh wow x I do believe in there being a spark when you first see someone , or first meet someone . But falling in love when you first see someone , you're falling in love with the idea of them when you have yet to discover what they are about ? dm me xx
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words. Don't be so scarce in my life ?❤
So this is from exactly 10 weeks ago .. it's so disappointing and gross that you get people like this in the world , I hope some day who ever you are can actually come to your senses and apologise via qooh me, or dm seeing you should have balls big enough for it ? no woman or girl should have to read sht like this . But forgive and forget hey ? It's in the past ? good luck to who ever gets a notification from this , and future reference don't say stuff that will have a negative impact on others ✌ x
I have no clue .. kind of drifted apart , but I really miss her
Okay ? On any drugs ?
Ah why thank you ?x dm me
It's an exciting adventure ? always trying to keep up the positive atmosphere ✌
Well, it was rather well spent with my cousin and a few other special friends ? enjoyed the first weekend in the mountains of oudtshoorn x
Thank you , please DM me with your number sweety x
Looking foward to meeting him ? I'm sure he's a great person .
I'm sorry I'm not perfect ✌ people have their flaws .
Mmmh ?what you talking bout ? ?
Feels like a change is needed x does it look bad ?
Ah , thank you so much . I have always been good hearted, loving and kind ? but I guess I am what I am hey ? I don't want to be labelled as following the "trend" of being a hippy because a lot of people are fake and they aren't what or who they put themselves out to be ? am I free spirited ... yes ... call me what you like , I am *me x
The fresh start , and focusing on trying to rectify if not all, but most of my wrongs x
Am i supposed to sound a particular way? Excuse me , I'm not on this earth for anybody else but myself x so , if I do sound like a white , Afrikaans , coloured or a rainbow unicorn .... let me be ?
Yes . Just friend's
Dont know if you can call them hot , but they are really good people with great hearts ??
Darren els , rickert van niekerk, Morgan muir , Jamie horsford , Ryan freymann and so it goes on...
How fcked up society is , but it still gets to me ?
Definitely chocolate ?
Springbok rally with the cousin ?
He's my soft spot, might not be hot but he's perfect ... dm me ?
Haha , yes I am pretty fun ? send me a dm and I'll let you know when I go to another tp??
Thats for me to know x
I don't want to see your nudes ? I don't send either x
Great idea , thanks ??
What request??