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Give it a burl ask stuff

369 Replies

What have you noticed about yourself recently?

Um sleep is important

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 2933 days ago

What causes you to stay up late?


Jacob.Rosenberg replied 2957 days ago

Thoughts brah Dylan_Humphrey

Dylan man your an absolute legend I have so much time for you I see you as a brother much love bro ❤️

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 2957 days ago 1 1

What is your biggest fear?

Luke's face

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3010 days ago

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Nikes man

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3037 days ago 2

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

yeah man

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3041 days ago

What was the best compliment you've ever received?


Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3043 days ago 1

What's the last thing you do before sleeping?

Think about life

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3046 days ago

are you and monique ever gonna be a thing or whaaa? havent you guys been like tuning for ages or somethin ?

ah no probably not.. just friends mate

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3048 days ago 1

What was your first relationship like?

sht.. relationships are shīt

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3049 days ago 1

Why aren't you famous?

Because im a fůckwit ?

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3052 days ago

What's the worst decision you've ever made?

Answering this question

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3053 days ago

Monique is disgusting. Yuck. Wth is in your mind can you not see her ? Are you not all there ? She's a çunt and she'll never change goodluck with your that sht

Go fucķ yourself honestly i dont give a fck who this is get fučked she sure as hell isnt yuck and i see her perfectly and there isnt a thing wrong with her and yeah im clearly not all there listening to your sht and again your clearly touched in the brain or something because she definitely isnt a cůnt i dont want her to change because shes great the way she is and goodluck with getting your eyes checked mate because clearly your blind

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3055 days ago 1 1

What offends you ?


Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3055 days ago


JLawn we used to be the best of mates we were close asf your an amazing girl with such a bubbly personality and a beautiful spirit i have so much love for you always will my homie

Jacob.Rosenberg replied 3057 days ago 1