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Ask me anything you like anonymously

117 Replies

What are you tired of?


Monique.L replied 2969 days ago

What was your first relationship like?

idk ask someone at chaffey considering they always seem to be up in my business and know more than me all the time

Monique.L replied 3051 days ago

Why aren't you famous?

I will be ??

Monique.L replied 3053 days ago 1

What's the worst decision you've ever made?

ahah who knows ive done alot of things i wish i could take back but clearly cannot

Monique.L replied 3055 days ago

Man I honestly hate how some poor low life sends you all this fcking hate. It's not fair. Fck all of them. Here for you xox Jess.wild

Love you Jess xxxxxx

Monique.L replied 3058 days ago 1

Kys, just like your Aunty did. Runs in the family aye ? Poor depressed helpless little Monique do you need a little more of a push ? I can help.. Lol catcha bitçh


Monique.L replied 3058 days ago 3

You know how you say "nobody cares until your dead"? Even when you do kys they won't care bout Chu fam they'll just act like they do Coz they want people to Feel sympathy for them yuck fûck ya self cünt

Alright so let's get one thing straight, anon you aren't a savage, you're just a loser hiding behind a screen. If they didn't care I wouldn't give a fück, because it's simply my life And I care! that's all that matters if I cared about what you or anyone else thought then maybe I'd take your stupid qhoo into consideration but na "fam" you are incorrect

Monique.L replied 3058 days ago 2

What offends you ?


Monique.L replied 3058 days ago 1

Jacob and you tuning?


Monique.L replied 3059 days ago


oh my gosh no, why is everyone thinking that?

Monique.L replied 3060 days ago

I'm gonna tell all my mates omg this is actually so adorable ??????????

hahahahahahh what the heck

Monique.L replied 3060 days ago

Awwwwww you and Jacob are dating!!!

No we aren't ?

Monique.L replied 3060 days ago

Are you and Jacob dating ?


Monique.L replied 3060 days ago

What do you have no time for?


Monique.L replied 3061 days ago

Goodbye qhoo me, you have caused nothing but hate and I'm not up for the sht anymore goodbye to the losers who put people down Monique.L


Monique.L replied 3110 days ago 1