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Go for it. Just saw some respect.

108 Replies

Who inspires you?

Bob the builder

JakeDonaldson replied 3851 days ago

oi ****ers. jakes a babe. back off. emsybear

Thanks emmy xx

JakeDonaldson replied 3852 days ago 1

What is happening between you and Kristy man

How many times are people going to ask this. I don't know. I've been ****ing up so much. I'll be surprised if she wants to even talk to me anymore

JakeDonaldson replied 3874 days ago

What annoyed you today?

Not being near that person

JakeDonaldson replied 3875 days ago

Kill yourself

Tell you what. If you message me and tell me who you are. I will kill myself. but with this. It's a race. Because if someone messages me saying don't you lose 0427929897

JakeDonaldson replied 3876 days ago

Get away from her

I will. lunch time qoohme. That's sad

JakeDonaldson replied 3876 days ago

Kristy will never want to be friends with you

You're right. I wouldn't know why she would ether. but here's a question for you. Why do you care so much about myself and Kristy? Are you jealous or are you trying to get with Kristy and you are afried that I may get in the way of that. I can make this clear. I love Kristy, but she has no feelings towards me. I'm nothing to her. I could die and it wouldn't make her cry. There's no reason to worry about 'us' getting back together because she wants nothing from me. I ****ing miss her so much. I've just wanted to hold her for so long. But I can't. Go and piss off. If you're worried about me hurting her. Have a look at what you're doing. You're hurting her and myself.

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago

You should jump of a bridge

How tall does the bridge have to be? I like short ones

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago

You think you walk around cause you have friends everywhere. But you have no friends

The sad thing is no matter how hard I try I will always have friends

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago

Why are you trying to be friends with Kristy? You're just going to get ****ed over

I'm not trying anything.

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago

Why did Kristy ever ****ing like you. You're just a loser that doesn't know when to stop trying

I'm not sure. But we have the same thoughts. Maybe she liked me, but I'm glad that I never used her. I loved her for who she is, not who she's with.

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago


Don't know who this is but if you know I'm talking to Kristy you must be one of her friends. So what I'll never get her back It's nice to see her smile. It brings me a warm feeling I haven't felt for a while. I don't think you would understand. I've already tried to kill myself, I'm too weak

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago
Does this explain your life ****

I don't really know tbh

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago

go kill yourself

I'm getting pretty close

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago

You never deserved her

I know that

JakeDonaldson replied 3877 days ago