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Cassidy Rose


Ohh you can't stand me? You should prolly sit down then. :)

283 Replies

Im tired :( Finnishungry66

You always tired.

JerseySpitfire replied 2552 days ago 1

Have you ever farted in class and nobody heard?

I farted in class and everyone heard it. It was swell.

JerseySpitfire replied 2595 days ago

Want some Latino Heat

Uhhhh. Well this is random

JerseySpitfire replied 2595 days ago 1

Do you wear khaki pants?

I have some khaki cargos. That's a weird question. Lmao.

JerseySpitfire replied 2596 days ago

Stop being so adorable.

Aha I can't. ^_^ it's all natural.

JerseySpitfire replied 2596 days ago

You are such an amazing chick, seriously.

Why thank you. I try really hard. ^_^

JerseySpitfire replied 2596 days ago

Why are you so beautiful?

Momma blessed me. <3

JerseySpitfire replied 2596 days ago 3

fck u

Nawh bro I am good.

JerseySpitfire replied 2600 days ago


Lol okay.

JerseySpitfire replied 2600 days ago

As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?


JerseySpitfire replied 2600 days ago

I owe you a BK crown Finnishungry66

Indeed you do.

JerseySpitfire replied 2601 days ago 1

Why do you try to pretend you are so hard?

Because it's easier...

JerseySpitfire replied 2602 days ago

You act a lot harder on here than you actually are. Everyone knows you're actually an emotional trainwreck and all this is show. That's been proven many times.

You's right. I am an emotional trainwreck. Congrats on that. But test me and watch how fast and how hard I bounce back every single time! I have the largest support system of any person I know. People have my back that noone would ever imagine. People that are close to me read my emotions easily and they are always there to bring me back up when I feel like I am on the ground. The fact that I come back from everyones sht with out question and carry the weight of the fcking world on my shoulders and don't complain a lick and still deal with everyone elses bullsht makes me the toughest btch I know.

JerseySpitfire replied 2603 days ago

They tell you that they don’t care what i think or say but yet they’ll sit there and tell you i deserve better and this and that, where’s the logic in that babe? LMAO! SamuelCallihan

They have no legit logic. All they have is irrelevant responses. Lack of personality. And 0 Balls. <3 I would love for just one of them to have the guts to show theirselves. But, they wont... they enjoy hiding a little too much... maybe they should just hide their way into a cave and never come out. OoO

JerseySpitfire replied 2603 days ago 1



JerseySpitfire replied 2603 days ago