Las Vegas
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Crushing on anyone yet?
There might be. Who wants to know?
TheeJ replied
2264 days ago
What’s your favorite wrestling moment? zahrainchains.
Of my own? Winning the main title.
TheeJ replied
2278 days ago
If ya could have one superpower, what would t be and why? zahrainchains.
Invisibility. Cause imma pervert. Hah.
Thank ya for being a bomb A$$ friend and all. Much appreciated. zahrainchains.
Naaah. You're the amazing friend, babe. Remember that.
Cody was a toxic person to begin with. Good on you for being the bigger and better person. I'm proud of you.
Appreciate that. Was fckin' hard, but can't make somebody love me. S'cool.
TheeJ replied
2283 days ago
People need to stop fckin' harrassing you about sht you don't wanna talk about. problemchildx
It kept on, but just deleted the A$$holes.
You never meant anythig to him. Another dean face xD
This will be the last fckin' one I'll answer. Leave me alone 'bout this sht.
TheeJ replied
2284 days ago
Hahahahahaha he replaced you like i said he would
TheeJ replied
2284 days ago
You miss Cody?
TheeJ replied
2284 days ago
On instagram, what is your first impression of __regaljourdan__ , the queen of all queens? ??????♀️
Don't do social media, so uh- no clue.
TheeJ replied
2287 days ago
What's a food that you can't even tolerate? problemchildx
What's your favorite horror movie if you could pick one? problemchildx
Not sure if it's considered horror or whatever, but American Psycho. Genius writin'.
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
My hairline.
TheeJ replied
2601 days ago
You're gonna get crushed but you gotta learn for yourself. I hope the heartbreak doesn't hurt you too bad.
All his other exes trusted him too. You see what happened there.
I ain't them.
Alright. I know for a fact I'm not the only one trying to help but I for one am done. I'm gonna let you fall flat on your face and get your heart crushed. I'd keep a close eye on his comments and messages tho. Just monitor all the places he will use to cheat.
I ain't monitoring shxt. I trust him. Now gtfo.
No one is jealous. They know Cody and know the cheater he always was and always will be. People are trying to protect you.
I don't give a fxck, a'right? Give the hell up already.
Don't worry about the haters. Love is love no matter somebodys past.
^^^ I like that.
Being some1s "boyfriend" dont make things serious
Cody has cried so much over you and unlike everyone else who are jealous I'm the 1 knowing that you'll hurt him the first chance of things getting serious.
Things ARE serious. I've hurt him in the past 'n I know this. I ain't doin' anything to lose him again. Ever.
Cody actually said in one of his comments that you don't know it all like you think you do.
Sure thing.
You're just a Jon. There's no difference between you and the other Jon he was married to. Except maybe a writing style. You honestly believe you two are gonna last.
Like I said, I'm J. His J. I know we're gon' last. Yep. Can ya read or what?
You're a J. There's no difference.
Correction. I'm thee J.
Cody cheated on the last person he was with what makes you any different from them?
I'm J.
Do you believe in love?
I believe it exists, yeah.
Favorite position to fck Cody in
Very curious, aren't we? Too bad that sht isn't any of your fxckin' business.
Ya new or somethin'?
TheeJ replied
2606 days ago
A'right. Well, I ain't too fond of him either.
TheeJ replied
2606 days ago
Youre a idiot.
Hah. A'right.
TheeJ replied
2606 days ago
What do you do?
Kill people.
TheeJ replied
2606 days ago
You and cody are together?
For the second time, yep.
Did you two finally get togethrt?
Favorite p*rn to watch?
Cody's face when he's goin' over that edge.
Haah. A'right.
I like hardcore stuff.
DP is good.
Very into watchin' people get tied up or handcuffed.
I dig women scissoring.
Ya know. Normal sht.
Hey bugs, how many carrots we got left? JerseySpitfire
ZERO. I got hungry.
Why you think you wouldn't be a good dad?
Uh- pretty hard to explain.
Your really an amazing person.
Awe, nah. Just some A$$hole who got lucky to live the dream. Nothin' more, nothin' less.
TheeJ replied
2608 days ago
Ever think lf having babies?
Can't really do that. Adopting? I don't know. I feel like I'd fail as a father.
TheeJ replied
2608 days ago
Would you ever go back to tights?
Depends on what the bosses say in the future. If it were up to me? Nah.
TheeJ replied
2608 days ago
have you ever thought that maybe people just seriously trying to protect you from what they know is going to happen due to his repeated past?
Nope. I don't think protecting people consists of bashing who they are feelin' things for constantly cause you're jealous of what they got. So, in the words of the magic 8 ball- try again later.
Thoughts on Brie Bella? She seems to really adore you.
She does? Uh okay. Well, every time we hung out during the TD recordings, she was chill.
TheeJ replied
2608 days ago
Who do you like better, Lita or Brie Bella?
Lita. Queen of Xtreme, c'mon.
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
Human Centipede. I don't think I gotta explain that regret.
Every1 is getting mad but are you two together?
Try again later.
TheeJ replied
2609 days ago
And when I pull out my nine, they better wave bye-bye. <3 JerseySpitfire
TheeJ replied
2609 days ago
he will get bored like he always does and cheat. protect yourself but don't be dumb
Blah. Blah. Blah. /pukes/
I'm jealous because I want what you have. If Cody is really honest with you as he says hold on becauae he'll get bored and there is no1 else like him.
Ya should be jealous. He's quite the catch. Never lettin' go 'n I'm not sorry.
Hmmm If you could have one food for the rest of your life what would it be? JerseySpitfire
Lo Mein, house special.
Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small? nightmarex
One size too small. Cause I can show off my nips.
Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day? nightmarex
Invisible. I could fck with so many people.
Can I use you as a plate? Ice cream against your warmth would be pretty damn amazing. nightmarex
...fck. yes. fck yes.
When you go back to WWE are you finally gonna turn on everyone and go full blow bad guy? nightmarex
Who knows. It could definitely be somethin' I'm interested in IF they would give me the chance.
you do realize Cody is only with you because your a Dean right?
//Couldn't sleep and I come online to this?
So we wanna go OOC over here? Okay. Cody is only with my muse because it's Dean. Correct and incorrect. My muse is Dean's face, yep, but he's also J. He's the only DEAN FACE Cody has ever given an actual damn about. We've been in this for a good 3 years. Yet every Dean he's supposedly been with couldn't satisfy him, could they? Know why? Cause they ain't J, motherfckr. Our babes are soulmates and Cody's mun is somebody I care for so goddamn much- not screwing up again. Nope. These anons like you aren't gonna have me believing bullsht lies and running for the hills. It's OUR time to be happy. Our babes time to be happy. Nobody is gonna fck this up. You got a problem with that? It seems like you better fix it or fck all the way off, btch.
Oh. In the words of Ross from friends;
Y O U 'apostrophe' R E - MEANS YOU ARE.
Learn it before you want to try and sht on somebody's parade.
How you liking the new toy of yours? Cody approves?
Uh. Toys? M'sure he's satisfied with what I got. Don't need flimsy toys.
TheeJ replied
2610 days ago
Yes. Extra pancakes AND waffles.
Why is everyone so interested in what we're doin'? nightmarex
Cause we're the sht. Creme de la creme. We rise to the top, babe.
Last $ex position you tried?
Nothin' new in awhile. Look at my fckin' arm.
TheeJ replied
2610 days ago
fck- Kynz, cause what is the past is the past. She's my Lola.
Marry- Cody. I would dp anything to make him happy. Burn down cities 'n Trumps golf courses. Flip off people who think social media is more important than bigger issues in the world. He's mine. I'm his. My pretty baby boy.
Kiss- Colby, which is who m'sure ya meant. The dudes attractive. Everybody sees that.
TheeJ replied
2610 days ago
If we go to Disney, will you laugh at me when I get over Star Wars land? nightmarex
Yep. Most definitely.
What's one thing you couldn't live without? scarfacexx
No one better fck with you now that im around. BurnItDownxx
Hah. Gon' kill'em for me?
Aight i made one of these things, so let's see, best friend? BurnItDownxx
Surprised I had one before ya. Hah.
Would you ever marry Cody?
I mean- that's very fckin' far in the future. Can't really speak on that.
TheeJ replied
2612 days ago
How often do you and your boyfriend have $ex
Often enough.
But after we are watching Criminal Minds, deal? JerseySpitfire
Not sure wtf that is, but a'right. Deal.
TheeJ replied
2612 days ago
If you knew tomorrow was your last day on this earth. How would you spend it? JerseySpitfire
With Cody.
Twinkies. Theyll
TheeJ replied
2613 days ago
I'd rather facial hair, but sometimes the sht bothers me.
TheeJ replied
2613 days ago
I'll fight ya. Winners buys the food 'n booze.
TheeJ replied
2613 days ago
TheeJ replied
2613 days ago
Do you ever get sick of me annoying you? Lmfao JerseySpitfire
TheeJ replied
2613 days ago
Vin diesel
Ian Solmerhalder
Clint Eastwood JerseySpitfire
F- Vin. The dude is definitely a bottom.
M- Eastwood. C'mon.
K- Ian. No idea who he is, so see ya.
TheeJ replied
2613 days ago
Spice girls had more than one hit, so I'm pickin' the British chicks.
Why are ya doin' this to me. Hah.
F- Jay-Z. He'd have 99 problems, but I wouldn't be one.
M- Eminem. The dude is a genius. Not too bad lookin'.
K- Cheeto man himself. No explanation needed.
Liv Morgan
Kelly Kelly
Ashley Massaro JerseySpitfire
F- Ashley. She was pretty hard rock. I like that.
M- Liv. C'moooon.
K- K2. Just no.
F- Braun. Even though m'sure he wouldn't be into bottom. Hah.
M- Bray. We'd have some good times 'round Halloween.
K- Rusev. Fvck Rusev day.
Ohhh same question. If you could be a female for a day, would you? And what would you do? JerseySpitfire
I guess, yeah. Lay 'round while playin' with myself. Head to some bar 'n try to make a some happen.
TheeJ replied
2614 days ago
F- Bliss. That'd be interesting with height difference.
M- Charlotte. I have a thing for blondes ;]
K- Lana. She's pretty damn annoying.
John Cena
Randy Orton
Roman Reigns JerseySpitfire
F- Cena, cause it'd be one time 'n it's over.
M- Reigns. That's my Uce.
K- Orton. Easiest choice yet.
What do you call our stupid conversations? JerseySpitfire
Hah. No idea, but there should be a name for'em.
TheeJ replied
2614 days ago
100 btchES GIVEN TO DA LOLA!!! JerseySpitfire
There ya go, everybody. My partner in crime. LOLA BABE.
I am making cheesecake to go with our Enchiladas. JerseySpitfire
FUUUUUUUUCK. You're tryin' to make me fat.
Any flavor. I would make love to cheesecake.
Mild, medium, hot, or So spicy it burns ya mouth piece?? JerseySpitfire
Medium to hot. I like tastin' my food.
Everything. Imma greedy bastard.
If you could be any animal in the world what would you be? JerseySpitfire
Bald Eagle. Halfway there with the baldness takin' over.
I am making dinner tomorrow. You comin' over? JerseySpitfire
Hell yeah. What's on the menu?
TheeJ replied
2614 days ago
Ohhh I am gonna make your questions hit 100!! Cause I can! JerseySpitfire
The little engine that could.
TheeJ replied
2614 days ago
Sing me a lullaby? I am sleepy. JerseySpitfire
How 'bout some Lynyrd Skynyrd?
TheeJ replied
2614 days ago
I'm completely angelic.
TheeJ replied
2614 days ago
Do you wanna build a snowman? JerseySpitfire
Does it have to be a snowman?