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Jon Bon Byers :3


Ask me anything you like anonymously ;)

66 Replies

What are you obsessed with?

Aww, just this and that, Y'know.

JonBonTheSecond replied 3344 days ago

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

Boardgames, because some of them are friggen fantastic. (ps: monopoly is shtehouse)

JonBonTheSecond replied 3347 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

If I could remember every little thing, then I would.

Information is powerful, and I've forgotten far too much of it as is.

JonBonTheSecond replied 3361 days ago

What got you upset recently?

On december 4th I was like HOLEE SHEET Xenoblade comes out today!!!! but it was actually out on the 5th. That upset me a bit :3

JonBonTheSecond replied 3376 days ago

What are you passionate about?

Memes. It's like a whole different way of life.

JonBonTheSecond replied 3399 days ago

What life lesson did you learn today ?

Not exactly learned, but it's been reaffirmed in my mind that people are really weird xD

JonBonTheSecond replied 3402 days ago

What is your purpose ?

I pass butter [ :( ]

JonBonTheSecond replied 3423 days ago

What is your idea of living the good life?

4 day weekends

JonBonTheSecond replied 3441 days ago

Which song do you think you repeated the most ?

One time I realised that the itunes play count goes up only after the last second of the song plays, so I set up Dragostea din tei (Numa Numa song) on repeat and I just hovered my mouse over the last second and clicked, waited 1 second, repeat. I quit when Numa Numa Eh was at 1600 or so plays. The current song I've heard the last second of the most often is apparently "X gon give it to ya" by DMX, at a concerningly low 26 plays. Itunes is a piece of sht. Feel Good Inc. is my actual most listened song, Itune reads it as 9 (from Demon Days) plus 2 (from Greatest Hits) plus <blank> from Triple J's Hottest 100. One time when I was like 8 or something I borrowed my sisters Ipod (One of the phat ones) and Feel Good Inc was the only song on there I liked (I didn't give the rest a chance) so I asked her to set it to play the song on repeat some number of times so that it would stop after I fell asleep. I still have trouble sometimes recalling which part of that song is the start, and which is the middle(there's a quiet bit). fck I love that song. Smash Mouth's "All Star" is a good one too. And that's all I have to say about that.

JonBonTheSecond replied 3534 days ago

What type of people bore you ?


JonBonTheSecond replied 3536 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?

My itchy friggen eczema :L

JonBonTheSecond replied 3541 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Kingsman is the only movie I remember, and that sht was tight! So not that one :3

JonBonTheSecond replied 3543 days ago

What do you want right now ?

My uni subjects to not all be clashing with eachother >:(

JonBonTheSecond replied 3543 days ago

Who was the last person to break your heart ?

I love this website.

JonBonTheSecond replied 3571 days ago

What would make you happy?

I am already happy, but a lifetime supply of chocolate wouldn't go astray :3

JonBonTheSecond replied 3599 days ago