Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Hurtful or mean things
Forever new and polyvire
That I am a strong beautiful person
To help inspire people to be happy
2-3 My ideal names would be Odette, Dehlilah and jasper/Troy
Aww thanks tori I love you Soo much xx
Big opinion weird comment will file it with the rest
Baes good ?
In my sleep
It means getting good earned results after hard work that paid off x
Miss you too xx
Because I really care for people and I care for them more than they care for me so when they push me away I get hurt but bounce back easily
Picknick by beach x
That the world will s*ck at times but that they should never change who they are for anyone
Shopping ???
I have everything I need
Less than 20 ?
Golden I phone 6+ ❤️
Durban, how about you mr Anonymous ?
Don't have one but will soon inherit my moms Apple Mac
Thank you but honestly your photo/ modeling skills = to die for ❤️
To have a supportive group of friends get complemented feel pretty succeed stop negativity/depression and live in endless summer
It really depends on my mood but probably something white and detailed
Awesome sauce
Just finished school play yes!!
Probably the weekend xx
Probably my phone I guess ??
Why do you want to know
Maybe if you DM me
U.C xx
Be an actress I love acting
Hmmm Tumi maybe? XXX
Um DM please xx
At the moment it's pink and white
If they are rude, full of themselves or if they have bad grammar ( I love English so yeah)
I don't remember I don't really lie
Well I would love to learn ballet