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Ask away , and if you want to hate feel free to do so , I love laughing at them.

163 Replies

Last song you played before replying to this ?

No good in goodbye .

kayleenxx replied 3370 days ago

do you miss your southdowns friends

Not really because I see them often .

kayleenxx replied 3380 days ago

What got you upset recently?

I stepped in a thorn at the mudrun yesterday .

kayleenxx replied 3382 days ago

Where are you home for the holidays ?

I'm home sometimes , but I'm currently in Botswana travelling to Zambia to see my friends there .

kayleenxx replied 3386 days ago

Are you in holiday yet ?

Yes , but I still have homework to do this week whilst I'm traveling .

kayleenxx replied 3386 days ago

What are you currently worried about ?

Nothing actually .

kayleenxx replied 3389 days ago

kayleen don't worry luv ppl are just jealous of u that is why they are hating on u just forget about them u have better friends and they must just accept it.

Thanks hun I doesn't really get to me , I just find it funny how they don't have the guts to tell me in person that they have a problem with me , instead they spend their free time sending hate .

kayleenxx replied 3396 days ago

What was the happiest moment in your life?

The 26th of December.

kayleenxx replied 3398 days ago

Gwad you annoy the sht outta meeeeeee

* gives up because this person can't even spell * * dies from laughter *

kayleenxx replied 3398 days ago

BTW .... SDC doesnt really like you , why you coming back ?

It's meant to be *...* and who are you to say that , I guess you have sooo many friends considering you spend you're free time commenting mean things anonymously. And I am watching Mockingjay with my SDC friends and you're not there . Lol.

kayleenxx replied 3398 days ago

who do you trust the most?

Siphokazi , just because she already knows to much.

kayleenxx replied 3398 days ago

why are ppl asking u so many questions abt me?

Guess they like you . ?

kayleenxx replied 3398 days ago

who is your closest friends that u met at SDC, like top 2

Inge , Matthew and Nashai , I can't choose.

kayleenxx replied 3401 days ago

is nashai pillay a close friend of yours?


kayleenxx replied 3401 days ago

Do you have a friend that even if you don't see each other much you always click like you saw each other yesterday, if so who?

Siphokazi Mnganga .

kayleenxx replied 3401 days ago