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Bayafa oBhongo Kuvuka Abanye
Bayafa o"Bhongo" Kuvuka Abanye
Ok... lemme take u back to grade 8 kiddo...Super means i am high mark... im on cloud 9, beyond a level dat u r on... Kiddo. super makes me above average... and well, as for sam... Sam is just Awsum... thus: SuperSam was born... Where Do u think superMan Got his name... he is a SuperSam wanna be
lol... to be honest yeeeer. as long as i have deep love for that... and onli if she is a very darn god kisser... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
maybe u were creeping the **** outa me... u tell me
Well... all black people come in two types... "Ugly Black" or "Beautiful Black"... Now tell me Black Queen, which category wud u put yourself under????
ur statement expresses to me that u r indeed a black person... dat leaves me one step closer to finding out who u r, black person. thanks are in order... compliment taken to heart. have a great day, Black Person
Lol...thats the best "question" i ever heard
well... i dont know.. inbox me so i can know who u r so i can give him ur digits... then u call him ayt
heard that homo **** runs in the genes, so i think your grandfather must have been the gayest **** eva to have been able to pass the gene to u and your father at the same time... unfortunately... i pity u... looser
i love me and ma dresscode too... mwah
i play alota fifa and at times i play chess.... since i remembered, those people are also players ryt... so yer... hope i ansered your question
i never thot of maself as being responsible for global warming
in class... well... i wudnt date a chemical engineer... they have hearts of steel
Well. the only way a chick can win my heart is to show me dat she has the courage to let me know dat she has the intention of winning ma heart... if she tries something else, automatically she has da loosing hand
uhm... i dont realli have a facebook crush... and da 3 hottest chix... id go for... uhm
those are ma fav f.b ppl
lol... no... im a nquzayekati
No No No... chicks have me
The real question shud be... " do i have CHICKS @ wits........and maybe i myt just say yes
Phylosophical, Independant, Apethetic.
lol... i wish
That i sleep with my eyes closed. lol