Si, random person.
But, not really.
I was being harassed on the original one.
So I made a new one, and forgot to save everyones screen names, and needless to say, I don't have half of you guys on the site anymore. xD
Kaybx replied
2567 days ago
Well, I wasn’t going to say that. But I enjoy that answer more
You’re welcome
Kaybx replied
2590 days ago
You know what else is huge? ;)
My love for Jesus Christ, can I get an amen?
How do you feel about music festivals?
I don’t know, they’re kind of huge.
Do you want me to give you modelling tips? JohnnyWrasslin
Yes. God yes, you know I need them.
Kaybx replied
2591 days ago
This isn't a question, but I love your face. Your face is hearteyeshearteyeshearteyes. JohnnyWrasslin
Kaybx replied
2591 days ago
Have you ever pushed a dwarf down the stairs? JohnnyWrasslin
I’ve never met a dwarf
In your expert opinion, why are you the best? JohnnyWrasslin
...in my opinion I’m not, so.
Kaybx replied
2591 days ago
Can I take Oliver on holiday to Jamaica with me? JohnnyWrasslin
Sure. Why not? Though traveling to Jamaica has like warning cause they’re beating tourists.
Kaybx replied
2591 days ago
Winston. All the way.
Coach was stupid.
Kaybx replied
2591 days ago
Would you still love me if I got you a moose for Christmas? JohnnyWrasslin
Well I mean I’d still love you, but I’d never come home.
Kaybx replied
2591 days ago
I'm going to spam your questions and there's nothing you can do about it. I mean, except maybe ignore the questions. That'd be a letdown. JohnnyWrasslin
Kaybx replied
2591 days ago
What are you doing?
Watching the coverfield paradox.
Yourself, stranger?
Kaybx replied
2592 days ago
What's the supidest thing you've done?
I bought three stuffed crust pizzas.
Which is dumb as it is, but then I proceeded to cut off the crust on the one to eat that alone.
Not the pizza, just the Crust.
Oh look, you're back. I missed the sarcastic answers. Welcome back.
Thats a shame.
Kaybx replied
2592 days ago
Who are your least liked woman on the rosters?
Welllll, can I just say everyone I don’t like?
The bellas,
Jon cena
Any part of the new day
Renee young
Sarah Logan
Samoa joe
Any of the cruiser weights
Charly Caruso
Brock Lesnar
There’s probably more, but I forget about them until I see their faces.
??♀️ I’m a very hateful person
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
WHo are you attracted too?
Heath slater
...Whatcan i say? I like kids.
If you found a bag of money and the amount of money was the same as your phone number, how much money would you have found?
000 000 0001
Kaybx replied
2605 days ago
What’re you doing now?
Oh, you know. Debating on going to an old verse or not. My old spot there opened back up
Kaybx replied
2605 days ago
Whats your favorite position to have $ex in?
What is this ' s e x ' you speak of?
I Literally just wanted to drop by to leave you some love <3 i know you've been busy etc lately and just wanted to let you know you're appreciated JustCody
Well, thanks, Robin ?
What s*cks in your life?
Being a solid 3.5 and falling for the 10s.
Kaybx replied
2607 days ago
Whatve you been up too?
Trying to force myself to like this Zac Efron and Zendaya song.
But It's no Troy Bolton.
Kaybx replied
2607 days ago
Why does your page say relationships are icky things? Does that mean you don't date?
Because the GIF worked perfectly.
That, and I've been in love with someone for a while now, but, I've also convinced myself that we'll never get together.
What can you do?
Kaybx replied
2607 days ago
You want a f u c k buddy as well?
I’m good with cuddles
What are you looking for at the moment?
Kay so you know how people have f u c k buddies? I want a cuddle buddy- cause like all my friends are rude and refuse to cuddle with me. >_>
Kaybx replied
2608 days ago
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
Seen it in theatres for my birthday all those years ago, and still don’t understand it to this day.
Kaybx replied
2608 days ago
What’s your favorite thing?
When people touch my butt.
Kaybx replied
2609 days ago
I’m going to take you for sushi, yes or yes?
Can I pick no? Sushi isn’t my thing. >_>
Kaybx replied
2609 days ago
What is one '90s Nick show that you miss? Viper.Brat
The Amanda show
What’s something you’ve learned since starting this verse?
I’m probably the only person who doesn’t like the bellas.
Do you drink tea? If so, what's your favorite kind? Viper.Brat
I cant even pick a favourite, so right now, I'm drinking lemon pound cake tea.
Which is an Oolong tea.
Why do you talk to Viper? He's constant drama you know.
I've seen people post it, I've heard every side of E V E R Y story from these status' and such.
I haven't been part of the drama, and I'm not one to cause drama.
So, why would I ignore someone for things they may or may not have done to others in the past?
I talk to everyone, its a form of respect and kindness that I find a lot of people lack.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what's one thing you couldn't live without? Viper.Brat
My sanity.
What is your favorite dip? Viper.Brat
Hopefully you mean food dip-
But buffalo wing dip
Is my life.
What do you binge watch? Viper.Brat
I’m hook d on Helix right now.
But like,
Shameless, Dark, Skam.
What's your favorite Power Ranger? Everyone has a favorite Viper.Brat
....I couldn’t tell you. I never watched it ?
What's the highest heel you can walk in? Viper.Brat
Man I don’t know, I put them in and hope for the best.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
What is one movie that you can watch and never get tired of?
Enemy at the gates.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
forget that last question nvm, on another note -sniffs- smell that? i smell some Dashingly Iconicness, smells great obviously
...Cody, sometimes you concern me.
Who is the Best out of the people you’ve slept with?
Oh please, I’m a virgin.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
Do you prefer candles, incense, or the melter things? Viper.Brat
Melter things.
What is your favorite smell? Viper.Brat
I like fruity smells. Or vanilla
Favorite makeup line? Viper.Brat
I’m cheap and only wear mascara.
But I swear my life on voluminous from loreal ?
U really should put your arm down in your pfp. Not everyone wants to see your smelly armpit ?? nor the hairiness ??
Excuse you, I smell like coconuts and vanilla. And I’m a compulsive shaver so, no hair.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
What's your favorite takeout? Viper.Brat
I have an obsession with Pad Thai.
Quickest way to my heart right there
i wana fck u so bad
That’s unfortunate
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
You ready for our date tonight? BurnItDownxx
We had a date tonight? ?
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
One for each hole
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
There never such thing as to much dck
Excuse me. That’s three p****’
That is WAY to much dck.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
Where is one place you've always wanted to hook up at but never got the chance to yet?
Bathroom stall in public.
Three way with the shield?
...that’s too much dck.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
Who would you preferred life partner be?
Man I can’t stress this enough-
I don’t care who they play.
But I have like.. little things I look for that they HAVE to have.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
Are you woman enough to catfight
Catfight? Sure, why not?
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
What about a Seth?
Yeah sure.
Why not?
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
Would you ever sleep with a Dean Ambrose?
I have, my ex fiancé was a Dean.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
Are you into girls? You seem pretty into Peyton.
WHO wouldn’t be into Peyton?
But yes, yes I also like girls.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
Can you give us a hint on these guys that you'd potentially date?
Nah, b.
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
What’s up, hot stuff?
Laying in bed, drinking tea, watching helix.
... living the good life
Kaybx replied
2610 days ago
Is there anyone that you have your eye on as possible boyfriend material? ;)
Yes. Yes there is.
What is one wrestling move that you wish you could do but can't? Viper.Brat
The Spanish fly.
Cause if there’s one thing I can’t do it’s flip.
..or get to the top rope
....or jump
How do you know H?
...If you know H, then do you /Really/ have to question how people know him?
Kaybx replied
2611 days ago
What’s your biggest flaw?
...My whole self is a flaw. LEARN TO LOVE IT
Kaybx replied
2611 days ago
Where would you like to live? Viper.Brat
‘Stralia or anywhere in Europe
Who would be your MMC partner? Viper.Brat
Johnny Gargano, cause Yanno.
Or Aleister Black.
If I had to pick a main roster, Seth Rollins.
What’s a random fact about yourself?
I’ve probably seen every possible alien documentary on netflix
Kaybx replied
2612 days ago
Whats Your oldest roleplay memory?
Just, H.
If anyone knows ‘H’ around here, we should talk
Kaybx replied
2612 days ago
You seem extremely down, and not yourself are you okay?
Meh. Lots on my mind- surgery Wednesday, everything’s just snowballing, and I’m in the middle of an emotional break down :)
Kaybx replied
2613 days ago
Kik- kaybillie.x
Discord- kaybx#7040
I'll send it if you ask.
Havent you always been a who're anyways?
Kaybx replied
2613 days ago
What is something you can't live without? Viper.Brat
Cheesy as it is, my dog.
Not all of them, just the one. He's my bae.
That was supposed to say who're without the apostrophe Kaybx
What are your plans for now?
I think I'm going to be a *****.
Yeah? Yeah.
Best accomplishment?
My dog has finally mastered getting me drinks.
I even have videos to prove it.
How many people are you sleeping with this time around?
No one?
Who knows.
Would you go back in time and why?
Yes, to not listen to certain people.
What’s ruined ‘your life’ recently?
Hah, not naming names.
But I discovered my legs are not the same length as my arms, while I was drunk, and it ruined my whole night. Lots of people got shameless pictures of my discovery.
Kaybx replied
2614 days ago
Top five most attractive male wrestlers, and female wrestlers. Any rosters. Go.
Ah sht:
Sami Zayn
Seth Rollins
Dolph Ziggler (literally no idea why)
Finn Balor
Peyton Royce
Alexa Bliss
Scarlett Bordeaux (not WWE now, but still counts cause she was a rosebud)
Becky Lynch
Sonya Deville
Kaybx replied
2614 days ago
What verses were in you before this one?
Oh god, I've probably been in every verse.
My favorite was the horror verse.
Mafia Verse (Though the group wanted me to use Kendall Jenner and it was weird)
And I was alone in dystopian verse, working off the novel unwind.
That was interesting itself.
What is your favorite genre of video games? Viper.Brat
I’m more into the horror ones, and adventure. Like Uncharted is my life. I beat the newest one within a day and hated myself for it.
i have a question, do your feet hurt? because you've been running through my mind all day ;)
....If only I ran that often.
Kaybx replied
2614 days ago
ps4!? i want a divorce ;) I'm xbox JustCody
I’ve never touched an Xbox in my life. >_>
Kaybx replied
2614 days ago
Do you own a gaming system? Viper.Brat
PS3, PS4, Nintendo switch cause I like video games
I just took like 6 oxycodones 30 minutes ago so I'm hoping this still comes out readable. What was the first concert you want to? Viper.Brat
...why would you take six? That’s bad isn’t it?
And Hilary Duff.
What do you think of Evanescence? Viper.Brat
I loved them when I was Emo.
What do you think of me? And don't say I ask too many questions. Viper.Brat
....you ask FAR too many questions. ;)
Kaybx replied
2615 days ago
If you could dedicate one song to someone, rp or rl, what would it be and to who?
Calum Scott - You Are The Reason
Not saying to who, or if its rl or rp.
Kaybx replied
2615 days ago
Kaybx replied
2615 days ago
What can I guy do to win your heart?
Theres ONE country song, that literally a guy could send me and I'd be head over heels.
Obviously not saying which one.
Kaybx replied
2615 days ago
Half and half.
I liked it for a while- but then it lost my interest
Kaybx replied
2615 days ago
Do you believe what people say about others? Viper.Brat
Half the time no-
Id rather see it for myself
Of all time; Cardcaptors.
For right now; Archer honestly. >_>
Sweet Potatoes or Yams? Viper.Brat
Sweet potatoes. Never tried a yam in my life
is it true that a banana daiquiri is the way to your heart?
Ah, those.
Cows if I’m drunk, apparently.
Sandals or flip-flops? Viper.Brat
Flip flops. Cause then I can force them up with each step to make a louder clicking sound when I want to be dramatic.
do you find it at all attractive if a man paints his face, wears a full bodysuit and makes a star sign with his hands as a signature pose? marriage material maybe? JustCody
..wait, Stephen Amell does that?
If you could dye your hair any color, what would you choose and why? Viper.Brat
Why can I literally not think of an answer to this? >.>
do tell, do you find Dashing things pretty addictive? ;) JustCody
I mean I’m hooked on the Kardashian game. That’s dashing, isn’t it?
Do you plan on getting married?
WELLLLLL, according to this buzzfeed quiz, my opinion on wedding venues revealed I'll get engaged within the year, so..
Apparently, I do.