Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Uhm, gaan kyk by p*
Dalk sal daai meisies jou erotiese behoeftes heel maak ?
En kan ek dalk wie is jy x?
Ekt nie rerig by hulle ingepas nie, maar Koelien beteken nogsteeds baie vir my x❤
People who try to make life decisions for you x?
Jy sal my nooit kan bekostig nie, lovey ?
Try and help you but I have the strength of a worm so, chances may be really big that you bliksem down hey ???
Ek gaan Gr 11 toe ?
Nothing, my guests have manners ?
Was to eat 3 chocolates all at once x
Baie dankie jou beeldskone mens x❤?
Dankie liefste x?❤
Jys net so beeldskoon x❤?
Uhm Okay I'll bring the stasoft and water, because you sick and dirty
Sies man
Can you get a life ?
Its private for a reason ?✋
Yeah it is pretty hot today ?
Weirdo ??
Like me: Because I am funny
Hate me: Haters gonna hate
Uhm, die
That not all people are the same as what they show you
Nothing, everything is chilled at the moment
Not really sure what you mean by that?
good fo' you ?
want eks besig .
Oooo sht ek het heeltemal die troue gemis??
En ek het n naam, en dit is deffies nie "Girl" nie so no hard feelings hey!?
Eat Marmite ?
I need R70 rand so I can go to the snoepie and buy food because I am very honger!???
Want ek gaan anyway druip ☺
Nou hoekom DM jy my nie ?
Don't be shy ?
I am a nice person.
But this mouth ?
So I can't really! ??
Ja, jealous much!?
My chom! ?
Jy is net so amazing! ?❤
Ek waardeer die mens wat jy is in my lewe!❤??
To get data asap
Ek hou hom nie vas nie! ???
fck what people say.
Ons bly in n fcktup generasie waar n ou en meisie nie eers meer pelle kan wees nie!?
Kom oor jouself en worry eerder oor jou lewe as om die heeltyd myne te judge!!??
Lyk my iemand stalk ons?
Ek en Charles is net vriende, so los ons uit want dit lyk asof iemand baie jaloers is!?
Daar het jy jouself net beskryf
Een woord vir jou
Well...dis jou opinie!?
Ek en Charles is net vriende!
Charles het n meisie ja...beteken dit dat hy nie vriendinne mag he nie?
Ekt nie geweet dis n probleem om pelle met iemand te wees nie??
Brah jy hoort om jou nues uit my sake uit tehou!??
Eks gelukkig op my eie...
Charles is net n vriend!?
People who think once you have a guy friend, you immediately together ?
Ek weet wies die ?
Soveel liefde vir jou De Jager!❤??
En ekt jou lief chom❤?
Jy het diep in my hartjie ingekruip!????❤ time juss hide you name brah!??
People who complain about everything...
Understanding that money is needed for kuiers
Laughing at all my haters??
Thank you so much..❤?
I appreciate people like you! ❤???
Eks geduldig
Ek wag vir daai DM??
Ek wens ekt geweet wie jy is!❤
Baie dankie dit word soo waardeer??
DM asb!?
Nee, ek het nie airtime nie?
I understand nothing in life really... ?
Whats that , can you eat it?
Eks so liefe jou my baba ?❤
Ek waardeer die mens wat jy in my lewe is❤??? xx
Ek sal vriende wees met wie ever ek wil....jys seker net jaloers....As jy nie iets goeds het om te se liewers niks want jou opinie pla my glad nie...
Deone is een amazing vriendin met een van die grootse harte ❤??
You cheesy brah...but its very oulik ❤?
Jy is ouliker as unicorns ?
I know who this is ??
Thats so sweet??
You would get any girl with that brahh!!?
It doesn't really bother me...
Ek weet wies die ??
Myy brahh ?
Baba ek mis v jou ook soo baie ??
People.....difficult to trust em
Wat maak dit saak...
Ek weet wie die is ??
Chom ek mis jou meer ?❤
Baie meer liefde xx?
Food ???
Holding out my hand to help you...
Because brah I aint gonna let you diw ❤
Alcohol ????
En jy moet die guts he om dit on my gesig te kom se ?
Hulle is super cool ?
Brothers from other mothers ???
Iemand is nuuskerig ?
Die enigste lekker ding wat ons gaan doen is om vir jou n bruin te gaan soek .?
Danger zone .?
Divan Naude
Armand v d Merwe
Enrique Oesche
Isrome Phatudi
Kunder v d Cholf
Robbie Fuller
Estiaan Boshoff
Morne Minnaar
Sebastian Joubert
Juhann Viljoen
Uhmm daars Baie maar die wat Baie vir my beteken is
Koelien Breedt
Bianca Jansen
Deone Cronje
Chandre Jansen van Rensburg
Carla Bester
Megon Smit
Andrea Dias
Nicole Havenga
Marissa G
Bought a fidget
Its when people who are popular think that they are better than other people?
Can't wait❤
Best is always for last ?
Oopsiiii ???
Bianca Jansen
Bianca Wentzel
(Nog baie meer)
(Nog baie meer)
Talking about each others problems ??
Jys amazingggg ❤?
When they brag about the things they have...
Iy ain't cool bro..?
I don't have exes?....
I have Y's
Like why the hell did I even go out with you ?
My phone
My laptop
My speakers
Aaaw such a sweet compliment
Let the haters hate my ??
Whats life without fear...