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Ask me anything you like anonymously

66 Replies

Hope you had a great night to beautiful, it was good seeing you again. Don't worry about that piece of sht customer

Aww my night was great and thank you. Just tell me who you are? Obviously you know about that though so I told you? xo

Kendall_watson replied 2998 days ago 1

Here and there and a little bit of everywhere

Well that helps

Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago

What's it like to be you?

fcking terrible, don't recommend my life to anyone unless I hate you with a passion. I consist of working and no friends :)))))

Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago

Maybe I'll drop you a hint next time I see you

Well where do I know you from? When will that be?

Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago


It's alright I gathered that

Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago

Would that interest you? We don't have to go back to mine and cuddle though haha

Well yes maybe if I new who I was talking to though? Haha :)

Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago 1

Movies, tuna fun, dinner then at 8 pm to the beach, after that we were tired and you crashed at mine and we just cuddled


Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago 1

You may not know who is writing this but you do know me and it could make me get really awkward if you knew. Although I would like to take you out on a date like that if I could

I'm not judgmental but I am curious to know who you are. Don't feel awkward haha :))

Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago 1

Basically we were out on a date and we had a great time together it made me happy

Aw what a lovely dream, where did we go??

Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago

Nuh its bit too weird to tell you id feel awkward haha

I don't even know who you are so its
not weird

Kendall_watson replied 3002 days ago

I had the most weird but amazing dream and you were in it and it was great! I wish I could live that dream

Ooo do share it with me!!

Kendall_watson replied 3003 days ago

Is you could date anyone who would it be

Literally have no idea. Stuff dating and stuff people?

Kendall_watson replied 3003 days ago

Send me nudes

Look it's a no from me so go sit on a cactus and rotate pls

Kendall_watson replied 3003 days ago 1 1

How do you feel about this clown plague?

It's absolutely messed up and freaky as all sht but a lot of people would love scaring and hurting people so that's nothing new

Kendall_watson replied 3003 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

The fact that I'm going to be a short A$$ forever

Kendall_watson replied 3011 days ago 1