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Go for it :)

153 Replies

streaks and how many days with them?

Abby.h 20, amber.f 26, amber.t 7, amilea.m 15, Anthony.c 25, Ashley.r 23, Belah.u 37, Breeanna.w 40, breeze.s 30, brianna.k 24, caitlyn.n 31, Chloe.c 13, chloe.t 38, chloe.h 37, cooper.L 17, Demi.h 31. ebony.d 13, ebony.k 17, edie.h 21, grace.l 39, Hannah.m 39, jack.p 7, jake.c 39, jayden.h 40, jaylin.g 27, Jessie.c 24, Jessica.a 28, jonty.f 22, jonty.d 18, jonty.f 3, Jordan.r 16, kiahra.p 15, kosta.k 9, Lavina.a 36, lauchlan.w 18, Lauren.b 26, Seth.L 6, liv.s 39, liv.d 24, liv.l 41, lucy.c 39, Madi.b 35, Makayla.d 28, Michael.giofrelle 8, mikiah.c 5, Mitch.c 28, renè.k 30, Noah.b 23, Olga.g 4, olivia.m 37, olivia.mcdonald 23, peyton.b 40, Megan.c 8, reece.v 4, ruby.c 4, roviana.w 17, cooper.s 4, summer.c 36, sydney.w 5, Timm.s 37, Tiarna.z 30, will.s 17, will.e 16, Lani.a 16

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3011 days ago 11

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?


KhianaBelsham__ replied 3040 days ago

Instagram or Facebook mr_sinister


KhianaBelsham__ replied 3044 days ago

what's your new snapchat name??


KhianaBelsham__ replied 3044 days ago

were you and Angel close?

angel and I were extremely close. I would count her as one of my best friends. she is dearly missed in my house hold :(

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3044 days ago 1

who do you have snap streaks with?

lucy, Lavina, peyton, jaylin, jayden, grace, Belah, sydney, rovi, Madi Burlow, pj, olivia McKinnon, Connor, sienna, Shannon, reece, summer, jake, brianna king, Tiana, Anthony, Chloe Thompson, amber Thompson, Chloe Henderson, Timm, elliott, jake, liv lemon, Hannah mglash, dylan, liv strangio, Olga and cameron chriswell

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3044 days ago 3



KhianaBelsham__ replied 3051 days ago 1

What do you have no time for?


KhianaBelsham__ replied 3058 days ago 1

You are so pretty :)

not enough so some

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3065 days ago

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

matte black Lamborghini Aventador

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3065 days ago 1

What happened between you and Lucy? Lol

for your information, nothing happened between lucy and I? we're still really good friends, she's just moved away :((((

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3068 days ago 1 4

What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ?


KhianaBelsham__ replied 3069 days ago

You and Hannah are goals affff!!!!!!!!!

@hannah_Mglash yessssss

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3070 days ago

Snapchat best friends?

Elliott, Jayden, Sydney, Hannah, peyton, Breeanna, Olivia.

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3070 days ago 3

thoughtsss khiana?? xxxxx liv.lem

Liv, your literally like my other half, I love that we are friends, good friends! I have no clue how we became friends but that does t matter now w, I'm so lucky to have you in my life! Your actually so gorgeous it's insane! I love you so much! Bub beautiful xxxx

KhianaBelsham__ replied 3070 days ago 1