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340 Replies

Fank you
vvoll uoyyy xx Asjgreensimmonds4

<3 <3xx

Kourtneyxx replied 3845 days ago

Are you seeing anyone

That's for me to know and me to know

Kourtneyxx replied 3845 days ago 1

Who's your grad partner

some guy

Kourtneyxx replied 3845 days ago


I love you

Kourtneyxx replied 3845 days ago 1

if your not tulip kwami raw go away change it ya betch


Kourtneyxx replied 3845 days ago 1

Thoughts? Quintind99

your a fat loser and you have no friends . HAHA! Jokes , oh me JESUS where do I begin , You are my brother from another mother , your my best friend , your my husband !! I love you to bits! You can always have a joke with me and we could laugh for ages about anything ! You make things fun even when they arnt !! **** basketball player , so you should probs improve on that - your kinda like skin to me in way ,( haha sounds weird ) its always there , even if you graze your arm or cut our leg , you will always heal back up and be ready to catch me when I fall off a cliff , 'speaking of which' (haha ) you always have me back no matter what and vise versa - your such a pretty face to look at and your very attractive so stop moping that you aren't!! I can tell you anything and I do anyway ahah ! The **** you Put up with :)!! I'm sure you don't care when the last time I waxed was but you still listen to me and put up with my carrying on ! You can make me cry and laugh and explode in anger all In one phone call and that just shows what an AMZING friend you are . I am probs gonna exceed the limit so gotta end it haha :) love you lots and lots x<3<3

Kourtneyxx replied 3881 days ago 1

What makes people boring?

Non - musical people . Non- humorous people

Kourtneyxx replied 3881 days ago

Them sockings though wow ahha Loud_Banana

Hey ! I rock them stockings even with easy access holes ❤️

Kourtneyxx replied 3881 days ago 2

Missin' you loser ❤️ Loud_Banana

Miss you <3

Kourtneyxx replied 3881 days ago 1

sthguoht oob Asjgreensimmonds4

Dnomjsa oob , at first your very very quite and shy - you remind me of a turtle , in your shell closed off and quiet , but when you start talking and conversing you talk for ages haha ! You have a cute personality , and your cheeky , you are such a shopaholic - honestly your out like all the fkn time , your such a mall rat , Definatly gotton hotter sine year 7 - your hair looks really good when tied up ( thanks to me ) good to talk with , such a potato! I have probs said this 10 times but you could be a male model - you should take it up , you have a very serious face :) I eeevol ruoy sguh haha ylno 4 em - Definatly gotten closer xx vvoll uoyyy x

Kourtneyxx replied 3881 days ago 1

Ur such a f***ing b***. I see the way u hang around all the guys u f***ing w****! Think ur all *exy and guys like u because u have a big as* u f***ing fat b****

-QANTAS! Haha just kidding love u bub!! ❤️❤️❤️ Quintind99

Come quick , I'm tasting the ***stars **** Love you ya fugly ***** bag xx

Kourtneyxx replied 3899 days ago 1

favorite song of all time?

I'm a barbie girl xx

Kourtneyxx replied 3899 days ago

Alright gaf

Xx s l u t S a c k

Kourtneyxx replied 3899 days ago

i found out who anoncompliments is and they dont go to our school

Oh well , good on them if they don't want to be known that's their choice , they have reasons to be anon xx

Kourtneyxx replied 3899 days ago

Thoughts loser ? Loud_Banana

ok . i guess

Kourtneyxx replied 3901 days ago 1