thoughts on dorothy
She's one of my good friend shes really really nice we have the best classes ever such as Food, English and Maths we make it fun :') also our little walks we sometimes have during class! shes beautiful as extremely nice, love her and shes a hunny bunny
Well nothing! neettt I joke your funny and really nice :)
who do you hate or dislike alot from your school?
To be honest not much! 1 in year 7 and 8 in year 8 and 3 in year 9 that'd have all been all this and that to me for no legitimate reason
not from epping
Where is the worst place you could get stuck?
uhmm in a small room looking at your face or In a freezer
What is your biggest addiction?
the internet
y arnt u ansering the question
Which one? Lol sorry I don't sit on this 24/7
What habit that others have annoys you most?
People who sit there and bite their nails, and people who always interupt someone when their speaking
Lol why does she hate you
Who's she ? ... uhm cause i'm fab
Lel she hates you
Don't hate appreciate
tilley hate yoo
Ask me if I care ;)
thought's on
Could of asked me something better !
Hey se*y, wanna get flexy?
Yeah sure
Layla don't f***en change for noone, your perfect the way are. People are just jelly of you. You have a perff body. Face and perso don't change your self beautiful. Love you. Aliicenax0x
Naww thankyou beautiful made my day <3 love you
skinny much we can see your ribs
OH EM GEEEE idc ....
when I b*mped you I could feel you ribs
and.... what of it
Layla your too skinny put some weight on
not sure if srs who are you to tell me what to do
Geez we live in such a judging world. Layla does not have a "fat" body she is perfectly fine and what a normal size person should look like and the person saying she's fat is just jealous. Layla dot listen to them your beautiful x
Wow at least someone is with me about we live in a judging world and funny the fact they call me *fat and then ask if I have a eating disorder ... what is this ! and thankyou <3 who is this anyway ?
Well I thought you did because you never eat and your so so so skinny
Well your not with me 24/7 so how would you know
Layla do you have a eating disorder your so skinny
Eating disorder now huh no I don't
LEL to the person who said Layla's fat we all know who you are you little tb, shes no way near fat
hahah I know we ALL know who it is haha 100% tb ... and lawl thanks x!
youre so fat lmao
Naww you little cutie pie thanks <3
ah you look so f***ing hot
Ummm okay! who is this ?
Do you have a eating disorder because your really skinny
Wow that's just plain rude! i'm not skinny and why would you say if I have a eating disorder !!!
Thoughts on Jackson eagles?
His a really good kid his not like other's out there also so nice good to talk too also a cutie pie !
Layla your stunning
Oh thanks !
You. Are. Beautiful. That's all I need to say. x
Aha oh thanks <3
Down urself haha shi* come back!
That's cute !
Your so up yourself
Yeah least im not down myself
Hahahah we get along just well also funny as really nice so so gorgeous and more :p
3 closest friends?
Lolz tilley thinks shes a tough dog
Oh em geee stop saying things about Tilley on my qoohme ! take yourself off anon you *though dog* !!
Top 5 fav girls
You always put the qhoome link up but when someone askes you something you never answer!
Umm not sure if srs I actually do hunni <3 I answer everything
Layla your such a user I swear....
Naww that's cute, how lol ?
You and Dorothy are besties now lawwl what happened to Ellie
I can be best friends with who ever yeah it's got nothing to do with you ! and Elly* and I are still best friends and Dorothy and I are good friends soooo yeah what of it!?
People these days! <3 Ashyxox
Powhhh badd
You haven't changed a bit I just thought.
What are you on about?
You no what don't worry.
Nah go tell me.. entertain me keep it coming !
No reason you just seam better than what you were in year 6
And really hahah how?
Do you regret anything from year 6? Or do you regret how you acted to anyone?
Bit** don't kill my vibe!
Says you <3
stop talking about Tilley on fcking Layla's account Dic*heads
Yeah I kinda already said that xx abit slow there !
Lol funny how tilley says back urself wen she got bashed like 3 times lol
Mmm yeah but any who !
HAHAHA I know right ;) dammmnn girl -
Now what I find funny is that Tilley is on your qoohme Layla hahahahah Tilley why would you go on someone's qoohme that you hate? trying to start trouble or is it just me
Yes I know where your coming from okay!! but people please stop saying things about other people on MY qoohme are you trying to start trouble or is it just meee ! say it on there qoohme not mine and i'm not going to say it again
Tilley why would you go on layla's qoohme lawwwll
Oh em geeee just stop saying things about tilley on my qoohme m8 tell her yourself on *her* qoohme *not* mine or don't say anything AT ALL
Lol it wasn't me so back yourself up before you start running your mouth x TilleyRose
Who ?
Btw it's spelt *Tilley, get it right or don't say it at all TilleyRose
Lol I bet the last comment that was made about Ellie's blush was Tillie trying to bac her self up atleast ellies not an ugly f***en little gimp Tillie u little f***en slu*....
1st of all it's **elly yeah! And yes I know elly is a really gorgeous girl her blush is perfectly fine, and tbh no ones ugly there all good in there own way. also everyone thinks it was tillie lol
if you've got something to say about me, dont write it on Layla's qooh.me come say it to my face, yeye. thanks **** Dorothy.Papadopoulos
Hahah I know badd :")
Lol I find that funny
Yeah but nether of them are fat okay so go away or keep your mean comments to yourself
Lol it's funny how someone said leave Layla and Dorothy alone when it's about elly so baseically you called Dorothy fat lmfao....
Jut found that funny but yea Layla your perfect!!
:') that's alright they didn't know who it was but yeah nah it's not Dorothy its Elly there talking about. can you please inbox me :/ please !
Leave Layla and Dorothy alone you **** f***ers. I bet you're a munted f*** that just bags others. And Tilley kill yourself you stupid Bit**, you're hated by almost everyone and you're a f***** slu* with no life..
Powhhh strong words there! and nah it's not about Dorothy its about Elly. and thanks xx inbox me who you are <3
hEy there
Oh why hello there!
Your so pretty
Oh fanks !
alot of people think your friends blush is f***ed not just tilley
Powwhhh why are you so judgemental for just leave her alone okay stop judging people for the smallest thing! maybe take yourself off anon
like=ask off of anon?
Yeah.. ?
someone youve met recently that you really enjoyed ??
special people !
do you use spray tan
lol yeah my obsession much .... No
Lel tell your fat f*** of a friend to lay off the blush, she looks like a f***ing ugly doll. What a gimp x
WOW says the one who everyone wants to bash haha ! and no her blush and perfectly fine maybe you should fix your face because you look like a doll that got ran other 100 times <3 "what a gimp" lol says the anon maybe take yourself off anon yeah
Thoughttts on meeee!
Mandaaaa.. your so nice also funny and so gorgeous your a really pretty girl xx
Hahah your so amazing and so pretty its funny how we catch each other's attention and do that thing aha :") also your funny
i like your name
Umm kayydot thanks!
Is tilley a real name like legit ?
I already answered that YES it is! and is anonymous your real name like legit ?
Is Tilley a real name or nick name ?
Real name .. why
Layla don't worry she a f***en little gimp a*s bald Bit**
Hahahah badd
Ohh Tillie u f***en little gimp get a f***en life all u can do is bully ppl till they f***en come and smash your head don't worry Layla and tell elly not to worry she is soo much prettier then Tillie.....
Hahah yeah but that's if it is tilley but mmm yeah true and why would I worry there just gimps and dropkicks and lol they need to put themselves on anon .. who's the gimp now
Wow this is probably Tillie anyway big words for such a slu*y ano bald Bit** like her don't worry Tillie karma is just a couple of steps behind just watch out.....
HAhaha well if it is her lol okay now ! and yep isn't that Fatima chick coming tomorrow ?
Who ever is writIng that shi* get a f***en life seriously your probs the one feeling insecure about your self and don't have any slef confidence soo u have to try and make your self feel better....
Naww :") haha I know badd they think there perfect poor girls
Thoughts on aliicena xx Aliicenax0x
Your such a beautiful girl and so amazing nice as xx
LOL the haters are funny as layla don't worry about them
HAHHA I know who ever said I worry about them
It's pretty overs that it's Tilley on your qhoome and yeah she told you to get off her's lol tilley your smart aren't ya
Ha yeah pretty funny ay! and yeah why would I go on her qoohme .. tbh I didn't even know she had qoohme so lol okay now
Your the f***ing drop kick Bit**! You should know who this is! f*** off my qooh me, wet rat
Umm lol okay now why would I bother going on your qoohme love? your just a pointless little "wet rat" and yeah I toooddsss know who this is cause your on anon lol dropkickmuch xo
Lawl Amy, ebony, tilley and alyshas group hate you so much! xo keep givin us greasys because your all talk no walk babe <3
Hahahah okay now well Amy said she doesn't hate me so at the moment your all talk yeah babes xoxo
What Raymond commented on your status was so pointless
hahah omg yes bad! hate it when people need to comment on the smallest thing! dropkick's
Wtf and who's AB and who r u talking bout in that question ????
Umm someone that has nothing to do with you <3
One thing that the world does not know about you?
Lol heaps
Just a question.. Y is it so awkward around AB y just answer that for me now that he/she Thinks Wat he/she thinks I feel so awkward y has this happened we're has the friendship gone??
It's awkward because you know you two want to talk but his/she is playing two face and being stuck up. Why would someone say yeah we can talk but not when I'm with ...... Yeah that's stuck up if I was you I would just stop and move on tbh
I guess when u want something to happen sooo badly u have just got to except its not gonna happen... I think I have to realize that...
Mmmmm well tbh AB is playing two faced
so what layla thinks of those girls it's her opinion ! she doesn't need to answer them properly
I know badd! now I bet you any money ill be getting a inbox
Lol take your self off anon and ask thoughts
Lol badd! you should take yourself off anon too ....
you have changed
Well isn't that good
your like so pretty
Yeh answer them properly
Ebony, Amy, tilley and liana
Ebony- Don't talk
Amy- don't talk but sometimes give me dirty looks.
Tilley- don't talk
Liana- don't talk
that's my answer okay... not gonna change them !
Then why won't you answer thought on them properly?
Oh.. oh sorry did you want me to answer them properly..
thoughts on ebony taylor
Umm idk