Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
0_o NO!
Lol its personal..
I'm greatt! Juss chillin. Hope u are as well! :)
mmmm.... not sure. 0_o
Mwenyaaaaaaaa =) Lol whats good? :)
better than ever! =) youu?
Lmaoo most questions in my inbox are *exuall, gets old.
Lol don't be 'skared' i don't bite..... (most of the time) :p
=/ ...
......? Lol no comment.
some things are juss not worth my energy..
Lmaoo thank you! (:
wanna buy me some shoes??? :) Lol depends on where theyre from..
um.. yea, why?
Lol we neverr finished... :p
like.. 9 years...
i'm busy...
inbox me so we can try to work things out..
ummm... yes, i do. how'd you know..? Lol i'm creeped out.
0_o i'm fine.....?
MY PHONE!!! and family/friends. and hair straightners. and high heels. and food. and cute guys, and..., shall i go on? Lol
oh wow... 0_o i have alot so i don't even really go through all'uhh them anymore. i'll accept soon tho don't worry. inbox me ur name if you have to. my apology
whoaa was i being followed or something...? 0_o smh one of my friends..
OHH_EM_GEEE!!! LOL : O come check hun.
and TWO, "dumped you after he met you" that would mean dating before you meet someone.. which doesnt even make sense. who does that??? smh
but to soothe ur ignorance and stupidity, no thats not true. we've always jus been friends..
so i've heard... 0_o
ummm..... yes, it is. it hasnt even grown back fully yet its not that special (YET ;) Lol
i'm confused............................................... Lol
Sumn like that... How's life?
Eh eh..good for u then. Too bad no one cares..
pshh, in YOUR DREAMS!!! Munali Boys are WHACK! talk is cheap boo...
we were DANCING!!!! dnt be jealous cause u n your whack friends aren't cool like us! i told u you shudda been there. it was interestingg :p
iwe ur wasting my time. gelowt!!! mxm
Lmaoo i mean..... oh sorry..... okay but seriously. ur a baby!!!!
: O but i don't want to be done!!!!!!!!! *frown.
ask my ex..
juss inbox me on fb..
my current bestfriend probly wouldnt be happy about that... Lol but we can be like... almost there if you want. ;)
i don't hate anyone. thats a waste of energy...
sorry for the late reply.. my evening was good tho (last night)..
A very small number of them, yes.
well then i guess i'll settle for Shrek... =/ Lol
Lmmfao dude. Won't he me still? 0_o
Me? whyy yesss! Lol and no i'm not looking. simply waiting for my Prince Charming to find me! ;) i know he will one day.. :)
:) thank you! and no. i'm as sinqle as it gets...
Lmfao oh wow. Ur a baby foreal..
How old are u?
11. Yes i'm a baby...
Whats the password? :)
Depends on the cause of that friendship not working..
Yes, i am. And my real name IS Lisa. Natasha's my middle name.. Cute right? I know. ;) lol i can show u my birth certificate if you don't believe me
yeahh... i have better things to do than hook people up with my brother though. sorry..
= O *speechless.
nope. nobody believes me but like.. my eyebrows are jus naturally like that. its a blessing really. :)
come check..
inbox me.
eh. mhm and how is this going to benefit your life?
anyhoo if it makes you happy.. (from what i remember) :
Offero, Kafula, Prince, Kelly.. and my future hubby! ;)
if your name is Chris Brown, yes you may. :) Lol
its not right...
eh... NO!
in terms of....?
money money money money. :p
i needa lap dance.. ;) yeaa thats my song too. <3
LETSSSSSSS! i'm bored. Lol :)
eh eh. mhm. no... i flew to Zambia using the wings underneath my clothes... 0_o
His heart.
Lmaoo no thanks. Hit me up n i'll be glad to getchu a lollipop tho..
He's jus someone i talk to alot... Thats all. Nothin more than a friendship...
Umm..there's nothin wrong wit that to me. I welcome all. :)
i DON'T think fingers were meant for that...... 0_o
noooo i'm at St. Marys...
0_o not at all..
i have plans.... sowwy!
nope. why should i?
really? never heard'uhh her...
eh eh.. you can even send "massages" now? 0_o
NO!!!!! -_-
YES YES YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!! try it if you don't believe me!!! Lol (no seriously -_- . thats only if you can sing tho.. ;)
Eh, forgot it even existed! Studying for my stupid computer test!! Mxm
Whyy yes they are! How'd you know? ;) hehe
sowwy. =/ its not with me righh now. hold on one sec
i like it short in front... i've stopped tho, last tim i cut it was like 2 or 3 weeks ago
:( text me!
long story..
LOL shut up idk.. thats jus the way i am... THIS ISN'T A LAUGHING MATTER!!!!! -_- silly child.
Lmao eh eh, i mean if it brightens ur day u can inbox me ur name n if i like ur pics then maybe... LOL wow...
Hehe. His name has the letter A In it, nuff said! ;)
Yupp, like once. It lacked salt...