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Ask me anything you like anonymously

25 Replies

do you think you intimidate most girls?

I do me. That's the only thinq I'm worried about. If that's intimidatinq to others then... well , not really MY problem now is it ? =)

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4879 days ago

been down ur page en u been waiting 4th ryt1,wana take a dip in ma box a-z?

So I can catch some un-known/ un-heard of *exually transmitted disease. Thanks, but I\'ll pass -_-

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4896 days ago

wht kind of gamez do u lik nd moviz my Afrcn praid

The only qame I really like is Mortal Combat. Simply because I can qet away with hittinq random controls, and end up winninq! lol . I\'d be willinq to like others if someone were to teach me. . As far as movies qo, I\'m down for whatever((p*rn excluded)). Comedy is my fav. tho cause I enjoy lauqhinq =)

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4918 days ago

Eeewww whats with an*** *ex & you? Why you being asked for such..? Zaraki

Didn\'t realize I was beinq asked for it -_-
rnPs : notice they said you\'re a virqin.. How possible is it that I can be a virqin on one end , and be havinq a form/type of *ex on the other? Somebody somewhere needs to qet their facts straiqht .

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4918 days ago 1

who likes an*** *ex?? Hehehehe Temborland

L m a o!! Apparently , I do =D

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4918 days ago

is it true that you are a virgin because you like an*** *ex?

Sure :-)
nSeems you know for a FACT the details of my *ex life so, who am I to arque ?

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4918 days ago

ar u dating?

I mean, I'm kinda sorta in a relationship with myself.
Does that count ?

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4919 days ago

I'm still waiting ur reply!

Repeat your Question please...

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4925 days ago

Smartly ansad..tho I must point out da masked u tink u wil find dis ideal guy.?coz truth b tod..we dnt liv in an ideal world.(Stil lukin 4 da hint)


I'm not sayinq I'm lookinq for anyone that's perfect. I'm just patiently waitinq for the one that will make it all w o r t h it .

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4925 days ago

Evry1 kinda tinks of u as hot propaty..its kinda getin 2 yo head.!wat u tink?..(Am stil lukin 4 a propa hint)

Do they now? :-)

-- To answer your Question , not lookinq down on myself for beinq the person God created me to be doesn't mean I let it "qet to my head. "

ps : I'll be waitinq .

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4925 days ago

Y is a hot..stunnin female like u single ? it really beats me n if u can.,try gesin who dis is.

I'll chanqe my relationship status when I find a quy that's worth all the hardships , heartache , and pain I know come with relationships .

ps : I have absolutely no idea.
-- Give me a hint ?

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4925 days ago

lisa natasha iz yo sis??? if so plz huxk me up???

... so I look like the dummy that would hook her baby sis up with someone hidinq behind an anonymous qame site ? O_o

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4927 days ago 1

you fool you understand

I see I hurt your feelinqs aqain huh?
*Go cry to somebody who cares 'cause I sure as hell don't .

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4928 days ago 2

how do u feel about u god daughters god dad...lbs...?

... I mean , he is my baby daddy so I basically have no choice but to love love LOVE 'im ! Lbs .

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4928 days ago

I really like u:(

... you seem sad about it .
Is likinq me SO terrible ?

PrettyMsPhresh replied 4928 days ago