hey lysman :) just wanted to let you know that you really cool. pay no mind to those that try bring you down .
thanks for making me smile =), God bless you anonymous
Outa al nmes,y 'kosmo'?
Its swarve
Liso do u knw how to handle rejection???
I move on
lisooo!!!...quit concerntrating on what my friends say about me. i know what i want ok?.. !
right. lol ok anonymous
i like you, you just too busy being a jerk to see it. quit concerntrating on what my friends say about me. i know what i want...
honestly speechless..why dont you tell me this in person???
i hate that i like you! skrew you liso.
.. ok im speechless
Liso I think you have such adorable dimples. And the ***** that wouldn't take you is the same ***** that would take a swagless Monkey.
Lmao jee thanks anonymous, that's sweet of you. *
Who would you like to be stuck on an island with?.. And why?
my boys, mse. we connect and it wud be lotsa fun indeed.
HaTers all over this Qooh.me thing ,thought you deserved a smile to make you happy :)
thank you so much anonymous. yeah u sure did put a smile on my face **
I think theres a dif btwn being arrogant n knwng wat u want.i thnk u knw wat u want n u nt arrogant
Lol thanks anonymous.
Don't understand why you're putting yourself through this. Deactivate this thing.# Just saying
**Sedi :)
Yeah I'm trying to do so. Thanks sedi. * miss u !!
Just b*mpd in2 ur sweater in ma cpbd..perfct fit dnt u thnk...missin ja loadz
Ncah babe. Yeah, think it was specially made for u.. Missing u like u won't believe..
LOL I see u got a lot of haters man u knw they're jst a bunch of f**s who cnt say(the negetive things) 2 ur face lol dnt let thm get 2 u...ur Bro
Thanks homey. Nice to know u got my back. I'll be ait bro
Y aren't u answering kanti? Is it coz I'm ryt n ya feeling all quilty? Liso lying will get ya no whr!!!
Yah u right
Why you so full of yourself, going on like your are lady's man but me n u both know it was a mistake and you were just lucky that you were there
I would realy love 4 u 2 b mine..Ever heard of something perfect but wrong timing..yup datz how it is
Yeah its really unfortunate . In time ..
Liso do you think i can miss you so much but you not even mine
Thanks so sweet. Question is , do u want me to be urs
Why are you so persistant? When a girl don't want you, why force the issue?
Lol are you saying this because I've come after you or are u angry friend of a girl I've gone after?
Why you so conceited? And FYI they asked you what is the most expensive thing you have not to tell us the price. But then again, it is you........ Its expected
The phone is eight grand , so what. ? Get a life and stop feeding this personal vendetta u have against me with hate.
What is the m ost expensive thing you own?
I think its my cell phone (8grnd)
Are u a virgin??? True or False?
Hawu shem . Kanti what's my virginity to you ?!
What u really mean by u dont remember weither r u a virgin o not??
I mean exactly that
Are u a virgin??
I really can't remember
R u a virgin?
I can't remember
What if say for example you had a brother that had this hot girl right? And she started getting a lil too cosy with you...what would you do? Would you go with the flow or tell your bro?
Brother? Tell him
What do you get out of being a jerk? I really don't like you!
Oh nah that's cool . Not everyone can like a person
How many gf'z u got?
Iv answered this already. None
the guy code applies to family too right?
Uh ok, yeah I gues
Why can't u just tell me what a boy code is???
Rules that keep guys from stepping on their friends toes when it comes to girls.
What's the boy code???
google it
Do you believe in the "boy code"
You mean the guy code'. Yeah I do, but sometimes Depends on the situation
hw many gf do u hav?
Me, none at all
Ur sweater is realllli warm! s*ck up! U like feeling special hey???
Lolz I do but I feel much better after knowing that I made u smile or blush. Lolz I can be ur sweater!
What attracts you most to women? ie. The way they dress/carry themselves/physical appearance etc.
There's a lot of little things but girls that are challenges always attract me more. Shy, its cute. Mean, but not too much. and she must have a lil mystery to her, keeps me interested .
"What colour is your house?.." LOL lelo.t.kubhayi
Lmao u'll never forget that will you? Ah dawg, Brown ! LMAO
Are u serious ritee nooooow??
Serious with?
Ur sweater is reali warm...therz sumthng abt u,hpe u knw dat
Man do I feel special. Thanks swtz. U sure know how to brighten up my day =)
Lyso have you ever missed a girl so much it drove you crazy
Yeah of course.
Are you currently in a relationship? If so,do you think she's the one? :)
Nope sorry not in a relationship
Is it true abt wat happened dat night?
Which night and what u hear?
Why are u sooooo mean???
I really don't know why. Honestly. Its wack I know
Do u lyk sum1 frm skul...??
I am not sure but yep I think so.
Do yuu thnk yuuR a playa?
No I'm not a playa
are you playing on having *ex tomorrow night
"Playing" neh?
Ntwana upload a p.pic
how do I change it
when last did you hold yourself and play with your bodyparts :D lol
Like now now. I just played with my toes
Are u in 4 love or for pleasure in a relationship lyso
depends on my feeling for the girl, buut now im in for love. no lie! and anonymous, only two people call me lyso. (u just gave away ur identity)
Does it annoy you when people keep quoting you?
no it doesnt, it just proves to me that i atleast say something worth remebering, hence they quote me.
do you watch p*rn? If yes, who supplies you with it?
lol yeah i wont lie, i used to. in fact, every guy has once in his life. and no i wont expose my supplier at that time
Why am I always on your mind LOL* guess who I am..
Jesus.. Is that you??
If you could date anyone in your grade who would it be?
Give me your facebook name then i'll inbox you her name
Hi there! Haha, this is fun. Anonymous and all. Anyway, what quality that you feel you posses are you most proud of?
Hey anonymous. I would say my ability of finding humor in any serious situation and being able to remain level headed.
Do u like me haha
Lysman likes everyone
Liso wen last dd wank? We know you wank!!
Out of all the questions you could have asked me, you ask me such nonsense . Get a life person
What was the dumbest excuse you made for ***ming tooo early to a girl?
for doing what?
Do yu know da taste of a woman's breast?
No I don't, I'm not a cannibal. I don't eat women
Do you hold grudges?
No . That's something that's not part of my persona
U shudnt lie about loving a gurl. If u don't love her don't tell her u do... I'm just saying.
Ok mom
Who was the last girl that rejected you?
Lmao omg are you serious. She didn't reject me, I just quit trying (lol that's my pride talking)
Are you a virgin?
i dont know
Do you really consider yourself as a flirt?
yeah now and again
Why dd u lie about loving her???
ok you going over board now. relax person
Person you wish you never dated?
jee. are u trying to get me into trouble.
Any regretful hook-ups recently? If so, why?
nah thats a bit too much pal
Ever slept with a girl you dont like?
Worst lie you ever told a girl?
gosh what a question.. whoever u are, well done.. uhm, that i loved her
Cheating is cheating thers no other definition for it! I just saying... Well ansa the question with u own def of cheating...
then no, i havnt cheated on someone. not that i remember.
The one thing you regret most in your life?
not getting with you... lol im kidding, theres lots
Have u ever cheated before??? Well I'm not talking about exam/test cheat I'm talking girlfrend cheat??
my definition of cheating may be different to yours. be more specific please.
Most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
uhm. i blocked my host family's toilet in austria. had to unblock it with my hands. ya, it was a dirty job
Are you dirty minded?
depends on the weather
Worst experince in bed?
... non your business!
So u say ur ex gurlfriend was childish...how was she childish???
i can tell this is lelo...
Why did things end with your ex girlfriend?
she was childish
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
that i like some one
Who are you dating currently
no one
Describe yourself in 3 words?
funny, sspontaneous , flexible