My fav lrcs and matric couples will slay next eeek? jeandrew bernelee you jason
Was it planed u nd ur best friend daring headbous??
Mense mense??
Nothing was planned. ✨
Don't expect, you might be disappointed and don't assume. But thank you❤️
Meg20 replied
2394 days ago
Single or Taken?
Depends who's asking?
Meg20 replied
2400 days ago
Beste matric couple ooit jule is mooi saam??
Dankiess anon.
Meg20 replied
2433 days ago
Girl dit was lekker om teen julle gister te speel die game was fun en julle span is cool ❤? Sal defs nie mind om weer met julle maats te wees?
Duisend dankiess girll. ❤?
Julle span is netso cool. ?
DM dan. ?
Meg20 replied
2433 days ago
Matric /lrc couplr 2018 goes to drumroll please??
Bernalee jeandrew ??
Megan jason??
Wie kom tog op met die goed??❤️?
Meg20 replied
2438 days ago
Is calin and bernalee saam??
Vra hulle ek glo nie hulle sal mind om jou te antw.
Bernelee + Calin*
Meg20 replied
2447 days ago
Instagram naam?
Meg20 replied
2449 days ago
Ar u playing for th first or 2nd team?? Who is the captains of this teams?
1st - Janice, she's on injury so Blanche.
2nd - Me
Meg20 replied
2452 days ago
Is j nu mt jason of mt layton??
My antw gaan nie value add na jou lewe en jy gaan anyway sê ek lieg so, besluit jy maar✨
Meg20 replied
2453 days ago
Id understand why you and jason deny your together we dont care just dont deny your bf
Gaan aan met jou assumptions en ons gaan aan met ons lewens?
Can you please comment, follow and like my recent please I'd really appreciate it ???@_kam_spirxcy_x
Will do
Meg20 replied
2460 days ago
You're a goddess
Thank Youu?
Meg20 replied
2460 days ago
Jy en Layton is die mooiste couple by demia jule pas en jule lyk so mooi pouses wane jule saam stan☺️☺️☺️
Dankiess, maar ons is nie saam?
Meg20 replied
2462 days ago
Wt gan study j?
Anything Commerce related?
Meg20 replied
2462 days ago
Dink j nie Calin en Ronies moet mekaar trg vat nie??hulle het laas jaar so pragtig saam gelyk?
?hulle gaan dan weer n bomb wees?
Hoekom Qooh jy vir my? Calin en Roniez het albei Qooh, just so yk! Vra hulle of hulle mekaar wil terug hê.
Meg20 replied
2468 days ago
Wane is dlt en wat is die requirements??
Eerste of tweede naweek in Julie. Kan nie onthou, LRC's sal briewe gee. ✨
Meg20 replied
2471 days ago
Is lrcskap lekr
Yes dit is, baie lekker. Bietjie baie stres maar lekker❤️
Meg20 replied
2471 days ago
Ju vriende was almal met hule oukies mt wi was j by drip drop????
Eks was hulle almal se 3rd wheel?? Ek was met my bras en vriendinne en nie almal het met hulle gf/bf's gegaan✨
Meg20 replied
2471 days ago
20 June❤️
Why you askin? Finna buy a gift☺️?✨
Meg20 replied
2471 days ago
Wi iz ju bestie se ou?
Dis nie my plek om jou te sê?
En wie is jy wat so ales van Charlese se lewe vra?
Meg20 replied
2471 days ago
Future wifey?
Meg20 replied
2472 days ago
Meg20 replied
2472 days ago
Hu vul jy oor di veit dt ju besti in n verhuding is?
Eks sooooo hêppy vir haar!?✨ Ekt haar nog nooit so gelukkig gesien, dit maak my hart so vrede❤️
Meg20 replied
2472 days ago
Suk j n oukie?
Wie vra? ✨
The girl with the sweetest yet straight forward heart ?❤️? veruschkag
The accuracy??❤️
Thank you loverr☺️
Meg20 replied
2474 days ago
Meg20 replied
2474 days ago
Liefde kom los?❤
Love u❤
Jys fayas bbygirl kay_hierso
Dankie my blom❤️✨
Liefde x?
Who is your best friends crush i like her to?
Dis nie my plek om jou te sê en sys net interested in een mens. So ek doubt daar's plek vir jou in haar lewe, jammer?✨
Htj ñ Iphone gekry k vra oor die emojies op jou story
How I wish?❤️
Ek Instagram op die iPad✨?
Meg20 replied
2476 days ago
Is Demi a nice persoon?sy lyk so asof sy teeflik kan wees?en hoe is julle vriendine
Yes, Demi lyk baaaaie btchy - maar truth is, sy is nie eens naby aan btchy nie! Sys soos letterlik een van die nicest people wat ek al ontmoet het. Hoe is ons vriendinne? Ekt met haar neef uitgegaan het, haar ander neef is my childhood friend en my best friend en Demi is baie close. Dis hoe ons maaitjies geraak het❤
Meg20 replied
2482 days ago
When is school starting sweetie ?
Monday, 21 May 2018?
Meg20 replied
2482 days ago
Why are you still single?*??
People I want are taken, doesn't exist or lives in a different continent?❤
Meg20 replied
2482 days ago
Wi iz dju fav sOt? HulaNk ga djY en jasOn uiT??
Die is een van 2 mense? Jys in 8E of 8B
Ekt nie ñ gunstelling sot nie, ek love hulle almal. Plus, ek en Jason date nie ons is net baie close. P.S Jason* dis nogal my onder hoofseun daai respek sy naam en skryf dit met ñ hoofletter.?
Meg20 replied
2500 days ago
Did you pass which universitys ar u applying to i knw u will not study in namibi????
I didn't go to the post office yet, so Idk. My mom's applying for me. Don't be too sure.
Meg20 replied
2500 days ago
Keep on slaying babe?❤? These peeps got nothing on you boo?? Miss_cupid_01
Yasss ma PIC?
Ek moet en ek sal, Dankie Dankie?
Ain't nobody got timmme broo??
Jy drink baie n jy iz a meisie kry j ni skaam ni diz hkm j ni oukie kry ni???????
Eks letterlik die opste vir jou?
Firstly, kom ek gooi jou tog net ñ dop assebloublief! Secondly, is jy seker dis die rede. Thirdly, I love how you know so much about me yet nothing at all. And lastly, of ek baie drink vir ñ girl of nie het dit meening niks met jou uittewaai.
Mooi dag ne.
Meg20 replied
2510 days ago
Your bubbly personality outshines your beauty and body and intelligence too???
I really appreciate this, thank you sm❤
Meg20 replied
2510 days ago
K sin j en berlxn ken meka hoe????
Seker Nayara waarvan jy praat, haar IG is berlixn?
Ek ken haar deur haar ouer broer, Julio. Hy was in Academia sy het toe ook gekom en the rest is legendary☘
Jy is body goals tjomie?? Verlang my vrek aan jou?
Duisend dankiesss tjom?❤❤
Ek mis jou ook baie se baie baie? (Ek ken net een mens wat vir my sê tjomie? Ek hoop maar dis jy? )
Meg20 replied
2510 days ago
Vertl my van di lekkerste lekkr in ju lewe? Gentle_Guy01
My vriende/vriendinne. Skool. Modeling. Familie. ?
Is jy ñ Christian?
Yes I am?
Jy hoe ju so hoog vndat j lrc is?? Jy hng ni eens mt ju bras ni? lrc ht kop ht geskiet???
Being an LRC is more than designing your own uniform, the privileges we get and the events we plan. Being an LRC means you'll lose friends and get a lot of critic. "Die hoogste bome van die meeste wind." Ek hou my nie hoog nie, jy sien dit netso omdat ek ooral is en ek moet vir jou wat ñ groot kind is reg help dan ruk julle mos vir julleself op. En LRC kan maar kop toe geskiet het, want ekt 4 jaar hard gewerk hiervoor. 4 jaar hard geleer, finally Top 10 gehaal, finally part van die graad 11 committee etc. So na al my stres kan ek finally my eie uniform design en finally ñ LRC blazer dra. And just so you know, becoming an LRC means you have duties 7:10 am - 1:30pm, meaning jyt nie tyd vir jou vriende LRC's raak jou tjomies van julle is altyd saam. Zoé en Leana verstaan dit van hulle weet ek en Bernelee het duties om te doen??
Hkm is ju grup in whs ej in acedemia??? Hkm gn j 8ki whs tu????
WHS het nie meer plek gehad en ek kan nie skole in matriek verander❤
Meg20 replied
2520 days ago
Isj en riesie ng besties??? Jule post dani mea ni????
So you need to post someone in order to show you're still friends? Where is this generation going? Honestly, I feel so bad for your friend?
Meg20 replied
2520 days ago
Mt wi ganj farewell tu? J gn so m8i lyk??????????????
I was just talking to my cousin about this?
Daai expectations - moenie teveel verwag. Maar dankie I guess. En my partner is ñ top secret?
Meg20 replied
2520 days ago
What will u do if you're locked in a room with your crush for 5hours??? Quera.com
I don't have a crush.
But this were to happen, we'd chat because I'm always talking and he'll think I'm crazy?
Meg20 replied
2521 days ago
Wie isjo beste cousin??
Byron Links - Beste van hy luister soos my susters, is overprotective soos my broers, gee raad soos my beste vriendin en is altyd eerlik met my❤
Meg20 replied
2521 days ago
Megzz j iz my vriendin kon ju self vra ma j prt nooit 8r dit ni soa x bietj skam,,, j en jr was my favourite hkm ht jule opgbr3k???????????
My vriendin ti? Wat so type? Wonder maarnet? Since jy skaam is, here it goes... Praat nooit oor dit nie want ek lewe nie in die verlede - soos jy kan sien het ons albei aanbeweeg alhoewel ek nooit na hom weer gedate het nie #notaboutthatlife. En ons het opgebreek omdat J-R sekere redes gehad het, ons het geen bad blood (of ek atleast) of so iets nie. Ek is baie gelukkig op my eie en ek glo hys gelukkig en dis al wat saak maak. ?
Meg20 replied
2521 days ago
Do you see yourself fixing your teeth in the future
Just so you know, I had braces - my tande het geskryf omdat ek nie my retainer gedra het nie.
En nee, I don't see myself fixing my teeth in the future ek hou van dit soos dit is?
Meg20 replied
2536 days ago
Jy lyk niksssss soos jou broers en sister
En eks baie bewus daarvan.
Jy sê seker so omdat hulle soos wit mense lyk, stryk hare en lig van kleur?
Ekt die Tswana kant van die familie geaard? en hulle die Germans en Basters?
Meg20 replied
2536 days ago
WHY did y’all mother give your brother the name poeding or nickname
Hyt dit op hoërskool gekry.
(Nie een van my ma se kinders het nicknames van my ma voel dis onnodig en lelike name waarmee die kinders groot raak! )
Meg20 replied
2536 days ago
Huvel brurs n sisters ht j? Jy post so klmp mense
Ekt 4 sibs, 2 broers en 2 susters?
Die mense wat ek post? Ekt baie bras waarmee ek groot geraak het wat soos broers is vir my seker hulle wat jy van praat. ?
Meg20 replied
2537 days ago
What made you happy today? 100+
My eldest brother scored a try and my other brother played so good?❤
Meg20 replied
2538 days ago
If I give u to an opportunity to present our merch that will be doin soon. Will u do It??
Yess, I will do?
Just DM, then we talk about it?
Meg20 replied
2538 days ago
Ju bestie hu har wt sy ni is ni?????
Verkeerde Qooh anon?
Cause last time I checked hou Charlese vir haar presies wat sy is! ? ñ Mooi mens soos sy kan haar hou as wil?
Meg20 replied
2539 days ago
What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?
Screenshots that was meant for my best friend with the weirdest captions?
Meg20 replied
2539 days ago
Words please??
P.S You are making me miss my nephew, he asks my phone just to play with emoji's❤?
Meg20 replied
2539 days ago
Megan kan n man danie ?
Dankie Dankie?
Miskien kan ñ man, DM dan??
Meg20 replied
2539 days ago
What are you and miss cupid???the girl you were talking to on your live of each other?
Anthea and I are really good friends? Beautiful girl with a beautiful personality?
Meg20 replied
2540 days ago
Megan i love youuuuu soooo much your just an awesome person♥♥♥♥♥♥
Dankie Dankie? I needed this❤
I want to know who you are, DM?✨
Meg20 replied
2541 days ago
Do u hve a boyfriend???
No I don't?
Meg20 replied
2541 days ago
Mooi mens?? Gix_
Sê die mooiste een! ?❤
Dankie lief??
Meg20 replied
2611 days ago
Are you and Jason dating
9 weeks later, nee ons doen nie?
Ons is baie goeie vriende?
Hys single, jy kan hom kry. DM vir digits?
Hi. I'm love suks big dck. My profile here xsweetxxhot.info sonia9y610
Meg20 replied
2614 days ago
Look for some fun ;) joy18cutegirl.men laura6d171
Meg20 replied
2614 days ago
Hi wanna see my $ex photo jxhotbox.top kristingr318
Meg20 replied
2614 days ago
My hot webcam see here jxhotbox.info joylu585
Meg20 replied
2614 days ago
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
I'm really good at being me. ? I can write an essay about this(I'm really good at writing essays bruuu, but lazy). ?
I'm actually really good at talking about myself, how cool I am, how beautiful I am etc. ❤ It's confidence not arrogance! ?
Banana Or Mango?
Meg20 replied
2679 days ago
What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?
Niks, cause I honestly don't care. ?✋
Hkm was jy ni by DOD? Dt was lit?? Ju besti ht beteken
Ekt ander commitments gehad. ? En my broer het gister oggend op die last minutes besluit hy ry nie meer. ? Ek hoor tog dit was vir die boeke. ? Dis dan tog Charlese, sy beteken altyd. ?
Meg20 replied
2684 days ago
Are you and Jason dating
Kan jy tog op hou met die goed 'sseblief. ? As jy sooooo graag wil weet dan DM jy my. ✋ Want ek glo 110% dat die antwoord geen value na jou add. ?
Meg20 replied
2684 days ago
My cоllection of hot phоtos herе skc.name/u?xxdxss lorieon876
Don't want to see
Meg20 replied
2691 days ago
Hi I'm love $ex. My contact here skc.name/u?xxdxss ashley03939
Meg20 replied
2691 days ago
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
I haven't ruined a relationship.
Meg20 replied
2691 days ago
Are u nd Jason datin?
Wie vra? ??
Meg20 replied
2692 days ago
Who is ur 3 fav ppl?
My nephews. ❤?
José Philander
Sivahn Jacobs
Jordan Philander
Meg20 replied
2692 days ago
Verushh. ??
Thee "fashionista." ?
Meg20 replied
2692 days ago
Why do you think people like/hate you?
Because I'm me. ?
I have confidence some people wish they had, I talk way too much. ?
Meg20 replied
2699 days ago
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Go on with life. ?
Meg20 replied
2701 days ago
Thoughts on Cutie at your school?
Cutie? In grade 9 or is she grade 10? (Not sure) ?
She is a real cutie. ?
Meg20 replied
2706 days ago
HOè kenj vir sune? Di een vaN upingtÒn?
Sys my skoonie - sys familie. ❤?
Wane speel die yster wea (poeding)????
Genade. Ek sien nou eers die Qooh.
Ek dink die naweek, want hy was gister aand hier met ñ oefen kit?
Meg20 replied
2759 days ago
With who do u hang at school?
Bernelee, Leana, Zoé? (Indeline & Nicolette)??
Meg20 replied
2851 days ago
How big is ur family?
My grandparents have 9 children, 43 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren(and counting) & 5 great great grandchildren.
That's pretty much it.?
Do u knw @ms _gates nd wht do you thnk about her????
Yesss, I know her? We click on another level? Ek dink sys ñ baie nxa mens, liggaam is orde & sys mooi?? Ek love daai keendt?
Meg20 replied
2851 days ago
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
Meg20 replied
2852 days ago
I fenkkk youu❤
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
Solving conflicts.?
En soos hulle sé, "Straight talk never break friendship."
Meg20 replied
2860 days ago
Your life is so busy but you cope. Like how do you even do it all??
No really, how do I do it all?? I adapt fast, disi so moeilik. I have netball on Mondays & Wednesdays. Modeling on Wednesdays. Dance on Tuesdays & Thursdays I think. And then I still have school? And lemme not forget my so called "social life" on weekends??
Snap name?
Meg20 replied
2863 days ago
What do you never plan on doing?
Smoking weed.
Meg20 replied
2864 days ago
PNP or Colour fest?
Meg20 replied
2868 days ago
I see the caption if ur latest post is about you not used to all that make-up I dnt ger it u're a model?
See in the industry, when you give your work in to an agency they want to see you not all that make-up. If the client wants a lot of make-up he/she will hire an artist to make-up the model. So for photoshoots & shows(exams) I go for a natural look.
(Don't get me wrong I have nothing against people who apply a lot if make-up, I love make-up, I just don't have the skills to apply it properly)
Meg20 replied
2872 days ago
What was your biggest waste of money?
Buying boots, because I bought them for a shoot now I don't like them.
Meg20 replied
2873 days ago
What's the most expensive thing you own?
Prolly my foon?
Meg20 replied
2878 days ago