do you know fluffy loves you....?
that i knw 4a fact
if u ever got tierd of ur gf wld u tell her?
I would neeeeeeeever get tired of my gf...thats like getting tired of breathing#
u rata banana kapa banana baa u rata?
I don't think I knw any1 called banana
i think i saw you in Fluffy\'s qooo...was that you?#wink#
guilty as charged...lol#
u tsebella Fiddy kae?
Fiddy ke mang?
if you don't drink then you shud be loaded.Moola wise i min
I knw right...?hehehe
is it true you don't take alcohol?
o khona ho etsa lipush-up tse kae? fiddy69
0.5 push ups!(G)
you're a flirt#wink#
hm...I dnt agree but hey#wink ryt back @ya'#(G)
would you say you're arrogant?
no not really
you have a cute smile,I like it.
thank yoooou#
why are you so unfriendly?
I'm the friendliest person I knw!
Who are you dating currently
what do you find *exy in a woman? candy_girl
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
that I can't speak Sesotho
Describe yourself in 3 words?
laid back...chilled...relaxed#