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iv never had a crush on a friend hey
its been a while
i thunk i know who this is....#blushingForDays#
i reffer to myself as one
your imagenation is working overtym...
maybe,im nt realy sure hey
theres nothing 4 me to think abt,i knw who i am,u shld be doing the thinking#no hard feelings#wink
in too fat to land a modeling job
im not the sweetest person ever
hahahahahahaha...jst when i thought this application wouldnt get any dummer..LMAo
ask that question again..this tym in english plz
lets make this supper dating sum1 rytnow
ke tla o jwetsa
some time in June, i think end of june to be exact
lmao...aaahhhhh,ntho tse tje...
iv been well thanx dear
lies, lies, lies,lies.....
invest a whole lot of it...and go on holiday
never...i just dnt do left overs
i dnt know how to answer that Q hey
currently no one
i put the sweet sweet on canday...#wink
im over high skul and i had lots of them then....good days
if you ment hopelessly all over its Thekmeister
im not that ambitiouse
that i dated one of ma teachers in high school
beautiful,inteligent,stylish ,creative