Melanie Phelps
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
I would make Taylah live closer to me
are you and Chelsea Paul still close?
not as close as we used to be but she's still my nigga
ZAYLIN IS THE CUTEST FUĆKING BABY EVER OMG (love heart eye emoji.) :-) :-) :-) xx
Hahaha thankyou :)!
So I'm guessing you are dating again?
curious Carson you are
Longest/ best best friend you have ever had
the best bestfriend is tay longest bestfriend is probably kiara
Are you and taina back to together or not? If you don't mind me asking I'm not trying to be rude or anything:-) xxx
nosey nathan over here
are you and Taina going to get back together ?
nosey one aren't yah.
What do you think about the most?
My son :)
are you and Chelsea Paul still close?
Yep :)
Have you been on any dates after taina?
Nope :)
100 percent hottest pregnant chick in victoria
Hahaha thankyou :')
why didn't you keep going with your photos from 12 weeks - 16 weeks - 20 weeks. it would look amazing to have a whole set!!
I did :) I just haven't posted them :)
Have you read the fault in our stars?
Nope :)
Orange or apple juice?
Depends on the day usually orange
It's so dumb all of these people telling you about news you don't wanna hear, everyone knows you're more beautiful and more of a woman any of those little ****s will ever be :') you'll be a wonderful mother :) x
This is beautiful thankyou so so much <3
Hahahahahahahahahahah ahhaha :')
What if taina has a girlfriend around the baby!? As he is growing up?
That's something me and him can figure out, not you
Would you be intrested In dating anyone ? At the moment if somone came along
I don't think so, my first priority is my son and getting into a routine with him and I'm not really looking for a new relationship
What happens when zaylin has a step mum or dad
Won't be happening for a long time.
You still sleeping with taina!? Don't you just wish he was all yours again! Still he will always be with you now
Hahaha omg , I don't know how you know this **** :')
kayla t roo ts your ex
That's beautiful :)
if your looking for baby stuff check this lady out she amazing makes everything and so cheap babe xx
Thanks hun xx
Can't your mum see what people say
If she wanted to yeah haha
Wow, I'd fock the shet out of you if I could!
Well that's lovely thanks I guess...
Lol change your cover photo, taina doesn't love you anymore you're so obsessed it not healthy ... He'll never be yours again he's got his **** buddy's now
What in the hell does my cover photo have to do with any of that :') it's not like a relationship photo I'm holding izayah your do pathetic :')
Why cant everyone just leave mel alone, grow up. And stay the **** out of it. Good luck hunny you'll be amazing
I agree thankyou xx
Mel you're beautiful and you're going to make an amazing mummy :)
Thankyou love :)
Biggest milk ! <3 is taina ur only root?
Thanks haha and yes he is
you're going to do so well Mel :) I'm happy for both of you
Thankyou :)
Just wow. You're so beautifully flawless. I wish I could've been the one to get you pregnant :(
Hahaha thanks I think :')
taina and taylor who?
I dunno
God you're so attractive. I'd still give you the D while you're pregnant.
That's lovely haha thankyou I think
Melanie, I don't know how old you are but I'm 16, and have a baby, its not that hard, but I'm raising it on my own with family support, I hope everything works out well for you.
Well done for raising your bub on your own your obviously strong and I hope everything is good for you too x
Have you guys tried to go work things out
Have you tried staying out of people's business
I wish you all the best, I hope people stay out of what's between you and Taina. As much as some people would like to know, if they care, they should be making sure you're okay and that be the end of it. <3
Thankyou so much this means a lot <3
You will be amazing mumma!
Thankyou :) xx
Your 16 years old. You don't no what love is
You must know me so well to think I'm 16 ...
Are you to going to go back out or even tried?
That's not up to me hunni bee
Taina will never love anyone more then he loved/loves you
And I will never love anymore more then I love him
What's up with taina and Taylor just answer the freaking question?
How does it affect you ?
Who were your best friends when you were young
Kiara bower was my Bestfriend for ages
What's the go with Taina and taylor
Why don't you ask them ...
What's up with tania and Taylor*
Still didn't spell it right :')
I'm glad your happy with the decision you have made cause then nothing else should matter, I'm sure your baby will be beautiful just like his parents:) xxxx
Thankyou :)
What the go with taylor and taine
Who's taine
I meant to say milk but you got the gist of it anyway:')
I'm guessing you mean milk
I'm a hairdresser and you can get your hair died while you a pregnant. I don't really know you but so far you care about your child more then most **** heads that go out and smoke weed. Xx
Aww thanks hunni xx
only that she fu cked your baby daddy oooooo
How do I taste ?
what are your thoughts on taylor fields ?
She's not worth thinking about hahaah
tbh on kayla t
I don't really know her so I can't say much :)
your doing so well! keep your head up! Xx
Thanks gorgeous human <3
I'm sorry if this is rude but there's only one way to tell it. but legit going to be the biggest milk oh my
Hahahaha aww thanks :')
Do you think you and taina will get back together
Whatever happens happens but I'm just happy and greatful to have him in my life :)
With other pregnant teenagers I just usually classify them as idiots that don't know what they're in for and use their child as a toy but with you I feel differently I think you'll be an absolutely amazing mother. Best wishes to you hun xx
Aww that's so nice thankyou <3
Thoughts on Taylor fields
HA no.
Your going to be an amazing mum
Thanks hunni bunni
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
A few but mainly taina
What did you last dream about?
Hahaha my old friend
are you and taina still in love :)?
I still love him just as much as I always have.
Ok so im you and scared im pregnant! Did you have white lumpy discharge ???!
No I didn't , if you think you are take a test or go to the doctors
Is taina going to have anything to do with the baby
Yes obviously.
To the not so smart person who said you can't dye your hair when you pregnant, how about stop being so nosey and let the girl do her own thing and you can dye your hair just in a well ventilated room, best of luck with your precious little man beautiful
No **** thankyou hun xxx
Honestly you are going to be a beautiful Mum, your baby will always look up to you! Keep smiling babe xxx
Aww thankyou <3
How would you feel about your child having a step mum
Honestly i would ****ing hate it and she doesn't get to play mum with my child.
Some people ask the stupidest questions on here and stick there noses in who cares if you dye your hair it's a myth anyway
I know people are so bloody nosey if they must say things over anonymous they obviously have no guts.
You have no idea what your in for
You have no idea what I've been through and know so yes I do and you are just a nosey know it all.
I honestly couldn't be more happy for you mel, chin up gourgeous girl! Keep smiling beautfiul!
Hope you and bubs are doing good
Thankyou :) we are he's beautiful <3
lol why are you dying your hair when you're pregnant.. pretty sure you aren't supposed to do that.
You obviously have no idea you can do that as long as it doesn't touch the your scalp and my hair wasn't dyed from the top I'm pretty sure I know what's best not you.
Your so cute
Naww you too anon
Your so beautiful
Thankyou anon :)
Tina is a **** his tuning Kayla t
Who's Tina ?
You have the best eyes
Aww thankyou :)
favorite song of all time?
No clue
u gunna b a hawt mama
Thannnkks :)
I'm so sick of girls getting **** for being teenage mothers **** when your ready to have a child it's your choice not the rest of the human population god dammit
Thankyou !! So so true
I'd like to know what centre is letting you do that?
Because if for any reason that diploma needs to go out of the room they can't leave you alone with children
It's the rule everywhere and if they have to go out of the room they call in another diploma
You can't legally work in childcare until your 18 tho? /:
You can do placement and stuff when your younger but not work
Yes you can you just have to have a diploma qualified worker with you in the room at all times :)
i lub u sxc milk
Luv yah too
Proud of you Mel ! Nooney xx
Thankyou girl xxx
How are you going to support the baby? Are you at school? Your gonna be one of those stupid girls who get there parents too pay for everything
I'm a qualified childcare worker idiot you obviously don't know me
i know her extremely well and i know for a fact she will be a great mother with so much love and support. LOVE Z DIZZLE <3
Naw you're great thankyou heaps ,love you :):)
If you don't know Mel how would you know she'll be a good mum. Not saying you won't be but still
I know myself and I know I'll be a good mum so whatever everyone else says really doesn't affect me in any way
Everyone f**k off leave mel alone, shes gonna be a wonderful mummy, I don't know her but I'm really proud, grow up, leave her, she'll be better then yous will ever be. ❤️
Thankyou ❤️
****, some of the people posting are ****ing rotten. Any of you are welcome to come to our house instead of hiding behind your computer and say this ****. Cowardly ****s. Cheers, mat.
Love my brother <3
Do you think you and taina will get back together?
Maybe one day :)
I commend you and think it's great you have decided to take on this journey BUT honestly do you ever feel like another family who have careers and a steady income would be a better place for the child?
I'm just asking for your opinion, this is not an attack.
No I don't this is my child and I want to raise it and I know I can raise it I could never ever bare someone else raising my child that is just my feelings
**** off you stupid anon. Mel can easily ****ing look after herself and is extremely independent. She has amazing skills with baby's and kids and knows what to do from her job which is child care so how about you shut your big mouth
Thankyou ! So true <3
Lol taina had *ex me with me 2 weeks ago haha you're a fool
I'm not a fool because we weren't broken up then and I was staying at his everynight so actually you're a fool :)
Everyone saying your going to be a great mum.... How would you know has Mel raised a kid before no so you don't know if she will be a good or **** mum
But honestly you stuggle to look after yourself let alone an innocent baby
I don't struggle to look after myself at all I'm completely fine to be on my own I'm on my own all the time and always look after myself and I will give the best life to my child
Taina here, **** off please me and Mel both don't need your bull **** lies at the moment
Love you <3
every seriously need to grow up
this mel and tainas decision and has nothin to do with either of you.
I know for a fact they'll both be amazing parents, so everyone stop trying to cause **** seriously. rorrrry
Love you so much girl <3
Your so oblivious to the things he does
I'm actually not :)
I'm sure you know what happens when he goes out without you lol
His got a mint body btw
Yes I do and that's lovely I know I lay next to it all the time and on it
hahahaha is your kid gonna be a 16 year old ****ing hoe just like you or ? hahaha ****ing **** lol
I'm not hoe I've been with one guy the whole time so whatever you say
You have such a good life going to waste
It's not going to waste
Haha if that's what you think
It's what I know actually
Are you at all disappointed in yourself?
Not one bit I'm more proud of myself for being strong