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I will let you lick the lollipop !
Which Rachael ?
I think that both are very nice and caring people who are always there for their friends and are overall lovely people :)
In alphabetical order Brad,Dale,Dylan and Steve
It's you, you goose
Feelings are pathetic lol
LOL lies I am not lovely to anyone
It's a secret lol!
Caitlin - Never really spoken seems okay Madi - Always an enjoyable conversation had and just a wonderful person! Jodie - haven't spoken recently but I found that our conversations were interesting and somewhat different but were a good team
Things happen for a reason I guess hehe
Maybe (;
I don't look for any really, if I like the person then it goes from there..
Don't speak much seems lovely and nice :)
Everyone! Especially you..
Everyone is beautiful.... LOL
It's not even me anymore. I just get blamed all the time but I am sorry hahaha
It's a possibility haha
Yes there is.
Because of your terrible grammar it's a no from me.
No I am not.
I don't know many but I would say in a random order Maddie Burge, Caitlin Douras, Chloe Fenn, Jodie Orr & Madi Kate
You ofcourse! :)
No bromance for me
You make too much sense to comprehend
Well that's wonderful, You are too!
There is a possibility :)
It would be unlikely hahaha :)
haven't spoken much but is really nice and always smiles at me :)
Can I say they are all pretty? ;)
I love yours too bby? :)
Hahaha yes she is better than awesome :)
If you reveal yourself, I can determine if you are worth knowing
I appreciate that thank you gorgeous! x
Aw ! No way it's not even as plump as you think. But thank you :)
Okay I don't know if you take something you heard seriously why not ask me if its true or not. things can be different only if you want to change them..
Yes hahaha reveal yourself! I promise to make it worth while! :*
Yes ofcourse!! Pls tell me
Okay then you give me clue first! :*
I will find you and marry you lol! :)
Pls reveal yourself! Anon you are the love of my life <3
If I could love an anon it would be you!
HAHAAHA! Oh you Can I ?
Well if I knew who you are I could agree maybe?
Why not?! Can I be pretty please!! ;)
I am working on being less tacky ok
I don't know if blind or silly but thank you!
She seems super nice and a great girl :) always have nice chats
Hahahaha it's fine if that's how people feel I don't mind :)
We decided to break up :(
I was very lucky!! I know this
Ahh see this is a trick question though, I'm responding with trick answer lol anons don't deserve an answer.
maybe? depends who is asking? inbox me lol
Jodie: Only started speaking a couple of weeks ago she is really nice, funny and is stunning oh and we share a love for cereal hahaha :) Caitlin: My twerk prodigy I've taught her all I know and I admit she has surpassed me, also extremely nice, adorable and beautiful :) Genna: Haven't had a conversation, but she has a really pretty smile and appears to be very delightful :)
Hey? Who is this?
f*** off Jace lol
No lol
LOL because I'm nasty as.
Hahaha I'm on it m8! xx
HAHAHAHA! I can't take srs but inbox me pls
If he doesn't break both my arms I think he is quality
As long as No Homo we can deal with that
Ripper Bloke couldn't ask for a better team mate!