Yah.. Just pointing out the obvious :) OshenRaine
aha its kind of creepy but
The one who asked you for se* is clearly either Maddy or Courtney.. Its rather noticeable. Hence "Will you have se* with me?" And then "who would you rather f***, Maddy Catheray or Courtney Cooper?" OshenRaine
aha true
who would you rather f***, Maddy Catheray or Courtney Cooper?
xoxo ilys babe
kill my self
How do ninja supress vestibular and equalibrim abnormalities so that during a kill aerial acrobatic manuevers dont cause them to fall victicm to themselfs?
they are ninja's, they can do weird things like that.
Would you have se* with me
aha who is this?
Heh. Don't worry. I get a lot of that too
fair enough
What have u don't this time to get hate?
its funny cause i dont even know..
your a f***ing big waste of space you dumb ****!
thanks. i do realize that
if it wasnt for you none of this would have ever happened!
i know...
i love you bubba<3
cuddles soon<3 xxx
i love you to <3
yes cant wait! xxx
Cuddles now please!
aha if only i knew who you were ;P
Do you condone the acts of American government officials in regards to the Iraqi Policy?
aha lachy none of that makes any sense to me
what's your opinion on Neo-Nazism in the 20th century?
the neo what? wtf is that?..
your such a little cutie, you make me smile so much, even though you no how much i hate my smile -.-
cheeky ;)
aha i cant help that though ;P
why cant you just say who you like?
why do you wanna know? its none of your concern anyway..
why not ?
well does she go to your school or a different one ?
i dunno why
im not saying anything more then i like someone
have you got a crush/do you like someone at the moment, if so who?
if you dont want to say her name, give us a clue.
yeah i do like some one but im not gonna say their name
Um, I think your gay but people tell me otherwise, you are gay right?
no im not gay
Have you ever liked anyone starting with B or G, absolutely any girl?
yeah i did back in year 7, we went out for a bit but thats it
can we f*** tomorrow night?
ahaha who is this?
you're a good kid, very loveable and most people feel comfortable around you but how impotent do friends mean to you, or are they just something you can easily throw away even if there not your closest friend
i love all my friends, some are closer then others. and others i have happily "let" go of. but i do care for all of my friends
leave Nathon alone hes an amazing friend and no one could ask for a better friend then what he is.. plus nathin remember... HATERS GONNA HATE :D Blake3022
thanks baby cakes <3
s*ck my Dic*, yes?
ok, $2.50 s*cky s*cky
When it comes down to it, no one will say anything to anyones face as long as the internet exists..
I'm not even tired anymore!!! It s*cks! D: OshenRaine
no shi*!
inbox me on facebook?
They're a bunch of sadistic morons. OshenRaine
aha no shi*, i love it how they have to hide behind anon to give me shi*
God that anon **** is a f***ing f*****. Trying to make themselves feel better by giving you a hard time. L O L OshenRaine
aha no shi*! i find it funny how they have to hid behind anon :)
post pics of killing self pls.
ahaha how come?
pls kill self.
pls come of anon? or say it to my face?
ty men, i am cray cray. umirin?
yep fully sic brew
"then why dont you inbox me then? im not gonna judge you :) <3"
no **** you thought some one had feelings for you you shouldn't get your hopes up f***** no one will ever feel for you in your entire life you are a waist of space
ahaha your such a little cutie for wasting your time on me :)
umad of my cash stack? #swagyolof***Bit**esgetmoney
wow your cray cray :)
heyy c: your really cute and i dont know why these kids are bagging you if i wasn't so shy i would inbox you <3
then why dont you inbox me then? im not gonna judge you :) <3
You're a f***ing Pu**y mother f***er and it hurts to see a wasted life to someone who will achieve nothing at life. so kill yourself and give your life to some one else who appreciates it ****. also you're a ******.
ahhaha if i am a waste of life, then why are you wasting your time on me? doesnt make sence.. :)
are you a f***ing jedi bro, teach me the ways of master yoda.
cant, yoda didnt teach me :'( my master blake carter did. and i doubt he would like it if i was teaching his secrets
come up with another response you piss weak f***** ****, stop calling me "f***ing gay". come out of the closet already brah. umad?
come of anon then? i aint even mad. and how am i the \"piss weak f***** ****\"
some random site?! are you f***ing kidding me 4chan is the god of the internet you f***ing newf**.
this is me come at me brah.
\"newf**\" wow your f***ing gay.
why the f*** are you giving me a link to some random site?
I really hope that anon dies. Lol OshenRaine
ahaha ikr, he/she is a Pu**y f*** whit that has to hind behind anon :)
your a f***ing pathetic little f***. i really do hope that you die. and when you do i will actually have a party and get everyone around just so we can laugh at your f***ing dead body. lol have fun dying soon :) <3
lol sounds good. get smashed off goon? will there be a little cute "drunken" selfie? aha :) <3
the difference between me and you is that you will always be a beta phag for ever mirin' me son.
aha no the difference between me
You have no idea what he goes through, specially when he's worried about his best mate killing her self.
Grow up. You're a lame ****.
f*** a writing limit!
thank you again, but i dont mind it. i just simply laugh at them.
Suicide isn't funny, and when Nathon is trying to stop one of his closest mates from doing it basically everyday it doesn't help when you say shi* like that to him. Ill continue this in anothers
thank you it means alot <3
To the anon/anons giving Nathon shi*, telling him to kill himself and stuff.
Get a f***ing life, you have no idea what it is like having people say that to you, it hurts. I go through it every day and I don't want Nathon going through it.
thank you, means alot knowing that someone does care <3
are you even a /b/ro?
what? i dont get hipster talk
taste my seed, keep the essence alive,
thats cute :)
this is me, umirin? whats your cutting diet brah.
what? in English?
come the fuark at me, http://images.4chan.org/b/src/1348733981805.jpg
ahaha your not even funny, and im pretty sure its f****. your more illiterate then blake
ily a trily bebz <3 why the f*** would you say from james if your on anon?
you're a ******
ahaha your funny, i aint gonna click on no f***ing link :)
yes **** add me u f***ing parrot
aha come off anon then Pu**y little f***, your all talk until it comes down to the real thing
You are honestly the most bravest person i know, i look up to you so much. Never stop fighting for what you want Nathon, one day it will come, i promise<3
thank you <3 aha dont be sure, i have said that to my self many of times. but i now have doubts about it.
f***ing wanker
do you even lift?
Kill yourself f*****
aha i love these anons <3
do you finger your b*m hole at night?
ahaha Daniel no i dont ;)
sure a "chat" so what your saying is you did f*** her but you dont want to tell anyone am i right?
wow your think in the head, we didnt have se*. we were mearly talking
i heard that you and her where going at it and kelly heard yous
well kelly took mushies to and he probly heard shi*. we were only having a chat
really? not what i heard..
and what did you hear?
someone told me that kelly heard you and oshen having se* last night, is that true?
ahaha! who is this? and we wernt having se*, we were having a DnM. if anything we were talking to take our mind off the mushie trips that where coming back after smoking some choof.
And fix your thing man. To H8 is Gr8. Hahah OshenRaine
aha yeah i will now
Naws! You're too sweet man! You shouldn't have to.. OshenRaine
i wont have to if no one hurts you or my sister :)
Oii, man, you don't have to stick up for me all the time you know. But thanks (: OshenRaine
i know, but your my best friend and no one treats my best friend like shi*. and i will bash the shi* out of anyone that touches you or my sister. :)
why do so many people talk to and ask oshen about you?
honestly i have no clue, maybe because we are so close?
Why are you such an amazing friend huh? :)
i dont know.. you tell me why?
who is this? inbox me on facebook?
thoughts on Jordan Pyne ?
she is a lovely little lady, i would do anything for her to have a smile on her face. she is one of the few people that i hold close and i wouldnt know what i would do if i lost her or the other people i care about.
i dont want to tell you who i am though, cause it would be extremely awkward!
why is that?
Opinion on Daniel mother f***ing William mother f***ing Buckley....mother f***ing.
i love the kid! <3 he is so funny, but at the same time we can sit down and have a seriuos talk. and i hope he knows im all way there for him if he needs some one to talk to <3
i really like you !
inbox me then!
i really like you
and inbox me on facebook?
2+2 is v*****, right?
f*** oath!
nah i dont want her to find out that i have liked her for awhile...
anything else?
then say that you like her atm.. just be straight up to her
just someone closer then you to her.. ive liked her for ages now, but i cant seem to tell her. got any tips?
well msg her on facebook and tell her straight up. and she might consider you.
someone who likes her.. oh i thought you were serious for a second..
ahaha she just pissed herself laughing, nah but who is this actually?
well you guys seem to be close, is she at yours right now?
yeah she is at mine we are about to root ;)
nah jokes who is this btw?
are you going out with oshen?
no why?
Why are you such an amazing friend<3?
i have no clue, you tell me?
who is this? <3
Oii man, another rumours going around, apparently I had a some with you and Tevita... Was it the night I was smashed? Or was it like the other rumour where it was that good none of us can remember?! What the f***? OshenRaine
thats a new one, i havent heard that one before lol
you cant*
good one Dic* head! next time you try and "bag" me out check your spelling illiterate f***
umm you can f***ing make me mate
im not mad! your just a weak little f*****!
take your tampon out, and say it to me off anon?
nor are you the \"weak little f*****?\"
no you weak Pu**y little f***er, lift weights!
someone is mad?
do you even lift?
lift bongs?
Nigga please, $2,50 s*cky s*cky.
$1,50 stroky stroky?
I'm not a jew! I'm a Vietnamese prostitute, thank-you very much.
then $2 s*cky s*cky?
Nathon, you so abo with your dodo net
wanna fight? little jew
That's what I was thinking!!!!!!!! OshenRaine
ahaha no shi*!
Hahahahhaha this anon is a f***ing funny ****!!!!! OshenRaine
aha they are the biggest Pu**y, it reminds me of lachy ford..
what ever Mr im so tough. i have wasted to much time talking to you and her.
f*** your actually the biggest Pu**y out, f***ing little weak ****.
f*** ya! It was f***ing hilarious!!!! OshenRaine
i turned it on now..
tell your Bit** to f*** off?
how about you take off anon? or say it to my face and we will see what happens?
Did you see the happy dj!!? I was pissing myself!!!
and the head banging babies!!!! :ahahahahahahahahahahah OshenRaine
aha nah i didnt i wish i did though they sound funny as f***
would you f*** a really hot sober girl that you just met and she was really *****?
are you actually f***ing serious?
Rude tubes on!! Get on it nigga! OshenRaine
will do!
I couldn't agree with you more dude. You're such a lovely guy. Don't listen to cockhead anons. They're doing over anon as they're to Pu**y to actually let you know who they are. OshenRaine
no shi*, i hate f*****s that can say shi* to people with out them actually knowing who they really are.
so your telling me, if a really hot girl was drunk out of her mind and she wanted se* would you f*** her?
no i wouldn't, cause im not a desperate little f*** wit who can only get drunk girls to have se* with me.
Awe Nath, you're such a sweetheart, just reading those anons, I was smiling! I'm proud of you man! OshenRaine
thanks :) , but its true.. people who go after girls just for roots are f***ing disgusting..
someone is a bit moody today
actually no i am not moody, i think everybody that goes after girls just for se* and then turn around and leave them when they get bored is disgusting and people like that shouldn't have been born..
why the f*** not Pu**y!
umm because i think going after girls just for se* is down right f***ed, you should never go after a girl just for se*, you go after a girl cause you actually like them. and the people that do that honestly have no f***ing respect for girls or a heart. if that helps your tiny little brain to understand that its just plain wrong.
have you even had se*?
no i havent actually.