Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Nothing :p
Idk... Since i only get $50 a month, i guess id be doing the same thing as i am rn xD
My family and bailee
Parents that were never at each others throats constantly is a big one But i could name a ton of things...
Like I did in 2013.. With my amazing girlfriend. :3
A musician.. My realistic dream job is a welder or airplane mechanic
Duncan hills coffee (only metalocolypse fans will understand)
he needs to ****ing not. Im not going into detail because its non of anyones business..
a vibration
i love everything about her! :D shes so caring and sweet! she makes me feel like a king when she doesnt have to! she does so much and asks so little of me back :) i feel bad cuz i cant repay her :( shes absolutely amazing! since the day we first started talking it seems like weve known eachother for years! shes my bestfriend in the entire world! she gives the best hugs, kisses and cuddles and i just wanna lay beside her all day and hold her :) shes always there for me too... not many people are.. they say they are but they really arent. they just want me to think im their friend. but bailee... shes different. shes always been there annd always makes me feel #1 even though thats my job to do to her :o i could go on :) since i first laid eyes on her i wanted to talk to her :) i saw her everyday leaving or entering class but never said a word cuz i was too shy :c i would always just bump into her on purpose, waiting for the chance that we actually started talking :) almost a year later we started chatting :) now weve been together for almost 2 years and i couldnt be happier! she takes my breath away and i love her so much! :3
My mom sometimes xD Mostly me
Shes a stunner, she gives good cuddles, and she has a cute walk when shes going down the stairs :3
No because idk what that guys been through.. Idk if hes diseased or a rapest or somethong...
Youre a good friend too anon :')
Food and sleep
None xD
My ps3
Well fyi, I talk to bailee because SHES MY F-ING GIRLFRIEND. I talk ti them because theyre good people. I only talk to them because in all honesty, im scared of everyone else. You all dont know how to keep rude comments to yourself and id rather stick with the friends I have now.and love having instead of getting critisized.
Bailee ^-^
Whos hasnt? And I dont see how thats your concern
How nervous i get about everything and how awkward i am a social gatherings xD
In the last dream i remember, i dreamed about johnny depp being in an intense biker gang, selling me weed, then i got the weed stolen. After that my dad started chasing people around in his undies and its just a weird long story
What doesnt
No one :')
Im not sure... I have a lot of favourites...
Wtf is this :p
My dad for having *ex with my mom and giving me life
Idk :p
My eternal life and the love of the all mighty satan of course
I stole it, duh
whats that :o
Chevy camaro :3
nathaaan (pronounced nath-an)
however long i can xD
Being alive
Do I count?
Dont yell at me >.<
Hahaha Terrible
Thanks ^-^
Band tees :3
What doesnt xD Jk i honestly have no idea xD Theres quite a bit of things :o
Mike but i call him dad for short
At the moment but ive got my eyes on someone ^-^ they know exactly who they are :3
Exactly! :) Like, not seeing my brother and sister hurts me sometimes but its not always my fault i havent seen them :( They get busy too like everyone else :(
All of itxD
You dont know what goes on with my family so how bout you mind your buisness :')
Bailee of course :) Also my baby brother and sister :3
Idk :o Theres a lot to pick from :o
Hahahahahaha oh god xD I dont even wanna say xD
if i said what i think about the most, id get a lot of hate....
Bailee obviously :p
I know :p It was close though :)
What are you talking about? Bailee is my best friend in the entire world.. :$ If you have something bothers you about that, please message me on facebook instead of anon because you arent going to get far if you dont :p Thats all i have to say until you message me :p If not, please dont bother saying anything else :p
Almost everything :p
Bailee :) Sometimes my sister :o
Who is this :$
With all my heart <3
HEY :)
Big enough
Are you famous yet?
That I hate packing :c
Did you not read what I just said -.-
Yeah, I've hurt people in the past. But I try my best to please everyone, even if it means not making myself happy. I know when to stop being a ****. And if I am a **** to you, it's probably because I generally dont like you. Grow a pair an chirp to my face if you have something to say :)
It's funny because I haven't done anything..
Because it's all the same. No matter what happens..
"look at that loser. He's always wearing band teeshirts, doesn't he have anything else? Probably not. Greasy rat. No wonder every girl he gets with leaves him. They'd rather have a real guy. I hope he dies." Blah blah blah...
Gibson les Paul epiphone :')
To get that answer you must first grow up and come off of anon :')
We are born again, whether we are born again as a human or animal
Ikr :3 And could be better :/
thanks kristin and/or kara :) its funny how you are calling me immature when you are chirping over anon :)
how bout you call me nathaniel because thats my ****ing name :p
yes kara i am
yes i have..
Or people can stop bringing her up!