Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
You know it wasn't great if you weren't there
What a weird question. But yes, I have
Thanks Lucas
Are you a fan of your middle name Luke Michael?
Probably my dog
Thanks Luke Michael
If this is Luke its because you said 'xo.' Loser.
Very sweet of you to think so x
Well I can do this weird thing with my thumb, but that's not very attractive
C'mon man, we all just tryna have a good time
Whoa, it costs more than that
And can I ask why?
Don't be scared, its okay
Are you are you coming to the tree?
Where they strung up a man, they say who murdered three? Nahh
Approximately four districts
Unlimited pizza?
I doubt Alby has qooh me, so nah
In fear that this is my guitar teacher, yes yes I have
Thank you, as are you x
Via text
I actually have it in right now, just for you
I don't like to say, but yes, yes I am
Being allowed to be fat
He is a free spirit, he belongs to no one
Nothing. Peoples flaws are what make them beautiful
Snakes are a fantastic example of my biggest fear
Definitely you.
People who put themselves down just to get attention or to receive a compliment. It really irritates me and just makes me cringe.
Go away Lukeee
Damn Gabby how dare she
It is extremely painful, thank you stranger who was in no way responsible for my pain ;)
But the clan loves you
I'm so sorry I take it all back
Probably Schtick
Yea definitely Nicci
Him that's a tough one - I'd have to say Josh
Sometimes you're funny