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Well if I was to get married. Before I'm 30.
Naruto would have to, it is his show. Maybe they'll throw a twist in where Naruto let's Sasuke become hokage once he has seen the 'light' haha
Well yeah. A life of a homeless person is still a human life. Would be inhumane to let him die.
My future.
Not a thing. Why not tell the truth? It's easier, and causes less drama.
Are you real?
My laptop. You planning to rob me qoohme?
Drive and drive. Until I calm my **** down.
Seen as I've just woke up and haven't yet had my coffee. Grumpy.
Yes I have. It was a fine night and I looked over at my lover and all her contents were gone. It was so upsetting. I miss you my love, Vodka.
Whenever I get tired.
When they are slobs and don't clean or keep themselves tidy.
Spiders, chickens and whales.
When there is no cheese in the fridge.
1st Gen: Chararizard 2nd Gen: Umbreon 3rd Gen: Groundon 4th Gen: Giratina 5th Gen: Black Kyurem 6th Gen: Mega Chararizard Y
Thank you anonymous stranger. :)
A kiss and thats it. I was extremely drunk. Haha
Like never. Haha
I've never eaten a clown, so I dunno if they taste funny or not.
Never said I did? Just answered a simple question that I was asked. Is that a crime?
I don't know why you are incapable of such a task. Ask the alright Helix.
Anyone over the ages of 30. Lol
Man. I could write a list..
Well I do love me some peanut butter.
Sometimes, I just like to see my that a problem? Haha
Does a smoke count?
My doodle and ball balls.
Yuck no. That is just way nasty.
If that got cold enough. I guess they would
I don't have ovarys?
How the heck would I know? Haha Maybe they just wanna feel like a tree. I mean. Who wouldn't? Trees are awesome!
None actually. Haha Are you as surprised as I am?
Pretty sure everyone does. It's human nature after all.
Why yes. It's almost orgasmic.
Actually I had two just before hand about poo... haha
Someone else for sure. I'd roll all through that ****. Literally. :p That's nasty.
Well that's a silly question. It was purple of course.