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This Is far too sweet for my life. I appreciate the kind words anon♥
My baby det♥
Not anymore loooooool
Lol thank you for the concern ? And I don't talk to him anymore.
Thank you princessaaaa♥♥
I know who this isssss♥♥ I miss you even more my hopple been♥♥♥
I'm so offended lmao
Lol this is so sweet♥♥♥thank you♥
Don't have a butt too see . Sarri.
idk, I don't take note of things I buy , because if I like it, I like it[don't really take note of its actual value in other words]. There are a few expensive things I guess, but it's like almost 2 in the morning and my brain feels like it is skroeing
Jump off a mf building.
you can ask rayn.
Dm me. It's a long story
Tbh, I don't like dragging people's names around like this, but it was a whole two faced buzz. Legit over it though. Really don't give a fck about her or what she does. I truly would've been there for her for everything but she just had to try and turn everyone against me at Sinton.
Reasons I would not like to discuss on
Good...I guess..
I didn't ever cheat on him, I was faithful throughout our relationship, it should be the other way around
And you look like a bang poes that hides behind the word anonymous^^kindly fak off Tief^♥^
Who said I'm single^
This totally made my day♥♥thank you♥
No. I'm not. I was though but because of certain reasons, we aren't even friends anymore.
he wants things to be lowkey I think?
My Skin isn't really clear, but soap and water. I Drink about 6-9 glasses of water daily , and it always works ♥you'll see the results in about a week or two
Yes. Only thing I regret is leaving behind thaakiyah and shadley♥
I'm glad I'm with him too loool, even though distance is a btch, I believe that he is my meaning of forever♥
Thank you princess♥♥
We good ♡
Lol thank you?
At home...
Urh? Sure lol
Smell more...
I'm good lol, thanks for asking anon
Neutral? Lmao
She's extremely nice and Incredibly pretty♥
Don't have a bank account yet
Lmao this is legit the funniest thing I've heard in 2016. you can legit go and ask everyone I've associated myself with, if my eyebrows are real or not. I have eyebrows, I just fill them in. And a fact, just for you...I probably have more eyebrow hair than you have braincells. ****.
So says the most gorgeous girl I've ever come across♥
Sabri Thesen♥
The mistakes I make and how I could've done something better
Then ask someone who knows
Why are you asking me these things.
Ohhhh my shttt lmao
I was born In 2002 , that's how I'm 14.
My bf?
Love you too anon♥
Lol thank you ♥I don't really have any beauty secrets, just soap and water 3 times daily lmao
Yeah. We're cool.
It wouldn't be a secret if I tell you.
We're friends but things aren't gonna go back to the way It was
Lol this made my day, thank you sweetie pie♥
Was it that obvious?
No, we aren't
I don't skinner, I discuss facts my love. FACTS.
I honestly don't know, but by the amount of Interest you take in my life, you'll probably find out before me .
I don't like any boy.
Please talk to someone who Is willing to give you the attention you're so desperately dying for.
Not that I know of lol
I'm average.
Absolutely nothing.
We broke up a few months ago , I can really remember. And no , it's not because I got Dik of him .
I don't
Urh ?its an expect the worst, hope for the best kinda buzz??
I must admit, I am btchy. And very insecure.
An earthling ?
Shurrup ?????❤
Answered this already, and no. Only my closests friends can and that's alia, thaakiyah and Caron. If you aren't any of those three, then no? lol
25th of December. Departure time; 17:00.
Idk hay, idk ?
Dm me then I'll tell you
Maybe, maybe not.
Sssniperwolf, she's hot.
Help me look for a fck to give , pls? That statement is more irrelevant than your life.
I don't like man kind in general. Everyone and everything annoys the fck out of Me.
We literally discussed Greek mythology and the dates of new movies that are being released. Like star wars, assassins creed etc ??
Talk to who?
A lightsaber ??
And no it's not a lightsaver.
Pls just leave me alone .
He produces good beats and all , but he's annoying asf. God damn.
How come your name is under anonymous?☺☺☺
Don't wanna go there ??
Yes ?????