ashleigh stevens
Girl, you deserve the crown??
u can do better.
I have the best.
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
Boys bragging about how many "regh kinnes" they "have"
Regh white bra ?
Justin Bieber
Look here stop faking it and just tell her you don't really like her instead of faking it
Aaaashh ?????❤
aaaaaaanonymous ?❤❤
If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?
money,to buy me food???.
Why you so fake with raeesah D?
can you like,not?
Wats goin on wit you , raeesah and ashley ?
dm me x.
What's an instant turn off for you?
when people think they're on higher levels than others because of their wealth.
You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?
buy everything my family desires.
How did you meet your best friend ?
to be honest,i dont know??.
but he
No i wont say it to ur face , marlio can and then u'll agree that it vhet do moer ?
why anonymous man?
ash girl you hot ? , you and marls doe ?? jadecupido
jaaay,$exy burger??.
damn haters hating on your boyf ? , lum people ?
i know??
you and marls are adorable ??
thank you❤❤
you so pretty
sure you're beautiful baby
leave him already
leave me alone already
you too pretty for him
thank you.
but please stay out of my business.
Marlios bek then stink ???
would you like to say this to my face?
What will your child's name be ?
What's it like to be you?
always cold and hungry.
how do you know jaredw4?
i already answered this.
how do you know jaredw4?
lol,goes waaay back.
You listen to halsey?
yes,i love her music
he knows who he is.
weirdest friend?
you gotta bae,or naah?
gotta bae??.
kian ismail?
what about him?
What have you never truly gotten over?
the events that took place December 2015
What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
apologize to everyone i've hurt and spend all that time with the people i love.
Ayy yo mami is me CARLOS
Jamaican me crazy?.
youu dont deserve him.
okay then.
What does your name mean ?
from the ash tree,so basically from nature.
i forgot the rest??.
Is Marlio shorter than you?
school clothes make him seem shorter.
i lowkey have feelings for you,but i dont want to tell you because you have that other breh now.
you 2 are cute by the way. And like can we be friends at least because all you do is smile at me and i melt.
that breh,is my everything?❤.
and dm me.
If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?
my girls know why.
Can I tickle your pickle
you can make my liver quiver.
so,you and kian back at it again?
back at what?
where were we?
you're too pretti for marleo.
and thank you,but that doesn't concern you.
What or who , do you think about the most ?
my bae❤.
What are you afraid of ?
being taken for granted again.
What Mood Are You in Right Now?
I'm always moody
What is your greatest regret ?
not eating that burger yesterday.