You keeping nice?
Omg miss Bron so much
Do you hate dwarves? Or do they just mildly irritate you
No just the ones that are given the birth name jasmine-belle Lowe
Good work Becky now go yell at some fatties
You probably don’t know me so don’t even ask for me to inbox you but I have a crush on you and I don’t know how to tell u
Sorry I have a boyfriend.
I’m please never contact me again
Hello Phoebe,
Might have a shower soon, hope you are well,
Jasmine-Belle jazzilowe
Pls leave me alone
Ski di da Panda hugs pahp
Mmmm yes
You’re literally the dumbest kwunt I’ve ever met, awnestly, you make me stawvin and I’m fookin sick of it innit