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kopman? if it is then yeah I do he's one of my good mates
not that I have a boyfriend but band members you know....I'd leave without even sayin' sorry.
people who expect me to go make them a sandwich. never. going. to. happen. ever. you make me the sandwich.
I don't watch that..psshht I have a life (jks I have no life but I don't watch it anyways)
no. I have better things to do
I've been single for ages and my last relationship lasted over half a year. I take it you don't like me whoever you are?
trinity Lutheran college
they kinda s*ck?
I want to come back to hip hop!
Worm, because in year four we read a book about how to eat worms, so I'm pretty educated
JORDAN! Nicola. yohannah. Squish
We still got that *exy xxx
Only if Jordan's yolo swaggin' with me ❤
Well to start off, I bloody miss her and she's my best friend at school( well not at my school anymore) but I still love her to pieces because she's pretty f*cking amazing xx