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William Gates


Yo Dawgg

211 Replies

Bill Gates


PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3624 days ago

Do you think Vladimir Lenin's methods of seizing power through the Sovnarkom were justified, or was he just a tool?

Lenin was a douche. That's all I can say on this matter.

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3624 days ago 1

What is your professional opinion of Jihadism?

Well Jihad was the buzz word in the 7th century, but nowadays, the self-proclaimed 'martyrs' & 'holy warriors' that make up the ranks of ISIL, Boko Haram, Al-Sheabab, etc, use the term Jihad as a way of declaring war on a regime or in some cases, other religions. Jihad is an Islamic term but it really just means "struggling". So obviously there is big misconception circulating around the word.

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3624 days ago

Favourite anime?

Kuroko 10/10 Konoken is Life <3

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3624 days ago

You need to respect the people that care about you

I don't know what this is about, but I'm sure if these people are giving me proper respect then I would certainly do the same in return..

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3624 days ago

Could you BE anymore scandalous


PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3646 days ago



PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3646 days ago

Why do people think you're hair looks like Edwards, but just that little bit gayer?

I don't even do anything with my hair.

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3646 days ago

your a loser virgen

Spell the word properly you stupid scrub.

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3646 days ago

Why do you think in today's society that when guys go to work with their shirt buttoned up and tucked in, with a big smile and ready to work, everyone thinks that they're extremely gay!?

Troll harder.

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3646 days ago

Carrot or cu***ber?

They're both good, does qoohme really block out any word with '***' in it.

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3646 days ago

You are very *exy fly

I am a *exy fly.

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3652 days ago

Don't go all Robbie Williams on me mister

Haha very good, but in answer to your question, I'd like to discuss it with you if you're willing to inbox. I try not to advertise my life on Qoohme. Atleast not the important parts...

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3654 days ago

Does she go to Frankston High? What class do you have with her?

"I don't wanna Rock, DJ, but you're making me feel so nice. When's it gonna' stop? DJ, cause you're keeping me up all night"

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3654 days ago

So... You like someone at the moment? Who?

So... YOU should inbox me ;)))))

PuNkWiLlIaM replied 3654 days ago