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Tyler Neal


Ask me anything you like anonymously

753 Replies

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Yeah thats what i thought shut up
- Adam Sandler

tylerjuddy replied 3284 days ago

Most arrogant kunt ever


tylerjuddy replied 3286 days ago

sht at mins

the best *

tylerjuddy replied 3286 days ago

Hey $exy

hello :)

tylerjuddy replied 3286 days ago


good app

tylerjuddy replied 3583 days ago

Do you have big bunns?

Yes I have large buns

tylerjuddy replied 3583 days ago

How's life mate


tylerjuddy replied 3583 days ago

Why are you friends with Richard ware, all the boy does is talk **** about you and tara yet your still his friend doesn't make sense to me?!

Hes a really good kid honestly, makes some poor choices sometimes and he doesn't hate tara hes obsessed but yea talks his fair share of **** but everyone does

tylerjuddy replied 3583 days ago

The last thing you bought ?


tylerjuddy replied 3584 days ago

best and worst foursquare players?

best is alex by far then Richard George and simm dog and myself then jimmy and luke and Jacob then Oscar and keenen then will then tanner then nicky g then chad then stevo :P

tylerjuddy replied 3584 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?


tylerjuddy replied 3587 days ago

A memory you want to forget ?

losing flags in either footy or cricket

tylerjuddy replied 3590 days ago

What is your nickname ?

till, teal, tail, juddy, tightarse tile

tylerjuddy replied 3594 days ago

You get jealous of peoples sporting ability due to the lack of your own.

whos this? im delighted too see how much of a fool you are I honestly am jealous of no one I respect people who deserve to be respected but if your a gun your a gun ill tell you your a gun but if you a bloke who hits 100 in a **** grade of cricket I don't care if your a bloke who kicks goals against low teams in a game of footy or if you score 40 in d grade basketball you don't deserve respect and also I bet you are a ******** at everything that involves sport if not good on ya :)

tylerjuddy replied 3594 days ago

You speak like a ****head haha

English language is ****ed aye, your a hero haha

tylerjuddy replied 3595 days ago