Hello ;;)
I miss you too
Bye x caralotter
186 days later and not too different :) mwah!
Dink jy jy is 'n player ?
nee ek is net soms deurmekaar
Joh jammer ons almal kan nie sulke players wees ni 20 !!!!!!!!
Haha lol nah 20 is belaglik :P
BOOM!! Hei Reinie!! Guess who!!!;) die girly wat saam j put-put gejol het!!!:P
Maar dis so 20 girls?
Reiny weet nie of j weet wie Ek is nie, maybe het j n idee!! Wil j saam my matriekafaksied toe gaan? Groete «T»
Ek weet nie wie jy is nie maar ek doen nie die matriek afskeid ding nie sorry
Hmmmm Yes I think we should do it ;)
13.36m!!! Congrats! How do you feel?
Awesome thanks :)
Guessss whoooo :P???
Ahh Tom:)
Yes :) the one that u saw that's always there!
Do you see any stars tonight?
I do :) I hope you are one of them
Reinhard :D
Ek glo dis my naam daai :P
Ek wens jy het van my gehou ):
Ek wens ek het geweet wie jy is :?
Why is it that when someone tells you that there's billions of stars in the universe,
you believe them. But if they tell you there's wet paint somewhere you have to touch it?
Mostly because the evil elves of Santa's evil twin brother have altered our minds in such a way that we have really weird trust issues
Why does mineral water that has trickled through mountains for centuries
have a use by date?
Because anything that goes through man's hands get's a use by date
Why is there a light in the fridge but not in the freezer?
Because the probability of you opening the freezer in the middle of the night is pretty much zero
Why is it called alcoholics anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say
"hi, my name's Bob. I'm an alcoholic"?
Because calling it alcoholics distinctive would not work
If a bird eats a frog and chokes to death, then who killed who?
I'd say the bird killed itself by accident
Where are Chinese gooseberries from?
As far as my knowledge goes, New Zealand
Of course I no hw to play tennis, question is do u no hw to??
And so do I :P
Ek dink nie die persoon weet hoe om tennis te speel nie? ;)
Haha ek dink die persoon doen lol
Rein weet jy dat ek baie van jou hou? P.S. 23 slapies =D angie.13
Ek weet :) en het jy geweet ek hou baie van jou? P.S. jys te awesome :)
Raised eyebrow
Are you that clueless
Let's play tennis...:D
Yeah :D! U supply the rackets and I the balls?
Caralize van der Schyf
Reiny.... As Cara single was, sy jy haar wou date?
Hang af watter Cara maar die een wie ek dink jy van praat nee!
I can be juliet and u can be my romeo!!
Maybe but I prefer to stay alive :P
Reiny jy is blerrrryyyyyyy hot. Will u marry me?
Hehe baie dankie :)!!! Trou? Ek kan nie so ver in my future in dink nie!
Ek vra nie ek se: Jy's die rede hoekom ek elke dag met 'n glimlag wakker word* en ek hoop die kersfees geskenk waarvan ek gepraat het gaan uitwerk :) mwah!
Awww jy is te oulik :) mwah!*
Wat wil jy vir kersfees he?
Om die dag saam 'n ongelooflike spesiale mensie te spandeer :) - "@ll I w@nt for christm@s is you!" - MCR
Reinhard jy drink baie *exier koffie op die oomblik so Barney hoef nie te worry nie. Sy blaarslaai is sy blaarslaai. Iemand met maniere praat met jou face to face en nie op 'n anonymous site nie.
Hehe dankie :) mwah!*
Reinhard verbeel ek my of hou jy nie van slaai nie? ;-)
Nee glad nie eks allergies daarvoor!
Jaja klink nie so nie. Klink of jy haar gat soen!!!! Sy is freaken *exy, *exy genoeg vir n ou soos Berney!!! N ou met maniere!!
Kry maar bietjie jou feite reg! En as jy dink ek het nie maniere nie ken jy my glad nie!
Reinhardt sover ek weet het Caralize n ou? Ek bedoel wtf my ou!!!!!! Hou op in ander mense se slaai te krap. Berney gaan vir jou hard bliksem!! Hy en Caralize is ment 2 be!!!! So vokof my bra!!!
Hori ek stel nie in Caralize belang nie! Ek is dol gelukkig met iemand anders!
People who write in english x_x... Who do they think they are mxm
Hmmm I rate people who write in english? :P haha uhg dat sounds :'(
If you could fix things between you and any girl who would it be ?
Uhm no one in my past so far there hasn't been anyone worth fixing things with
Was jy al ooit regtig lief vir iemand ?
Ja ek was.
If you could only save 2 girls in a fire which two would it be you can't say anyone in your family?
That depends but at the moment I'd say Cara and Anjalise
If you could chose anybody with who would your perfect relationship be with?
unfortunately that person's name must remain anonymous all I can say is that she is truly amazing!
Met wie praat jy die meste met op bbm?
Het jy geweet jys AWE!!*
hehe thanks :)
Is jy bang vir goggas en spinnekoppe?
Ja dis duiwelse goed daai!
Hoekom mag jy 'n das kry en ek nie? ek belowe ek kan doen wat jy doen.
Want ek is die een wat die actually doen!
Ma as j sulke pragtellings kan moker hukom sit j elke game an di kantlyn?
Want ek doen dit van die kantlyn af
Wats ju hoogste telling vidi witkolwe?
as ek reg onthou 388 kon 387 ook gewees het
:p.... Your awesome hope you no that :)*.... <--- wasn't really a question more of a statement x_x... Oh well:) okay am gonna leave x_x... Bye... Ps: stay awesome :)
hehe dankie jy is ook flippen AWESOME :-]
Hey, die is Daniël maar ek wil graag anoniem bly.
ok deur middel van die wet van radio sonder grense bly jy anoniem
Do u like blondes or brunettes more?
Is jy ooit spyt oor van jou ex meisies dat julle nie meer saam is nie??
ja in 'n geval of twee heavy spyt!
Who's your latest crush?? :)
Mara aka Marlize
Who are you dating currently
Dating meaning? But I'd say Mara
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
No idea :?
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Running, shooting, living