What place did you come in the form last term
I hate you
You are the people that inspire me without you i wouldnt be getting top grades
Do you have a sister
Yes and dont ask for her number coz im mot gonna send
( for future reference if u want her number dont ask me or tell me to tell her you said hi coz i wont and please tell all your friends to stop bothering me)
Would you ever date me
Who's me
Hey ricky wats your name
Oh my?
Im at a loss for words
Plans for 2018?
Ya theres a lot
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
No no i walked into the glass door thinking it was open
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
Put my moms phone on the charger but forgot to switch it on
I saw you in town today by sk
What do you mean i never left the house??
Hello i just wanted to say i really like you?
Thank you
I loooooove your laugh ???
Thank you☺
What do you want to be when you are older?
Can i have your number
I dont know can you?
Sending dots is my thing
Nxa manje i got the homework, neanderthal ? m.u._.k.u
I was gonna send
Not today but i was gonna send?
Dream job
Robotic engineer/Programer
Do you still stay in blues
Whose the best sibling ok ut there??
Who want to see my nudes? tinyurl.com/wwsewxx donitasq818
How desparate can you get?
Hi! If you want to pull me on your stick, then message me where we can meet. Message there joy18cutegirl.men cherie3u850
U need help
welcome to best double an*** fisting site bit.do/xxgirls mayra0h513
Dont u have friends
Looking for serious relationship that will lead to marriage chilp.it/afcd9d5 jamiexs752
Cool story but i never asked
Do you want to see me?:) alturl.com/5p72a kristaev724
Get a life
You want me? I'm here jxhotbox.info sarah94571
Dont u have anything better to do
Do you want to see me?:) xsweetxxhot.info alicer4116
U skeem u heavy but all these cory oans u hang with fail with school coz they good at sport but u not so when they make their money they wont share with u so u will bebroke
Well u can come and weave me punch me or what ever and im not gonna fight or anything but in the end u know im actually tuning the live
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
My bike
What happened to your leg
Osgood schlatter
Look it up
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
You cant balance the light switch right in the middle. No matter how hard you try
Hey i think ur cute ??
Thanks ?
What Mood Are You in Right Now?
Describe Your Bestfriend?
Who is your best friend ?
You? . Who ever is asking??