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A midget getting out of a pimped out smart car. No joke.
Walked to another construction site just to destroy there porta potty. (True story)
Huehuehue... Pingahs
Haven't weighed my self in about a year xD
Dani who o.O
Now who the hell is a this xD
The fact he loves too much ****
Would love too younger.
Some dumb slag. She knows who she is
Mothers boy for sure. Anyone hurts her I hurt them.
Too many to count..
How about this. Man up. Send me a message instead of needing to hide behind anon. How can I be classed as a lay about when I do everything I can? Work whilst juggling my health isn't easy. I barely get a chance to be myself. I'm doing everything I can do for my child. And even more. So please. By all means. And I beg you. Let me know who you really are. :)
Could only be one of two people
I got it given to me. Thought it would be fun to do up. Turns out money is more important at the moment.
Why yes. Yes I have
Personal things. Sorry
That's a good one. Maybe I should. Or maybe I shouldn't care? It's more or less my own Facebook page. If I want to I will c:
Because I do? I like having the feeling of being wanted around me
I'm not sure if you've got me confused with the me of 3 years ago
Oh I'm great
And you've got a tic tak ****
If I was a v8 supercar racer. I'd be Mark Plebber
No :(
No lies. Doodlebrain
Maybe I wanted it ;-;
No love :(
I'm not a poo head you poo stain ;)
Why do people stay anon D:
Yes. Anon. :)
Will then inbox me? Lol
Uh. Thanks lol
Obviously one in a million shot. And she does not have a reputation for cheating. So don't be a drama queen. I've known her longer then you think.
I dont ignore anyone. If someone messages me I do my best to reply. If I don't then my apologies.
Haha. What's the point in that exactly?
Not answering that.. lol
Haven't thought about or even concidered hanging around the city for a good couple years. Comes with growing up.
You can still add me to kik. Just no funny business. :)
I actually have a girlfriend. I wouldn't and couldn't be unfaithful. Sorry to burst your bubble
Ofcourse I have kik lol. Swing me by your user and I'll add you :)
I don't have But thankyou?
Those days s*cked bad haha
If someone treats me nice I'll treat them nice. If someone treats me like ****. Then well. That's how I'll treat them. Simples