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Jerome Makalio Jackson


Ask/tell me anything you want. :)

75 Replies

They ugly couple lel

Yeah your mum & dad is.

Romeyy97 replied 3704 days ago

did Tumu and Stella breakup??

They were never together hahahaa

Romeyy97 replied 3704 days ago

thoughts of your sister and tumu being together?

there not even together hahaha.

Romeyy97 replied 3704 days ago

thoughts on me nowc ****yyy nitaaxx

Well I actually don't even like you. Neh hahahahahahaha nah I like hanging around & Kiera use are just a good vibe. Best person to dance with at a party, show errrbody our deadly moves while errrbody else does their shake-a-leg hahaha. Nah I miss you too dawwwggg.

Romeyy97 replied 3705 days ago 2

Thoughts on me dog. X maggie.dowdy01

I ****ing love you c'unt. I love being around ya, your just a good vibe. Need to go to a party soon ASAP! I hope you don't be moving away from me & Stella & Taylee hahahaha. Nah I love everything about you c'unt, sleep over at mine soon. x

Romeyy97 replied 3706 days ago 1



Romeyy97 replied 3707 days ago

You know you want her dead too

Nah bruh, she's one of my friends. The only person I want out of this world is you bruh.

Romeyy97 replied 3707 days ago 1

Please go kill yourself then Jess hunter :)

Maybe you should, because you are no longer wanted on this earth. Hahaha

Romeyy97 replied 3707 days ago 1

Here's a little fact for you: if you tell someone to go kill themselves then it is considered encouraging suicide and you can get fined $25,000 and 10 years in prison. If they actually commit you can be charged with manslaughter. jesshunter


Romeyy97 replied 3707 days ago

I find it funny how they're still trying to use your name and still continue to use the very offensive word 'abo'.. Do they not know that no other aboriginal will call another aboriginal 'abo'.. lol Sienna.yo14

I find it funny also^^

Romeyy97 replied 3708 days ago 1

Go kill yourself I'm back ;)

Nah I'll be alright. Hahahaha

Romeyy97 replied 3708 days ago

So who's the person sending the qoohmes :o

Not naming, because I could be wrong.

Romeyy97 replied 3708 days ago 3

My god you are so *exy honest, if only you new who I was.
How old are you?

I'm 17 bruh.

Romeyy97 replied 3708 days ago

You people need to get a life and stop using this dumb **** to bully my cousin if you have a problem with him have the balls or ladyballs to say it to his face


Romeyy97 replied 3708 days ago 2

radiate positive vibes anon, get some positivity and sense into you. being "black" doesn't make you any less of a person, but having such a small mind and inconsiderate behaviour makes you less worthy paying attention too.


Romeyy97 replied 3708 days ago 1