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Maggie dowdy


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68 Replies

I just read them all and I havnt sent jacc to you Maggie Maikajf

Okay maika

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3698 days ago

Hahaha one of the boys said you tried to f**k oli but you were tight so you cried to him to do it another time ;)

god you mildura/robinvale people love to talk **** and believe obvious rumours i love the stupidity !

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3698 days ago

Come on guys.. How the fudge did it go from 25 to 40??? People these days gotta stop talking that mak... And who ever is saying she looks like a while.. You must've mistaken her mom.. Because I was with this cutie last night.. Peace ✌️


maggie.dowdy01 replied 3698 days ago

Oi disrespectful c*nts ! Calling someone whale just isnt cool and even tho me and magz broke up I'll still have her back... Whoevers sending this must be a long neck giraffe with a body of a hippo and some big as$ saggy t!ttys. Poasi.bruh

This guyyyyy

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3698 days ago 2

Or I just know all about yours ;) it's all good baby. It'll come out looking like the stink from your whale of a body

Or you think you know all about mine ;) ahaha you dont know **** stop wasting your time and your insaults are getting old go google some more **** face.

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

That's what they all say ;)

You must experience some ****ty as* relationships ;)

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

Believe what you say, every relationship has a secret if you know what I mean ;) HAHAAHHAHAHA You don't know a lot

Thats stupid your not meant to have any secrets in a relationship.... duh.

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

HAHAHAHA Funny how your angus aśs believes when a guys talking shît to you

Funny how your ratchet as* believes when a guy is talking **** about me. Get your jealous hoe as* up out of here.

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry you're a shít hook up . All the boys said you did that night HAHAHAHAHA

Aw really? because i was with one of the boys lastnight and he defintley didnt say we hooked up and when i told him about these rumours his exact words were "what the **** " soo caught out there sweetie

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

Oli said that you're one of his worse hook ups? Not surprised how you stink and all HAHAHAHAHAHA

I think hes got the wrong person then AHAHAHAHAHA I dont stink **** its your own smelly breath blowing back into your face

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

HAHAHAHAHA 40 Year old ? He's old enough to be your dad HAHAHAHAHAHA

AHAHAHAHAHA old enough to be yours to apparently ;) if you know what i mean

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

What's the difference between you, Taylee and a Whale? You two are ten pound heavier

You are so crack up ! oh my gosh, laughed for days

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

Hey there maghie i hope you are alright this Qoohme's are getting out of hand.

As if you would be talking to a 25 year old they got it wrong your talking to a 40 year old stupid people

Exactly! ****! 25 is just to young not my type need to bump up the age a little more people!

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

Hey guys.. Um maggie is not talking to a 25 year guy, she's talking to me! So yeah, stop with the rumours please. Can't yous just rest your fingers for abit..?

Sincere: imaginary signature! Lol
Name: you know who this is! X

Thankyouuu bub! x

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago

She's not talking to a 25 year old guy..

^^ Aye

maggie.dowdy01 replied 3700 days ago