You are arrogant 😂
Thank you i dont think i am 🙈
Are you cut or uncut?
you still sell weed?
Pm me
I have a crush on you??
Thanks babe ?
Will your friend go to my ma?
Can I buy weed from you ?
Dm me
What is emilee to u?
Someone special ??♂️
Are you and emily a thing ?
Do you like emily
Who is asking?
Caring about you will always be my greatest fault
Im sorry
Message me
Biggest regret?
Not spending enough time with my two best mates
You crushing on anyone ?
Not really eyy
Whats your ideal girl ?
Someone i can relate with
You are one amazing person
Thank you ??
Do you do shout outs ?
What's the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you
Been offered weed by a security guard?
Who are the prettiest girls on your contact list
Dean Thomas
hi, u can fund more my nude photos here - xsweetxxhot.info dawn3q700
Do u know what s*cks l liked you for 3 years and you never noticed me and problably never will
Dm me please ??
So who was the girl
Never gonna expose that?
Did you qoohme someone today?
I dare you to dm the one girl you have had feelings that never really went away
Last girl you had feelings for ?
I haven't caught feelings in a while ?
Who is werner wombo
My friend from hostel
How long have you known Dean for, is there a special bond between you two?
17 years
Who was the last person that you video called?
Werner Wombo
Anyone you ever really liked but never told ?
1 or 2
Any girl that caught your eye lately ?
Not really eyy
Let buy a puppy together ??
I rate?
Have you made out with anyone
Favourite hair colour
Brunette or black
Are you gay
Not a chance?
What colour eyes do you like ?
Blue or green
Nicola Sequeira?
Great friend
Why won't you add me back on snapchat ?
Just did
How did u n Dean meet
We were born 13 hours apart and our moms are best friends
Describe your tipe of girl~~~~~???
Don't really have a type
how old are you ?
hobbies ?
last relationship ?
closest friend (boy and girl) ?
who you into ?
longest relationship ?
pull or date ?
I've answered this already
Name 5 girls you like to chat with on whatsapp
I like to chat to everyone to be honest
Answer my snap
Haven't got any from you?
My motto use to be catch flights not feelings till l met you ?
Thanks ?
What's your snapchat?
Top ten girls you know ?
Don't really have a list?
why don't u post a lot
I don't know im just not liss to
Did Dean & Kars break up
Ye I think so
Kinda love you kinda hate you kinda wish l didnt know you
Message me
Anyone you wanna get to know better ?
A few
who you into ?
No one at the moment
vibing with anyone ?
Was but not anymore
how old are you ?
last relationship ?
longest relationship ?
hobbies ?
best friend ?
pull or date ?
Last year
1 year
would you pull a black chick?
Send dck pics plz Dean__
What did l do that you dont feel the same ?
What makes me so wrong for you that you wont even look my way ?
Message me
You vibing anyone ??
Ye kinda
What is the biggest way people waste money?
What is your favourite thing
The Power puff girls
You're kinda sorta cute
Thanks ??
what do you do for fun?
Go out with mates
What do u like doing more by yourself?
Who was your first crush ?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I own a lot