which college u joining after 12th, just thought of stalking u ;)
Inbox me your number and I'll text you when I find out ;)
SH226 replied
4397 days ago
You'll look beautiful in your saree, paka paka paka :* cuzimboss
Maaaaz :$
I'm wearing a suit remember?
Kiss kiss kiss :*
I'm committed :(
The f***s.
What? :P
SH226 replied
4424 days ago
No seriously what's your name
Johnny B|
SH226 replied
4425 days ago
Who are you?:S
A se*y beast :D
SH226 replied
4426 days ago
Ill helpp u decide
if its a girl
1) 16andpregnant
2) pimp as shi*
if its a boy
1) methaddict
2) phatphat
i tm the name meth lab einstein jr for my son
i also liked the name bigDic* but i dont think u have the genes for it cuzimboss
I didn't understand anything you said and I'm pretty sure you were typing and brushing your teeth with the same hand at the same :P
What would you name ur kids cuzimboss
Johnaaaay :D
SH226 replied
4441 days ago
Oh, so its not because your girlfriend uses it to inbox you? :P
That's like 5 or 6 only, the rest are by anonymous people who want to know everything about me :O
SH226 replied
4441 days ago
You've got approximately 95 unanswered questions in your Qme inbox. What do you have to say about that, Shamshad? :P
It's 'cause I'm so popular and people want to find out everything about me :D
SH226 replied
4443 days ago
How much has qooh.me helped you?
Hahaha, it has helped me to keep in touch with someone after I their pas*word xD
hahahaha f*** u remembered :P yes .. hi O:) :3
Hahaha, I still remember you freaking out :D
SH226 replied
4443 days ago
dude .. hi .. long time bro :D :P
u remember how you got me so freaked out .. when you came back from your chicken pox vacation .. and then u sat RIGHT beside me :P >.<
Kunaal? :O
SH226 replied
4449 days ago
What is that one thing you'd like to change about yourself?
I don't know what to say when and I tend to insult people a bit too much and even though I'll be joking, they might take it seriously :(
Have you studied enough for chem to get second highest?? InsertAwsmNameHere
No, I haven't studies enough but with my skills that'll be enough to kick your as* B|
SH226 replied
4450 days ago
dont u just hate it when u are trying to get some sleep in the night and ur mucus start talking to you cuzimboss
Actually, my spams talk to me about life, not my mucus :O
SH226 replied
4450 days ago
oh and I cant get your
smiling face out of my
head :( <3 cuzimboss
Adorable you <3
SH226 replied
4450 days ago
So you're the one asking everyone this? :O
Yes <3
Yes, I do <3
SH226 replied
4451 days ago
Someone asked me whether I've ever been friendzoned.... Thought about you </3 InsertAwsmNameHere
Hahahaha! I stopped it all before both of us ended up getting hurt :( </3
SH226 replied
4453 days ago
Go elope with whoever okay? :) AminaN
Nooo, I love you no? <3
SH226 replied
4454 days ago
What if your gf doesnt approve of our marriage? :(
We'll elope together :(
SH226 replied
4454 days ago
I love you. Will you marry me? :*
Yes :*
Who are you again?
SH226 replied
4455 days ago
It's no papa -.-
Okay, no papa :O
eating sugar?
Yes papa :O
SH226 replied
4456 days ago
when i said johnny johnny i expected a 'yes papa' :P
Umm, okay.
Yes papa :O
SH226 replied
4456 days ago
johnny johnny...
Don't call me that! I'm not worthy of that name :(
SH226 replied
4456 days ago
Is it true that all you want in life is to earn my approval? For me to think that you're cool? InsertAwsmNameHere
Oh shi*! Did the school counselor tell you? :/
I go to her office and cry talking about this all the time :'(
Do you love her truely? If not, can i have her? ;)
Yes, yes I do :)
No, you can't! She's all mine :3
admit it on weekends u
wear ur sisters saree and
put makeup lipstick and
shi* like that and stand
infront if the mirror and
call urself pretty cuzimboss
shi*! I do that :D
After that, I tear off my saree to expose my man thongs and spank myself :)
Ok, all that was a lie, buuuut, I did put on an abhaya and danced in front of my parents in august :$
I looked like voldermort (Y)
What's ur gf's name ?
Its a nice name :O
How bad is your gf?
She is pretty badas* :P
johnny bravo?
se*y guyy :D
SH226 replied
4457 days ago
i have a huuuuge crush on ur gf - im sorry...
Lol, its okay :)
I wouldn't blame you anyways :D
amina's thighs or venky's??
dont ignore it shammi!
None! Chicken thighs FTW
Please don't. We grovers really idolize you. And we wouldn't want to send the International Confederation of Grovers against you.
Ahh, then I shall let you kiss my as*.
what is the name of your mother's father's wife's daughter's husband's uncle's spouse's nephew's wife's cousin's nephew?
Rajnikanth :D
SH226 replied
4458 days ago
Looks like you're jobless. ^_^ AnishaTiwari
No, you're qooh.me page is tempting me :O
Sir, will you please be the Chief Guest for our Annual Grover Festival? We would be delighted if you accept.
Sorry, I've got to attend Anti Grover Meeting :P
SH226 replied
4459 days ago
need to stop hatin on gays .let them teach you how to dress cuzimboss
Are you recommending them to me? O.o
SH226 replied
4459 days ago
a kiss from venky or a knucle-punch from amina?? ;)
Knuckle-punch from Amina ;)
since the world is ending on 21st, will you be learning for physics full portion test we have on that day? InsertAwsmNameHere
I won't be learning for that anyways :P
You must have finished already right? Want to spend your final moments drawing a transistor :')
If the world ends this 21st, won't it be disappointing if the last most significant thing you did in your life was joining qoohme? #cyberstupidityshouldbemadeILLEGAL
Umm, no. That's not the last significant thing I did. The last significant thing I did was buying a pair of underpants :D
SH226 replied
4460 days ago
would ur gf mind if i took u on a date?
Depends on who you are :D
No double date? :(
Tell me who you are and I might :(
SH226 replied
4460 days ago
Who's Aboody? :O
An emarati :O
Are u serious abt ur relationship or time pas*?
I don't know :O
Lemme flip a coin and see :)
Are you gay?
Yes, very much :D
SH226 replied
4460 days ago
Kissed your gf yet?
Nope, do you want me to call you and tell you when I do? :P
Is it true can't say shi* to me in person?
See you at tuition, i will END YOU. InsertAwsmNameHere
Hahahahaha, you little wanna be :@
I'll make you cry when I see you in person you whining Bit**! :@
SH226 replied
4460 days ago
Lol, Johnny Bravo? :P
I liked his cartoons :D
Girls are being raped, children are being shot, mankind is being terrorized by Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Why don't you do something useful for the human race instead of indulging in wasteful activities like qooh me, you good for nothing piece of shi*?!
Soooo, why don't you do something useful rather than asking everyone the same question?
What did I do? :O
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
Anisha is awesome. You're just jealous. Admit it. :P
Hahahaha, good joke :'D
You're hilarious :)
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
Yeah, you are paying me all that plus 2dhs interest -.- and this time you have to pay :P
Hahahahahaha, I'll pay man don't worry :)
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
No, i am the chogi chogi boy :)
Damn! I heard Aboody wasted your 5 bucks :D
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
When will you start making sense? :O
I have a strong feeling you're Anisha :O
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
Oh god that was so lame shamii :O you really do s*ck xD
It was a good one :(
nYes, on your mom\'s boo* :D
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
Why are you so dumb? :O
Your mom hit me on the head with her boo* :(
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
dude daithu isnt replying to my qns .. He gets owned very fast dosnt he cuzimboss
You should try using text book language, the only one which he can understand (Y)
who is the se*iest black mallu you know? ;)
Vishaaak :*
Anisha is just so awesome, isn't she? :D
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
Anisha is just so awesome, isn't she? :D
Who are you? :O
I'm sure its not Anisha, 'cause even she know its not true :(
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
you have a gF !!!
woaaahhhh !!! since wennn ??????
congratzz :P
Ohkaaaay, whose this? :)
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
y do some superheros wer their innerwears outside ? o.O
Cuz they bought new inner wears and they want to show off :P
any limit to annoying a person ??
Depends on who the person is :)
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
wat is soo amusing about this qooh.me :p
Nothing, it s*cks. You don\'t join :P
SH226 replied
4461 days ago
What's up Johnny Bravo?! xD sanj_panda
Hiii Panda :D
How happy are you with her?
Very happy :O
I can't control it...
y does your gf talk to almost all guys in 12 th O.o
Umm, no she doesn't. She talks to me. If you have a problem with that, I'll ask her to stop ASAP
Can I talk to your mom then?
If Harry Potter has magical powers, then why the hell does he need to wear glas*es?
because to fix his eyes, he has to point his wand at his eyes but he can't see without his glas*es
SH226 replied
4462 days ago
No something better than Manoj?
SH226 replied
4462 days ago
Your So Hot! :O :*
Can I have your number? :$
Inbox me and you can :D
SH226 replied
4462 days ago
what do you think daituu jerks off to cuzimboss
Meat dissection videos screaming "I'm coming"
So can you suggested a better name? :(
How about Manoj?
SH226 replied
4463 days ago
Who do you think is the hottest girl in Adis 12th? ;)
Define hot :)
hahaha and what about 1D cuzimboss
D2 has a life size posters of all 5 1D members and he makes them sit around the table and makes up an imaginary conversation during dinner. His parents don't know what to do :(
hahha do you think he listns too jbs songs when he comes for morning tutz? cuzimboss
I don't think he listens to them, he sings them out loud
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
hahaha i bet he hasnt seen meat in his whole life..do you think he is a beleiber cuzimboss
I bet he hasn't seen meat too
Obv! Why do you think Baby was the most viewed video on youtube? He watches it from everybody's house
ohmygod u got an amazing joke and then u ruin ur humor with the next reply.. Loljk soo do you think adithyan is a true beleiver? cuzimboss
How dare you ask that!!
Adithyan is a pure believer, only veg, prays before and after every tution, does pooja to all his pens so that write very nicely during exam
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
shammi hats off .. That one made me rotflmao hahahhahhahah f*** amazing cuzimboss
I don't have a hat now, just my SWAG :(
do you accept maxwells theory about light being electro magnetic ? If soo why isnt that the drawing room lights cause disturbence when we watch tv cuzimboss
Yes I accept his theory because I'm the one who told him the theory....when we watch tv, light also watches tv so it doesn't disturb us
would you prefer seein bio lab asist in thongs or chem lab asist cuzimboss
Chem lab as*istan anyday
I heard he's good with the whip too
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
eyy dumaas* i ment cooks meth with bhow bhow ..sadak chod badG why does he envy you soo much cuzimboss
Lol then what! Then he and venki smoke it in their bongs and then venki corrects ur answer sheet and gets high.......he loves me too much..
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
do you thinl the chem lab as*istent cooks? Yea dont u wish u cud put that micro Dic* of urs into my nostrils with ur finger cuzimboss
Looool,he used to host the show "master chief tamil nadu"
Yes I wish but I have to find it first, Bhar g flicked a microscope from the bio lab so that I could find it, that's the first time I ever saw it :')
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
dont u wish ur girlfreind was hot like me .dont u wish ur girl freind was sweet like me.dont you wish ur girlfreind was se*cy like me.dontchaa ..dontchaa cuzimboss
Yes I do wish that you were my girlfriend instead of her :(
Your slu*iness and huge vag :(
And your BJs :(
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
no i mean in the nite..do you all the plants in adis grow legs and have sports day competition in the nite? cuzimboss
I heard they grow legs and haunt sharmaji for taking their brothers and wives for pollen germination :(
Sharmaji gives them algohol :O
But this IS my real name :(
That's a very sad name :(
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
Its my pet name ^^
Gay name :O
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
after the cleaners clean? cuzimboss
We make it dirty ;)
Well mr/miss anonymous sounds better anyday :P
Maybe 'cause you're ashamed of your real name :P
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
eyy bakchod!!
how you doin ;)
Sabathash! I'm doing good :)
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
Dic* why did u not amswer my qn? cuzimboss
Sorry, I won't repeat it again boss :(
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
Do you remember your days in 10th? Weren't you very naughty that time? :P
I was verryyy naughty and weird :P
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
Something better like Sherouz khan?
Naa, no one can beat that :P
SH226 replied
4464 days ago
Its me, Mrs/miss anonymous. :P
That's a weird name to name a child. Parents didn't think of anything better?
SH226 replied
4465 days ago
what do you think happens in our school after we leave? cuzimboss
Umm, cleaners clean?
SH226 replied
4465 days ago
Do you know that you're ultra cute?
Awww, stop it youu :$
Who's this btw?
SH226 replied
4465 days ago
baby bett pajeroo meii.. Tera happy burday banayenge chul bett pajero mei chul looong darive mei jaienge chul bett pajero mei cuzimboss
Johny ki badnam hooi, tere liya rachel roxx :D
SH226 replied
4465 days ago
Its better than that stupid camry which looks 20 years old :) i bet a toy car is better than that piece of shi*! :D
Lol you wish! The camry is customized with full on 1800000 horse power engine and nitro :D