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Britt Giles


hey baby

140 Replies

When was the last time you cried and why ?

Ermmmm dunno probably when someone punched me in the septum by accident when we were in bed on Saturday night.

Sailorstretched replied 3443 days ago

Ever masterbate?

What teenager doesnt???

Sailorstretched replied 3443 days ago

You havee huge boo*s and I'm jealous! >.< how big aree you? xx

None of ur beeswax

Sailorstretched replied 3443 days ago

Last person to hook up with?

Hahaha umm secret

Sailorstretched replied 3443 days ago

much secret

Well inbox me and if it's you I'll tell u lol

Sailorstretched replied 3583 days ago

Who's the certain someone ?

That's for me to know and you to not :~)

Sailorstretched replied 3584 days ago

Have *ex with me babe?

Not unless you're a certain someone :~)

Sailorstretched replied 3584 days ago

How many people have you slept with?

If you want to know you can inbox me, why would I tell the whole world how many people I've slept with, not that it's many bc it's not I just don't want the whole world to know **** like this

Sailorstretched replied 3589 days ago

Who's someone you've recently started talking too that you think is really cool, you can name a few though.?

Um Idk.

Sailorstretched replied 3604 days ago

who have you recently become close with?


Sailorstretched replied 3604 days ago

is lyndhurst a **** school?

It depends on how you veiw it. If you go into something thinking it's gonna be ****, it's obviously going to be ****. If you go into it thinking this might be alright you'll have a better time.

Sailorstretched replied 3604 days ago

favourite people at school and least favourite?

Teagan, nessa, yvette, taylor.

Sailorstretched replied 3618 days ago

How many kids do you want to have?

I'm not fussed, id love 2 or 3 though.

Sailorstretched replied 3640 days ago


Ily anon

Sailorstretched replied 3641 days ago

That josh scott guy

Nah, we've been good friends for ages!

Sailorstretched replied 3643 days ago