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Maths By Far!!
Eww, haha naa she is just amazing!! To be honest I didn't like her last year but this year I got put in her class and now she is one of my closest friends! She is sweet, funny, caring, gorgeous and I really feel like Eb & I have a connection!! We have lots of things in common and we have already had so many memories in just 1 term. Hopefully we become even closer this year (: (: x
Thanks Lilly ❤️ xx
Yeah you're me homie mannn
Depends who this is
The people I'm skyping with!
Wowowowowowowow Idek
Skyping me homies! ;)
Hey mannn ;)
Mum <3
Suit yourself! ^_^
Depends ;) Inbox me!
Thanks ;) But who is this????
You're just perfect Lilly!!! I love you <3 <3
Idek like robbing a bank or something!
Thanks ;)
Helloooo :))
Thanks ;)
I don't actually think I have watched a new released movie yet in 2014 but just yesterday I got hunger games catching fire, thor the dark world & bad grandpa so I'm just going to say them :P
Umm wot? Lel not much :)
Why YOU go penny? O.0
Dylharrrn! ;)
He knows who he is :)
Gabby is perfect!! I miss her so much already, she is gorgeous, funny & one of the the nicest year 8's I know! She has a cute laugh, the nicest smile and she just has the sweetest family. Love her <3
Pretty much the same as Madie Lee vv We always hung out at the pool and you can always cheer me up! We should catch up soon <3
I'm really glad that I have gotten closer with Madie! She is a pissa!!!! So nice, funny, outgoing, gorgeous and she's good to talk to! She has a great personality as well as a great smile & she has a good sense of humour. Glad I'm in her class this year :))
Totes! ;) xx
Don't be! I'm friendly :P
Inbox mee :)
Haven't met her yet but seems like an amazing chick! We have talked a couple of times and she is really nice & funny. She is really good to talk to and I look forward to meeting her :) <3
She isn't that bad now, I didn't like her all that much but I do now. She is pretty, funny and I want to get to know her better :)
You're* Haha it's taking him a while!
Aww I miss Ash, it's been so long since we have caught up! She is absolutely gorgeous, funny, good to talk to, so sweet and she has the best personality! I need to catch up with her soon <3
Haven't kissed a guy.......forever alone
Him <3
Summer Clothes! ^_^
It depends who it is...but quite a bit :P
Hahaha I actually don't even know buy a car, a caravan & I would save the rest to travel
Friends, family, baking & music :)
Anthea is one of the sweetest people I know!! She's absolutely gorgeous, she's caring, funny, outgoing & has a great personality as well as a great smile <3 x
No I'm not, are you crazee?
She's so nice, gorgeous, funny, good to talk to but I miss her!!
A person in year 9 :P
100000000000000000000000 ect :D Haha joking probably about 10,000!
Jamie, mum & Some friends! :)
I don't know probably Ally's birthday party this year, the best!!! ;)
Haha this kid named Ryan when I was in grade 1, we were so cute! :')
To many things to name to be quite honest!!
This chick is like one of the funniest people I know. If she isn't making you smile then she is definitely making you laugh!! She is a gorgeous girl and probably in my top 5 fave yr 8's she is out going, trust worthy and is great to chill with!!
Dylharrrn is my closest male friend in year 9!! He has the best sense of humour out of anyone I know and he can cheer me up in the click of a finger. Great person to talk to wether it's over Facebook or in person and Dylhands has a nice personality as well as a nice smile.
That's for me to know & you to find out! ;)