Se jou sister moet n qooh account oop maak??
Bel my ek lus jou???
Jys leterlik my crush??
dm wil dan weet wie jy is
Hkm het jy soo a lekke hol wil net dai sterre slaan terwyl jy op my sit nd ju ding doen??
You still friends with Kylan?
Jou hare lyk amazing in jou recent posts ???
Baie dankie??❤
Would u sit on my lap if u don't have a seat?
Who you??
Het jy 'n piece in Swakop?
Is it weird too like u, while im in a relationship???
Yes it is....
Wat is jou favourite bible verse?
Phil 4:13
Jy verdien net die beste. Moetie lat eenige iets/iemand jou onder kry nie. Moetie lat jou kroon af val nie meisie, Hou jou kop hoog ?
Baie dankie? ek waardeer dit opreg❤??
Kom los net liefde?❤?
Jy word verlang?boss?❄ Masnow
Taww miss you too ?⛄❄❄
Het jy iets ghad di nwk
Dankie mahn virjou hulp? Grayden
As ñ mens n qoooh account oopmaak hoe kan ek my link in bio kry???
Hoop jy kom reg
In my Bio op insta
Langsan qoohme is daar 3 dots besigeid druk daar en copy link...
Gaan daan insta toe
Settings bio en paste
Dink jy Kim Kardashian se sterre is real???Of isdt implants???
Net jou opinie?
Implants all the waaayyy
Wat is jou favourite song van Beyoncè?
Uuuhhh i would say irreplaceable ??
As jy moes gekies het tussen Nunu en Baryl???Wie sou jy kies?
Huls een mens so ek kani kiesi sorry????
Which local rappers/singer do u like,???
LSD all the way????
Would you cheat on your ou if it is really worth it?
Hkm ganj nie terug Bangkok tu? Dit ht gvul ek vlbly ook daar deur jou snaps?
Was mnti vir my nie?
Top 5 most attractive guys in Nam?
Nam is groot ????
So kan nie se nie
What made you happy today? 100+
Nothing ??
Missionary or Doggystyle?
hukm is jy so mooi?❤my fav IG person
@happy_soul_bby birdy22
ai jini sweety ❤
Jys tesweet dankie my blommie????
What church do you go to?
Aii j kan net op hou die selfde goed post watj nou post isit nou kama n theme??,ek wil jou ni unfollow ni ma asb
Unfollow my tog asb???
Waar study jy?
Unam distance ?
Waneer gan j terug bangkok toe?
Not going back?
Ht jy iemand of kan k maar viju DM???nd ietsi meer begin*
Ek het iemand ?
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
Played beer pong with my friends???
Nou etse girl. Wanneer sien ons jou dan weer op die catwalk. ? you are missed
Ai jini togies ek het nou eers modeling gelos .... ek sal try om n gig tekry in bangkok though hiers baie opportunities .... but for now studies first?
Wat maak jy in bangkok?
Jyt gese ek moet dm toe ekdit doen toe reply jy nie?
Uhm dm weer
Ken jy vir Grayden Basson????
What did your last relationship teach you?
Trust no one
Het jy al ooit in jou lewe gedink omte bekeer???
Hetjy iets teen gay people????
As dit oraait kan ons net mekaar leer ken????En ek hoop tog nie jy is van daai mense wat so vinnig judge nie want jy lyk soos ñ awesome mens?
Hey Weet jy ken my nie maar jy klink soos n awesome mensie en glo ook jy is super pragtig en beeldskoon ???mag ek jou nr kry asb sal jou eers DM stuur gee my net jou instagram?✌????of mors ek maar net my tyd om te vra ???
Lag nou hoe het jy bymy qooh uit gekom as jy nie my instagram naam keni
But ohwell
As dit oraait kan ons net mekaar leer ken????En ek hoop tog nie jy is van daai mense wat so vinnig judge nie want jy lyk soos ñ awesome mens?
Nothing wrong with that
Ek hou van nuwe vriende maam
En jysie maer nie Jys $exy???
Dankie ?
Kan is dAlk di naweek hang as jy in Walvis is?
Sorry man ek gaan donderdag whk toe
Next time?
Wanna sal is a kana kry om rerig te hang?☺️☺️
Uhm dm my en laatweet mant?
Waar bly jy?
Jy bly stil????
Tussen Cody Moller n Cj Van Wyk met wi sal j liewers hang?
Wie goed?
Is the lifestyle @the coast better thn the lifestyle in whk?
Most definitely ❤
Crush or something??
Here! So jy hang ook met daai moffie jong Fernil!
Firstly it's Phernol! Get your fcking spelling checked and secondly moffie??
Phernol is more straight thn you could ever hope to be!!
Miskien is jy die gay teef ini verhaal
What do you wish had never happened to you?
Wens k waa nooit gebyt van n hond nie en wens ekt nooit my enkel gbreek nie!
if there was one guy you could fck anytime and anywhere .. who would it be ??
Channing Tatum. ??????
You a Angel out of heaven?
Such a blessing?
Got guys praying to have you?
Mr X
Thank you Mr X. ?????
Sasha?? as die bene so lyk hoe proe die sop???
Omg for what baby? Im like omg u taste so good ? *DRRROOOOOOOLLL*
Lmklahhh nheee jyt my week gmk, ?????????????
I would reveal myself my darling... But you are on my face and im enjoying the taste... Sooooo im not going to let you get off ??
It is my pleasure sweety ? where are u from? I am 27... Do u mind chatting with me or do u feel im to old for u lol
Baie oud vir my....
Lol you welcome babycakes ? just want u to know that i think you are really hotttttt and i would soooo love if you sit your fiiiiine A$$ on my face ??
Lmklaah can you please reveal yourself, ?????
You got a hella cute smile though ?? adorable person ??
Thank you so much, ??
Such beauty ??
Such perfection ??
Thank you for the first part
Buttt dammmnnn that last part though
Jys rof, ????
Beautiful profile picture ? how old are you?
Thank you... ???
Im 19years old
I love your body its perfect???
Thank you sooo much, ???
Maar jy is pragtig en ek sou dit enjoy..
I wanna lick you dry baby???
Omfg, ????????????
Lol ek sou maar ek bq oud vir jou ?
Lol okay
Kan ek saam jou shisha rook..?
Dm my, ?
Can i see your t***..?
fck you!
What quote do you live by?
"Live life for today for tomorrow is not promised"
Ooooeeeeehhhhhh your body?your body says a thousand words??
Aii tgies x dn so maer lol....... But dankie hey :)
Bly j aleen he in whk?
Yes yes
What do you wish your parents understood?
That smoking shisha is okay??
U were the cutest gurl I've seen ever.... and Yu were also the cutest saterday night actually Sunday morning 30july in #tag..
No dout..
Taawww thank you so much ???
Waar bly jy?
Ek bly nou in swakop maar is eers in whk in
Gaan naweke huistoe* swakop toe*
Wat is shisha? Is dit pyp rook?
Yes yes ds pyp
Jys dan te mooii...???? Cammy1_2_3
Ai togies dankie baie blom???
Jy is net so pragtopig verby??
What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?
Smoking weed??
Ek prefer shisha?????
Last song you listened to ?
Why did you and Imad break up? You guys were so cute
Uhhmm it just didn't work out
We're better off being friends ??
My mooiste ks lief vjou so baie ???? Demzozo
Tawww dankie my babatjie???
Ek net so lief vijo❤❤??
Wat is j en Damien se storie
Friends thats it???
Hoekom moet jou hele lewe so social media wees???
Hoekom moet my lewe jou pla??
Hoe was hashtag laas naweek? rorak_
Dit was amazing ???
Jy wat mos maak asof jy nie n mens keni??
What do you think of Loransha?
N kapana date my nou asb ?? tamxbam_
Ooggg asb koms dun daai ding?
Fav Song?? Bino_
I'm the one ❤❤ Mr Bieber?
I see you've gotten thicker???
My ma se kos smaak lekker yaaas????
Is Aden ju baba?**
Nee my suster sin
Maar voel soos my eie?
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
Thoughts on Lilly
Nice mens
Ons kom al jare aan
Name your childhood friends and thoughts on them
Daars so baie
N kt die beste memories gmk smt hul
Soo hul is amazing ??
What would you do if you feared nothing
Sjoooee tbh i have no idea
Waar is dai meisie wat jy met altyd gehang het van jou straat
Julle was altyd close ma ek sien julle nie meer sam nie
Watse een ek het met 3 meisies gehang in my straat???
Waneer chill ons? Anfernee
We can do something on Friday ?
What do u like doing more by yourself?
Watching movies and eating ??
What bad habits do you want to break?
Swearing and my sarcasm ?????