Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
My birthday has already passed ?
Buying food ?
I'm feeling these questions are from the same person ya chat
That's chat
Friend secrets schhh
No thanks
Seeing other photographers work, my teachers and seeing their work and what they've created with what they know, going to school inspires me because I'm getting better everyday and I'm learning how to produce amazing photos everyday and producing photos for clients and seeing how happy they are with the work I've produced for them
I think my biggest inspiration would be seeing other photographers work and seeing what they can produce, going to school and knowing I can be that great one day
Hey there ;)
Castaway - 5sos
Not in Melton hopefully
None ya business
Message me off anon! Xx
Thank you ☺️
My photography
Don't chase after people, don't make an effort if they don't
Great right now
Wouldn't you like to know
Congratulations you know the first 6 letters of the alphabet
Don't go to school
Why do you?
Yea she's okay, don't really talk much anymore, only time we ever did was about family sht
You probs are too mate
lol k.
They all know what I think
They all know what I think
Why those names? Weird combination
Awe thank you!
I don't because I'm single af
No a robot cannot have a conscience because it is a machine and it is does not have the basic needs to have a conscience
18 most definitely because I can drive anywhere
I got my Ps before my brother
Uhh probs food
Maybe back to Paris again
Skills in the ****ing real world
No thanks
Making it to where I am and probs getting one step closer to getting my Ps
LOL None
My eyes
Coburn and Melton primary
Probs night changes, make it rain or till it's gone
I don't know I like my eyes
Raining, grey clouds and relaxation
Sons of anarchy
My vans or my black jeans
I'm pretty sure I've done this question so many times already but she is a good girl we had our differences before but I pushed that past because people deserve seconds chances but if they screw it up a third time they are done my opinion of her still remains the same I love her so much and she is one of my closets friends and if she were to ever stop being me friend I would still love her
For as long as I can
Maybe early 20s
Everything in my life my friends, family
Maybe America or near the beach still back at home
Tomorrow never dies or daylight
Hahahaha well your my best friend so I should know that
Torrrriiiii see how I know
Your a ***** but I love you
If you don't know - 5sos
I don't have a favorite they are all great guys but I am have calum and ash feels at the moment haha
Nothing because I'm single
If I'll ever achieve what I want in life
My camera
My eyes
Anytime I'm tired
Me and Renee are friends she pretty cool, me and Emily used to be really close but not anymore and Bianca Dosent really like me I don't know her personally so I don't have an opinion
Thanks Jord
Wow um thank you I'm free anytime
The thought of progressing in life but not achieving anything
We had an argument but it's forgotten now
Torri, ebony Pugh , ebony hobbs , Tiffany b , phoebe , Kaitlyn street
I have lots of friends but a few very close ones
We had our differences for a couple of years but we have put that aside and now she is like my sister, she is one of my best friends she is there for me everyday of the week whenever I need her.
Joshy Clarke Little chis Idk bout the rest
I don't have one friend that I would take a bullet for I would gladly take a bullet for all of them
Aww thank you x
Awww thank you xx