What's your favourite TV program
Teletubbies (jokes)????????
You are the most amazing beautiful supportive person I know love ya boo ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Awww thanks x
Your boo*s are massive DanCrame
Hahahaha what ya lying for ????
Thanks for last night I enjoy everytime we spend time together you walking any better
????? funny ain’t ya
Who u enjoy spending time with
Family and friends
I'm confused that ur confused about being confused I'm confused about being confused
What can I say I love confusing people ??♀️
Ur confusing
Well I’m confused that your confused about what I’m confused about which I’m confused why your confused about the message your confusing ????#iwin ????
Your one in a million babe a beautiful girl and an amazing girl always here if you need me ❤❤❤❤ Wiganw92
Always here for you to ??❤️❤️❤️
Would u help me lose my virginity
Who is this
What is your $exiest outfit
We need to talk more ❤❤❤❤ Wiganw92
Your an amazing beautiful young lady and I want you to know your not alone I'm only ever on the other end of the phone or a message away if you need me babe Wiganw92
Awww thanks ?
What should people stop buying?
With we was closer but you know I'm always here for you Wiganw92
Awwww ain’t u little cutie ? I’m always here for you ?
Nice t*** ????
Errrm thanks ?
I am truly saying this from my heart you are an absolutely beautiful girl and you're hot and whenever you smile you look even more beautiful
Who’s this pop up
Hope you can learn to forgive me
Pop up I’m sure we can sort summit out life to short to fall out
My best friend it lush ❤️
Nothing on you ?
Would you prefer to stand your ground and fight for what right or walk away
Would never walk away from something I thought was right and yea I would stand my ground and fight for it
Plans tonight
Chilled night you
Can’t wait for are weekend away
Sammmeeesss girls weekend nowt better
s*ck me toe
Nah ya alright
Favourite music
Guess it depends what mood I’m in to what I listen to
Not many nice comments on here
Never is ?
What size are your t***?xx
Wouldn’t you like to know
If you could turn back the clock to change something what would it be and why
Never to meet half my exes
What did your last relationship teach you?
How to spot a fck boy
You get all these comment about you been lush yet your minging who the fck would date you
Why you such an attention seeker
Love it
You are fcking gorgeous
Pop up so I know who you are
Would you ever date me ? Xx
Pop up so I know who u are
If you could travel the world with one person who would it be and why
Dan because I couldn't see my self traveling with anyone else he would literally make the whole trip a one to remember
Your minging
So you shtface ??❤️
What ya doing
Chilling wbu
One person you want to be with but can't have
Who this
If you could have one wish what would it be
To have them special people back in my life
I popped up and u ignored me so
Who this
You swallow
Who's this ??
What colour knickers do you have on
Do yo ever send any $exy pics of yourself hun? Xx
Who is this ?
How big are your boo*s?
Now now that would be telling
Thought I was yr best mate obvs not?
Pop up
U wanna fck ?
I don't even know who you are ?
your gorgeous
Aww thanks pop up so I know who you are
Can I get your number please xxxx Slspoon27
Pop up
Remember the first time I met you, made me smile and laugh give me hope to fall in love again maybe I shouldnt have told you how I felt but Im glad I did wouldn't change that for the world maybe one day thing can be different
Aww I know who this is hehe and u shouldn't bottle things up it good to talk about things and I will always be there for you
If u could go back and change one thing what would it be and why
I wouldn't change anything because it in the past and you learn from it
What your biggest fear
What your biggest regret
Letting that special someone walk away
Have have a nice pair ?
Errrm thanks
Why u such a moody btch
That just me ??
Who your lad best friend
Dan Paul
What the one quote you live by
Live your life like there no tomorrow
Well hello there anonymous
Do you want kids if so how many
Yeah 2
Who your roll model and why
It role and my mam
Who your favourite person and why
My nana and because she truly amazing
If you had to choose money or love what would it be
Why you attention seeking
Love attention pal ???
Your $exy af
Why thank you ??
What your number one rule in life
F*ck the haters
Who your lass best friend
Tracey Kayleigh Sam grace Gemma
Hi ugly ?
Well hello there
What will you never ever do again?
I would say drink but we all know that a lie ?
Would u let me get u pregnant xxxxxx
Why u remove me then re-add me again DanTheMan24
I didn't remove you and readd you what happened was my phone ended up resetting it self so I lost everything and had to redownload everything so it was a new pin that I had
If you could get back with an ex who would it be and why
I would never get back with an ex there exes for a reason
I'd absolutely ruin you ???
Haha u wish u could
Why don't you talk much
I do talk
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
Would probs have to be jam like used to try and like it for my nana sake cause that all she made for breakfast was jam on toast hahah
If you could have one wish what would it be and why
To bring back lost family so I could tell them how much I love them and never let them go again
Where your dream home
What your dream car
Range Rover
Name 5 people that the closest to you and why
Tracey Kayleigh Jason dan grace
Cause there always there for me when I need them the most