I’m dipsy who are you ???
Tinkie winkie
Hey hey are you ready to play ?
It's time to come and play with the tweenies ,????
If you could be with one girl who would it be and why
Michelle Keegan ??????
Hi you ok
Fine thanks you :)
Do you prefer cats or dogs
Both tbh
Would u take me back if i asked you
Considering I don't know who this is I can't answer that
How you feeling
As good as I can feel
Here if you need to talk you’r a good friend
Thanks ?❤?❤?❤
Do you still have a fetish for Boys in pink thongs ?
No you freak
We all know you love every girl going. Massive head fck
Do you like anyone as more then a friend on your snap
Who do you fancy
They know ????
Who do you love
Answered this
Who do you love
I dont have a heart apparently so i cant love
What colour pants have you got on ??
Oi oi Tony the turtle ??
Are you single
Why dont you pop up and ask me
Do you have videos of you having $ex with lady's?
No ??????
Do u have a gf
Pop up and ask
Your amazing don't change for no one always keep your chin up
Thanks ❤❤❤❤
You're sweet kind funny cutie down to earth
Awwwww whos this pop up ????
Nope just leave it u have a gf
Just tell me
No point
Please just tell me who you are ???
It don't matter cause your with someome so i have no chance
Just tell me who you are please
Close enough for u to be mine
Just tell us who you are lol
Well like I said I think I no what ya gunna say
And considering you wont tell me who you are how close are we
Just tell me here u don't need to no lol cause if it's what I think ya gunna say then I already no so just tell me
Im Not putting it on a website sorry
Now why would I do that ha
And y ya head mashed???
Because if you love me you would want me to know who you are and pop up and il tell you why
With out saying names u speak to me alot
Just pop up please because my heads mashed
I have
On bbm so i know who this is
I fancy you
Pop up and tell me then
Your hot as fck ?
Im not but thanks :)
Spill lol
I don't spill i sip ?????
What's ya favourite thing while having $ex
Do you like Nikki??
Me and Nikki are close friends
Should meet up ? n tlk more
Who is this
You do realize your always going to be fall on guy girls love that your The one who's always there to pick up the pieces ?????
Ok then ????
If she likes you and you like her fight for her
When. She tells me she likes me I will
Why don't you fight for this lass
Scared of getting hurt
You sure on that one ☝️
What made you fall for this lass
Her cuteness she loving caring kind beautiful
Who do you like pop up and tell her ❤
Who is this
Who do you really love
When you pop up or stop hiding your self il tell you
Why can't you be honest with that one lass and tell her how you really feel then just sitting back and not telling her
The one lass I do care about knows my feelings towards her
Love you blue eyed monster
Who is this pop up ????
Honest opinion of me 2133574
Really need to ask
Why dnt u talk anymore
Would help if I knew who you was
Who do you really love
My self because I'm a big headed selfish ****
Why do you like fcking with lass heads
This is getting old now
Why do you like fcking with lass feeling
Your fcking obsessed
Tell menu I get all the slow ****s ????
Hey you guys
F*ck the haters your amazing i love you your gonna know who this is but hey ho lol
Thanks but who is this
Why are you such a twat!
Am I ????????
That much of a **** even your family bullies you ?????
Awwwww thank you
U shld b mine n pop up on wtapp
Oh really now ??????
Ok guessing u do haha
U clearly don't if ya chatting up next girl
Do u have a crush on any one and if so who
That would be telling ????
Nope just telling u the truth u never wanted her
If you say so
You never loved her anyway you just said that never really wanted her and you still can't admit it
Are you that bored
Key board warrior haha funny u are u have no right to tell me what to do u play lasses and ya ex who just left ya had a lucky escape
I no u played her u don't another lass u loved and wanted her then telling ya ex you want her and only her I seen it all you say one thing to her and then tell about her lass ya single when ya with her wtf your a player and u can't even admit it
Instead or being a keyboard warrior hiding behind annom show who you are ????
You single or taken
I'm me you either like it or fck off
Jenni who's Jenni just cause u play lasses all the time that's why your ex left you cause u played her telling her u love when you don't u just played her for a fool like all the others three different lasses that I no of u played ya ex had a lucky escape
If you say so
You used to be a lad i could talk anything about now ur jus a stranger yav changed
I've not changed just got a jot going on maybe if you pop up we could talk about it
Why do you liking playing girls
Why you obsessed with my life
Your sweet asf kind hearted ??
Awww thank you ????
Play lasses all the time and ya ex gf ya played her to
Hi Jenni you bored
Why do you like fcking with girls heads
Awwww you that bored
Your the biggest player I no
That's nice
Why u packing your bags
Pop up to me not saying on this
Do you like Claire
If claire wants to know that Claire can pop up and ask me her self
We Should tlk more
Pop up then
Hw would u feel if u woke up next 2 me 2133574
Wonder how the hell I got to Wales
If were we alone what would u do to me for the wgoke night xxx
Nothing your annom and that's just odd
Jellous btches be hating on you Christopher just remember aim for the moon even if you miss you will land among the stars dude
I'd recognise that quote everytime thanks titch ❤❤❤
Your going to die alone with a broken heart how does that make you feel
That's fine dont set your expectations too high not got far too fall
How does it feel knowing every girl you get close to is going to rip your heart out after they get what they want from. You
Thanks for that ???????? but after a certain amount of time you just go fck it and leave them to it there loss I'm nothing special but if they can't except the fact I've been there for them then they don't deserve my hate towards them either
Haha haters gonna hate ? Shazza_p1212
Yeah but next person who brings little one into it is getting drop kicked
Why you like fck girls about
Who the girl you like
I won't be answering that on a website
Is there anyone u like at the moment
What your perfect woman
Nice eyes nice smile nice personality
Love talking to you since I had u back ? on bbm wtapp n sc bt ill nvr gt u? 2133574
Talk to me on bbm not over this
Have you got Snapchat
I do pop up on bbm if you want it